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Since so many foods ate loaded with antioxidants, you really don't need to take supplements anyway. The quickest way to get vitamin C, for example, is to have a glass of grapefruit juice, an orange, or a half-cup of sweet ted peppets, each of which provides more than 100 percent of the Daily Value (DV). For beta-carotene, deep green or bright orange fruits and vegetables are your best picks. One sweet potato or large carrot delivers between 12 and 15 milligrams, slightly more than the 6 to 10 milligrams that experts recommend we get.
The one problem with vitamin E is that it's hard to get the necessary amounts without taking supplements. This is because vitamin E is found mainly in high-fat foods, such as corn, cottonseed, and peanut oils. But it is possible to get vitamin E without the fat by eating more wheat germ. A quarter-cup of wheat germ has more than 7 international units of vitamin E, about 27 percent of the DV. Almonds, mangoes, and whole-grain cereals are also good sources of vitamin E.
The women who got their vitamin E naturally—solely from food—had less risk than women who were also taking vitamin E supplements. The problem with vitamin E is that it's difficult to get the DV of 30 international units from food alone. In fact, the only foods with a lot of vitamin E are high-fat cooking oils and nuts, which you don't want a lot of. Cherries are one of the better food sources for vitamin E. Finally, cherries contain a compound called quercetin.
But as far as taking extra supplements, you should stick with those that have been studied extensively and proven safe in long-term clinical trials. Those are vitamins C and E. Everything else should come solely from food." Appendicitis The Fokce of Fjber^ D liesearchers have wondered for years why appendicitis is relatively rare in places like Africa and Asia, while in the United States it's extremely common, affecting between 7 and 12 percent of people at some time in their lives. What are we doing wrong?

Miracle Cures: Dramatic New Scientific Discoveries Revealing the Healing Powers of Herbs, Vitamins, and Other Natural Remedies

Jean Carper
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The treatment then encompasses options of conventional therapies, including surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, plus a range of unconventional therapies, including nutrition, based on a macrobiotic, vegetarian, or ¦ 1AC m fish-vegetarian diet, and supplements of vitamins, minerals, botanicals, whole foods, phytochemicals, and other agents with documented scientific validity. Nutrition is but one of seven components of his therapy. Foremost is conveying hope, giving the patient a positive attitude, a passion for life, the idea that "you can fight for your life." Next is proper medical care.
It was an unprecedented cancer intervention study, and it bumped up the respectability of using supplements against cancer several notches. Specific research also shows that a macrobiotic-type diet can fight cancer, according to Dr. John Weisburger, a noted cancer researcher, now at the American Health Foundation and formerly at the National Cancer Institute. After reviewing research, he concluded that such restricted plant-based diets can starve cancers, suppressing their growth. In particular, he cites a 1993 study by James P.

Conscious Eating

Gabriel Cousens, M.D.
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In my research and clinical experience, I've found that there are several major physiologic systems that determine how food and supplements affect our homeostatic mechanism to bring health and illness. The two most significant are 1) the oxidative system (fast, slow, and mixed oxidizer) and 2) the autonomic system, comprised of sympathetic, parasympathetic, or balanced. The third major system I use is the Ayurvedic.

Miracle Cures: Dramatic New Scientific Discoveries Revealing the Healing Powers of Herbs, Vitamins, and Other Natural Remedies

Jean Carper
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She still follows a "mostly macrobiotic" diet—grains, beans, vegetables, nuts, seeds, some fish, no meat, and very little sugar—and continues to take specific supplements recommended by Dr. Block. NANCY'S MIRACLE "They Thought I Was Already Dead" The first place the cancer appeared was in her right breast. At age forty-seven, in 1989, Nancy Loewen-berg had the breast surgically removed. But the cancer had already made its secret moves, invading her lymph nodes. It was quiet for five years.

Conscious Eating

Gabriel Cousens, M.D.
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Assimilation Aspects of Withdrawal Isuggest that synthetic supplements should be used with the awareness that assimilation involves a dynamic interaction between our bodies and the forces in food. Because of this, we should be cautious concerning the idea that all we have to do to get our nutrients is to mechanically load the system with high-potency, synthetic nutrients. Although there is not hard data to prove it, the indiscriminate, excessive use of high-potency, synthetic nutrients may act more as a stimulant and may cause some energetic imbalances.

Optimum Health - A Cardiologist's Prescription for Optimum Health

Stephen T., M.D. Sinatra
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But at a 1994 conference devoted to antiaging strategies, I was shocked to find that many university professors were not only taking vitamins and minerals, but also consuming these antiaging supplements. I also met researchers who presented well-substantiated data about antiaging technologies. I now know, for example, that heart disease, various forms of cancer and autoimmune diseases, and Alzheimer's are really a sort of premature aging.

Nutrition and Mental Illness: An Orthomolecular Approach to Balancing Body Chemistry

Carl C. Pfeiffer
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The following supplements are also recommended: B-6, 50 mg, for improvement of short-term memory (dream recall) Vitamin C, 2,000 mg Beta-carotene or carrots Vitamin E Magnesium, molybdenum, calcium, zinc, manganese, and selenium One daily One daily 15 mgm, or one carrot daily 400 IU daily Dietary sources The elderly In addition to natural foods, vitamin C, zinc, B6, other vitamins, chromium, omega 3 fish oils, and copper-free drinking water, senior citizens have special needs.
Manganese supplements will be larger?5 to 30 mg a day? and will be most useful in the treatment of allergy and depression. 3. Copper and aluminum will be more carefully eliminated from our drinking water. 4. Aluminum will be banned from water, foods, toothpaste, and antacids. 5. Lead poisoning will be treated and prevented by the use of zinc and vitamin C. 6. Rubidium, cesium, strontium, and lithium will find their places in nutrition as essential trace elements. 7. Molybdenum will be used to modulate excessive fetal growth in animals and humans, and help easy births. 8.

Constant Craving: What Your Food Cravings Mean and How to Overcome Them

Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.
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As a nonessential amino acid, the body naturally produces its own supply; however, it is also available in supplements. Histamine—A byproduct of the amino acid, histidine, this vasodilator increases the pulse rate and decreases blood pressure. It is derived from the amino acid, histidine, which is found in aged cheese, pickled foods, liver, yeast, wine, and beer. Histidine—An essential stimulating amino acid that produces histamine. Histidine occurs naturally in aged cheese, pickled foods, liver, yeast, wine, and beer.

Miracle Cures: Dramatic New Scientific Discoveries Revealing the Healing Powers of Herbs, Vitamins, and Other Natural Remedies

Jean Carper
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In addition to her regular conventional therapy Jean started a "pretty strong nutritional program"— with supplements, "about forty of them, including vitamin C, coenzyme Q-10, bioflavonoids, garlic, and a "medically modified" macrobiotic diet, advised by Dr. Block. He also showed her how to do biofeedback, meditation, and positive imaging to further support her immune system. By December 1994 the news was quite astonishing. Scans showed the cancer mass in her lung was shrinking; the tumor was much smaller.
Note: Coenzyme Q-10 is a very powerful antioxidant that does have anticancer activity in test tube and animal studies, and some doctors add coQ-10 to vitamin-dietary supplements given to cancer patients in the United States. Although no one can really know what causes a "spontaneous remission" of any cancer, these cases have medical plausibility for anticancer action by coQ-10. Note that coQ-10 was not used alone but was given with other agents, including standard cancer drugs, and that Drs.

Medicinal Mushrooms: An Exploration of Tradition, Healing, & Culture (Herbs and Health Series)

Christopher Hobbs
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Since more free radicals are produced during periods of increased immune-system activity (as during infections or stress), it is especially important to add adaptogens and antioxidant supplements to the diet at these times The most effective and tested nutrient antioxidants to add to an herbal regime are vitamin E and vitamin C. It is highly significant, then, that some mushrooms and other adaptogenic herbs contain high amounts of germanium, which has been shown to have immunomod-ulating activity (Reynolds, 1993).
If you have any doubt that people today need adaptogens and immune stimulants, perhaps even as regular dietary supplements, just take a look around. The modern environment is full of many new biological challenges created by the industrial and electronic revolutions. This is especially true given that most of these new challenges have popped up during the last hundred years, which is quite sudden in terms of the time it takes for the human body to evolve defense mechanisms.
It is relevant that some reports indicate that it may not be wise to take purified germanium supplements due to possible kidney toxicity (Reynolds, 1993). Immune Stimulants Immune stimulants work mainly by increasing macrophage activity. Macrophages (macro=big, phage=eater) are a kind of white blood cell that "eats up" and destroys pathogens such as bacteria, yeast cells, virus-infected cells, etc.—a kind of garbage-disposal system. They reside in great numbers in the mucous membranes of the body—especially throughout the digestive, urinary, and respiratory tracts.

Constant Craving: What Your Food Cravings Mean and How to Overcome Them

Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.
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Amino Acids If you've been to a gym or a health-food store in the last ten years, you've undoubtedly seen amino acid supplements. You may also remember the L-tryptophan scandal in the late 1980s. Several people died after taking this supplement, and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) took immediate action and banned its sale. An investigation later revealed that a Japanese vitamin packager's unsanitary practices led to the fatal poisonings. Rather than ban the Japanese producer from doing business in the U.S., the CDC simply removed L-tryptophan from the market.
These conditions are all a function of serotonin levels, and the L-tryptophan supplements seemed to help alleviate many symptoms. Tryptophan in Food Tryptophan (the L- or the D- in front of the name just signifies whether the amino acid is synthetic or organic, and really is an inconsequential term) is a precursor of serotonin. This means that it is a catalyst, or instrumental agent, responsible for making serotonin. Remember the analogy of serotonin to gasoline?—how we need enough "fuel" for the car (our body) to run, but not so much gasoline to flood the engine?

Miracle Cures: Dramatic New Scientific Discoveries Revealing the Healing Powers of Herbs, Vitamins, and Other Natural Remedies

Jean Carper
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She eats a modified macrobiotic diet; she takes handfuls of antioxidants and other supplements, as well as the anticancer drugs. She credits all of them for her remarkable recovery, but she also credits her positive attitude. "Dr. Block says I shouldn't be worried, and I'm not." What Is It? An anticancer diet is mostly a vegetarian, natural foods, low-fat diet. It's well known that the Japanese have relatively low rates of certain cancers and, further, that even after cancer is diagnosed, its progression is often much less rapid than in Western populations. Why?

Natural Pet Cures: Dog & Cat Care the Natural Way

Dr. John Heinerman
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The herbs and nutritional supplements mentioned in this section are at least a beginning or point at which to start relieving the pain of a poor suffering creature. Animals are like us in this respect: They don't enjoy pain any more than we do, but have the remarkable habit of complaining a lot less than we do about it. An Unusual Pain Treatment from Canada Diana Petersen and her husband reside in St. Albert (close to Edmonton) in the province of Alberta, Canada. They have two purebred rottweilers named Wyllo (female) and Foli (male) that are two-and-a-half years of age.

Smart Medicine for Healthier Living : Practical A-Z Reference to Natural and Conventional Treatments for Adults

Janet Zand, LAc, OMD, Allan N. Spreed, MD, CNC, James B. LaValle, RPh, ND
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WORKING WITH A NUTRITIONAL COUNSELOR There are many different kinds of professionals, with varied educational backgrounds and philosophies, who can recommend dietary programs and nutritional supplements. Registered dietitians, nutritionists, naturopathic physicians, pharmacists, chiropractors, medical doctors, and nurses—to name only a few—may all practice nutritional medicine. When interviewing a nutritional counselor, whatever the individual's professional credentials, find out about his or her educational background, work experience, and nutritional philosophy.

Conscious Eating

Gabriel Cousens, M.D.
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I give detailed reasons why vegetarians, vegans, and live-food mothers never have to worry about their B12 if they are taking spirulina, algae from Klamath Lake, and/or sea vegetables as superfood supplements. Chlorella and spirulina support the immune system and are extremely high in vitamins (especially A) and minerals. Depending on how you like the taste and how it feels, they can be taken at different times of the day or together during pregnancy or lactation. The algae from Klamath Lake is another extraordinary food concentrate for pregnancy.
During this time I was not taking any B12 supplements but I was regularly taking a blue-green algae from Klamath Lake, called Aphanizomenonon Flos-aquae, which I discovered through an independent laboratory analysis to be high in human-active B12. The laboratory report showed that one gram of the blue-green algae powder contained .279 microgram of active B12. This is equal to approximately the daily dose needed of active B12. Although I did not take the algae from Klamath Lake for this reason, it has obviously been a perfect vegetarian source of B12 for me.

Optimal Wellness

Ralph Golan, M.D.
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HERBAL DIGESTIVE REMEDIES In addition to the above practices and supplements, other remedies may also prove helpful. Try an herbal combination capsule—wild yam, sarsaparilla, ginger, and goldenseal; or fennel, wild yam, peppermint, ginger, papaya, spearmint, catnip, and lobelia. Combination herbal digestive formulas are available commercially from health food and herb stores and herbal product distributors. Drink peppermint, spearmint, papaya-mint, or bancha (kukicha or twig) tea. As mentioned earlier, try bitters or an aperitif.
Vitamin C supplements can inhibit platelet aggregation, increase clot-dissolving activity, and increase HDL cholesterol values. Dosage: Take 500 to 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C two or three times a day. • Beta-carotene's antioxidant function has protective value for cardiovascular disease. Dosage: Take up to 50,000 I.U. daily. Inadequate intake of vitamin B-6, common in American diets, can lead to injury in arterial walls, setting the stage for plaque development. B-6 deficiency can also weaken the heart muscle and raise serum cholesterol levels. Dosage: Take up to 50 milligrams a day.
Depending on the severity of the condition and your age, both supplements may be better administered by intramuscular injection. • If indicated, take betaine hydrochloride capsules with meals (as directed by your physician). • If indicated, take digestive enzymes (one capsule with each meal). HERBAL REMEDIES • Take bitters. Consistently excellent results in appetite improvement have been obtained with Bitters Formula, a combination herbal bitters compound sold by Herb-Pharm of Williams, Oregon. Stir a teaspoonful of bitters into a small glass of water.
Some of these areas, such as finding meaning or purpose, making more room for humor, or becoming part of a community, are not as easy to come by as beginning a program of dietary supplements. But they're every bit as vital. And you can begin working in these areas while pursuing your vitamin program and other ways of strengthening your immune system. Look carefully at the chapters that discuss the Ten Common Denominators of Illness. Start with the conditions that seem applicable to you, and follow the commonsense recommendations outlined in each chapter.
Among the recommended supplements are sulfhydryl amino acids: cysteine or N-acetylcysteine, 500 milligrams three times daily with vitamin C (see below), and methionine, up to 1,000 milligrams a day provide chelating and antioxidant effects. Cysteine/N-acetylcysteine's chelating function is used especially for mercury and arsenic, although its antioxidant effect is appropriate for countering all metals. Garlic's effectiveness may be attributed to its abundant sulfhydryl groups, and may act somewhat like cysteine.

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This unique compilation of research is copyright (c) 2008 by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center.

ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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...and Hormones and Biochemistry:

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...and Biological Measures:

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...and Triglycerides
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...and Supplements:

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...and Spirulina
...and Glucosamine
...and Coenzyme q10
...and Lactobacillus

...and Where:

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...and Treatment Modalities:

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...and Properties:

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...and Ingredients:

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Related Concepts:

Vitamin E
Vitamin C
Vitamin A
Folic acid
Heart disease