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Look for prostate products that contain Beta-sitosterol, such as "Prostate Care" by Healthy Choice Nutritionals, which is even more powerful than Saw Palmetto. If there are red blotches on the penis, massage it with pure Aloe Vera gel, twice daily. Many prostate problems are due to trapped urinary deposits/crystals in the penis and disappear when removed by the gel. You should notice a clearing of the skin irritation within a few days.

Dr. Neal Barnard's Program for Reversing Diabetes: The Scientifically Proven System for Reversing Diabetes Without Drugs

Neal D. Barnard and Bryanna Clark Grogan
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If you are adding supplements that might affect your blood sugar, be sure to check your blood glucose regularly. Refer to Chapter 7 for how to recognize and treat low blood sugar. Let's look at specific vitamins and other nutritional compounds, starting with the basics. Multivitamin. Taking a multivitamin is a good idea for a few reasons. First, it provides vitamin B12, which you need for healthy blood and nerves. Yes, you can find vitamin B12in some fortified products, such as breakfast cereals and soy milk, but most sources are animal derived and supply unwanted cholesterol and fat.
As a result, most diabetes authorities do not recommend chromium supplements.8'9 According to the Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine, the safe and adequate daily intakes of chromium for adults ages 19 to 50 are 35 micrograms for men and 25 micrograms for women. For people over 50, the amounts are 30 micrograms for men and 20 micrograms for women. Here is the amount of chromium in common foods, as listed by the US government.
Some experts recommend taking supplements as well. Whether that is a good idea for you depends on how much of these chromium-rich foods you eat regularly. Technically speaking, chromium is what is called an insulin cofac-tor—an insulin helper, if you will. In the same way that you cannot use a jack to lift your car if its handle is missing, insulin has trouble bringing glucose into cells without chromium to help it work properly. Chromium's essential role was discovered only relatively recently.
Aside from the basic vitamins, some other supplements have shown promise for people with diabetes. Cinnamon. Cinnamon has been shown to cut fasting glucose levels by 18 to 29 percent. As little as V2 teaspoon of ordinary cinnamon added to your morning oatmeal or other foods not only seems to reduce blood sugar, but also appears to reduce blood cholesterol levels.2 Some of cinnamon's helpful effects may be explained by compounds called polyphenol polymers, which are found in the spice and have an insulinlike action.3 Magnesium.

Dr. McDougall's Digestive Tune-Up

John A. McDougall
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While most experiments in this regard have involved supplements of wheat bran or guar gum, I have seen greater benefits from switching to a plant-based diet, which yields a wide variety of naturally healthful dietary fibers rather than one single fiber source. IBS has also been effectively treated with the introduction of "friendly intestinal bacteria" called probiotics. In one study, all patients treated with the organism Lactobacillus plantarum reported full resolution of abdominal pain, while half reported relief of constipation.
For Larry and Louise, we found that a simple diet change brought about the desired results, so no added probiotic supplements were necessary. I've seen this happen over and over in my practice. That is why I am convinced that a healthful plant-based diet is the fuel our bodies were made to thrive on . . . friendly bacteria and all. SUMMARY SHEET from Dr. McDougall mt 1 þ þThe gut microflora is the name we give to the vital living factory of bacteria living within our colons.

The Healing Miracle of Coconut Oil

Bruce Fife and Jon J. Kabara
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Most monolaurin supplements come in 300 mg capsules. Dietary supplements and genetically engineered vegetable oils are two ways in which the food and health industry is trying to increase our exposure to lauric acid. By far the best and richest natural sources of lauric acid are coconuts and coconut oil. For instance, 1 tablespoon of dried shredded coconut contains about 2 grams of lauric acid. A tablespoon of pure coconut oil contains 7 grams.

The Whole Soy Story: The dark side of America's favorite health food

Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD, CCN
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The evidence that soy could do either is inconsistent and contradictory, yet sales of soy foods and soy isoflavone supplements are booming because of the desire for a "safe and natural" alternative to hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Even the soy-industry faithful admit that more research is needed to assess the benefits. As Mindy Kurzer, Ph.D., of the University of Minnesota, St. Paul, put it, "the manufacturers are way ahead of the science.

Safe Trip to Eden: Ten Steps to Save Planet Earth from the Global Warming Meltdown

David Steinman
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This means they consistendy go above and beyond to make sure their ingredients are coming from the purest sources possible. Whenever possible, Flora uses organic ingredients in their formulations. Even the ingredients that are not certified organic are held to the highest standards. Flora only uses seeds and herbs from select farmers who do their own seed collecting, growing, harvesting, and drying. Flora also owns their own farmland for cultivating and testing a variety of certified organic herbs under the Washington State Department of Agriculture Organic Food Certification Program.

Fundamentals of Naturopathic Endocrinology

Michael Friedman, ND
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Other Supplements: Curcumin (turmeric), a common Indian spice, has been shown to inhibit platelet aggregation by decreasing thromboxane and increasing prostacyclin.17 Capsicum, bromelain, Omega 3 oils, and garlic have shown to increase in fibrolytic activity. Siberian ginseng and vitamin E increase prothrombin time, thus inhibiting the ability for the body to produce plaques.18 Calcium Caution: Lipids are negatively charged ions and so is the phosphate P04-and chondroitin sulfate, which is inside the endothelial tissue.

Anxiety: Orthomolecular Diagnosis and Treatment

Dr. Jonathan Prousky, BPHE, BSc, ND, FRSH
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For the next 5 weeks, the patient received injections of hydroxocobalamin twice weekly and discontinued all the other prescribed supplements on her own. On October 16, 2004, the patient described herself as being free of any anxiety and panic. She had not had a panic attack since September 9. About 1 month later, on November 13, 2004, the patient returned for another vitamin B-12 injection. She described a slight worsening of her anxiety and panic since stopping the twice-weekly injections.
The use of a rotation diet and orthomolecular supplements may also help. Lifetime avoidance of implicated foods might be the only effective way to manage cerebral allergies. Evidence-Based Summary of Articles Demonstrating the Therapeutic Effectiveness of Food Allergy Treatments for Anxiety and/or Related Psychiatric Syndromes Reference Study Information Grade 5 Case report demonstrating a relationship between C coffee consumption and anxiety.

The Edge Effect: Achieve Total Health and Longevity with the Balanced Brain Advantage

Eric R. Braverman
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Using my unique approach, you will be able to work with your doctor to design an individual treatment program based on one or a combination of the seven types of therapies: medications, hormones, vitamins and supplements, diet, lifestyle, environment, and technology. The following is a broad introduction to these treatments. These positive alterations to your nature will alleviate symptoms, increase your energy, boost your immune system, keep you on an even keel, and help you achieve total health by restoring your edge.
You will learn which medications, hormones, foods, and supplements can enhance your nature and bring you closer to the Edge Effect by boosting biochemical production. Recognizing your dominant nature can also help you to understand, modify, and ultimately balance your personality. There comes a time when our natures do not serve us well: what was once a positive attribute can become a problem in a new context. For example, an extremely driven high-dopamine student will likely excel at school but might turn off people in the workplace with behavior that might be considered overbearing.

Big Pharma: Exposing the Global Healthcare Agenda

Jacky Law
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Tests directed James to a new diet that included a comprehensive range of supplements, including high doses of niacin and essential fats. 'The difference was startling,' he said. 'I feel sharper than before and I'm now super-motivated. I have lost three stone in the last two months and I feel whole again.'30 He has also reapplied to read sports science at university and has dreams to play rugby professionally.
So it was not entirely surprising to find nutritionists, and their legions of followers, taking such exception when the EU decided it wanted to re-classify supplements as 'medicine', thereby insisting they abide by the rules surrounding medicine, which are much stricter than those surrounding food. But stricter rules could actually help the public if they legitimized studies to sort out the value of food and its various constituent ingredients once and for all. But it is by no means certain this will happen.
Large amounts, it said, can bring on stomach pains, diarrhoea and flatulence, which stop as soon as you stop taking the supplements.33 People are all the more confused if they know the work on vitamin C and cancer by Dr Linus Pauling, a Nobel Prize winner in chemistry in 1954 and for his contributions to peace in 1962, as well as a pioneer in what he called the orthomolecular approach to illness.

Natural Medicine, Optimal Wellness: The Patient's Guide to Health and Healing

Jonathan V. Wright, M.D. and Alan R. Gaby, M.D.
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Calcium supplements are available in many different forms. Calcium carbonate is often used, because it is inexpensive and contains a larger amount of calcium per tablet, compared with other forms of calcium. For example, 1 gram of calcium carbonate provides about 400 mg of calcium, whereas 1 gram of calcium citrate provides only about 210 mg of calcium. However, if stomach-acid production is low (see chapter 2), a common problem among individuals with osteoporosis, the absorption of calcium carbonate is poor, while the absorption of calcium citrate is normal.

Fundamentals of Naturopathic Endocrinology

Michael Friedman, ND
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Although information in human subjects is currently unavailable, it is possible that many of the routinely utilized supplements might exert an influence on these enzyme systems under specific circumstances. Because of its role as a cofactor for type I 5'-deiodinase, selenium's influence on deiodination is the best characterized of any nutrient. While a selenium deficiency does not seem to result in a decrease in the production of T4 or T3 within the thyroid gland, deficiency substantially alters the conversion of T4 to T3 in peripheral tissues such as the liver and kidney.

The Sunfood Diet Success System

David Wolfe
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It seems that if one is clever with their diet or occasionally uses vitamin B12 supplements and follows a healthy lifestyle, there is little chance of a vitamin B12 deficiency. A vitamin B12 deficiency is usually (but not always) symptomatic of a larger problem (high sugar diet, poor absorption, poor or absent flora, also a lack of Sunlight) manifested in weak digestion, pale skin, emaciation and extreme fatigue. When I lived in Santa Barbara my friends and I would surf the beaches there.

Fundamentals of Naturopathic Endocrinology

Michael Friedman, ND
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Daily magnesium supplements improve glucose handling in elderly subjects. AmJ Clin Nutr 1992;55:1161-67. 116. Eibl NL, Kopp HP, Nowak HR, et al. Hypomagnesemia in type II diabetes: Effect of a 3-month replacement therapy. Diabetes Care 1995;18:188-192. 117. Singh RB, Niaz MA, Rastogi SS, et al. Current zinc intake and risk of diabetes and coronary artery disease and factors associated with insulin resistance in rural and urban populations of North India. J Am Coll Nutr 1998;17:564-70. 118. StrifflerJS, Polansky MM, Anderson RA. Overproduction of insulin in the chromium-deficient rat.

Anxiety: Orthomolecular Diagnosis and Treatment

Dr. Jonathan Prousky, BPHE, BSc, ND, FRSH
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She did not like taking all the supplements and agreed to continue with just the multiple vitamin/ mineral preparation, zinc, and niacinamide. She also agreed to increase the dose of niacinamide to 1000 mg twice daily. No side effects were reported. A second follow-up occurred on February 7,2004. The patient, now 12-years-old, reported a striking improvement with her anxiety. She did not always take her pills daily, but was happy with the results. Her panic attacks completely stopped, and her acne was much improved as well.

Fundamentals of Naturopathic Endocrinology

Michael Friedman, ND
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If not, these supplements are helpful in regularizing cardiac symptoms, especially the herbs containing cardiac glycosides, such as Convallaria officinalis and Cereus grandiflorus. HYPOTHYROIDISM Therapeutics Hypothyroidism may be caused by a number of factors including a reduction in hormone synthesis by the thyroid gland, thyroid gland ablation (surgery/ radiation), deficient TSH, and peripheral causes.
However, many patients who are treated with naturopathic approaches involving diet, supplements, herbs, and exercise are able to maintain good sugar control while off pharmaceutical medicines for diabetes type II. þ Blood sugar can begin to decrease within 2 weeks, but it may take 6 weeks before some people notice a change. Approximately 88% of people are able to lower their blood sugar levels within 3 months of continued use, based on clinical research of herbal combinations containing jambul and devil's club. þ Patients with excessive insulin can expect about a 30% decrease in 3 months.

Foods that Fight Cancer

Richard Beliveau, Ph.D. and Denis Gingras, Ph.D.
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Freshly crushed garlic is by far the best source of anti-cancer compounds and should be preferred over supplements. CHAPTER 8 Soy 101 We do not know exactly when the cultivation of soybeans began, but it is generally accepted that their domestication developed considerably in Manchuria, in today's Chinese provinces of Liaoning, Jilin, and Heilongjiang, about three thousand years ago, during the Zhou (Chou) dynasty (1 122-256 B.C.). At that time, soybeans were already considered one of the five sacred grains, along with barley, wheat, millet, and rice.
FREQUENCY OF UNPLEASANT EFFECTS ASSOCIATED WITH MENOPAUSE « 60- 40n* 20-|- North Europe Malaysia Japan Singapore America Figure 25 Instead of gradually introducing soy into daily diet so that quantities similar to those consumed by Asian women are eventually reached, the immediate reflex in our society is to isolate the active compounds in this food and commercialize them in the form of supplements, ideally with the highest possible concentration of isoflavones which can be promoted and expected to sell.

Grocery Warning: How to recognize and avoid the groceries that cause cancer, diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and other common diseases

Mike Adams
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I take sea vegetable supplements every day, since I don't at all enjoy the actual taste of sea vegetables. My favorite sea vegetable supplement? Kelp (bladderwrack), and brown seaweed extract, which is known to be a powerful anticancer supplement: Sea vegetables are exceptionally concentrated packages of nutrients and phytochemicals. They contain vitamins, are high in fiber, and have small amounts of protein. Mostly, sea vegetables are a rich source of such minerals as potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, and iodine....
Add phytochemical supplements and superfoods to your diet. The phytochemicals found in plants offer extraordinary health benefits, including protection against cancer, heart disease, oxidation, aging, and much more. My recommendations: chlorella, spirulina, Jenny Lee Supergreens, Berry Green, The Ultimate Meal, whole food complexes (green foods mixes) and sea vegetables. • Add unrefined coconut oil (or macadamia nut oil) to your diet. Coconut oil is an extremely healthy, plant derived source of healthy saturated fats that's made up of medium chain triglycerides.
Since only 9 percent of Americans eat five servings of fruits and vegetables a day these supplements are playing an increasingly important role in our nation's health. There are phytochemical-enricned foods, for example snack bars fortified with soy phytochemicals (phytoestrogens), nutraceutical-enriched margarine to lower blood serum cholesterol, as well as phytochemical-enriched candy for children who don't care for vegetables. - Earl Mindell's Vitamin Bible By far, the best place to get these phytochemicals is from the foods themselves, not from "enriched" food bars or candy.

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This unique compilation of research is copyright (c) 2008 by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center.

ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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...and Supplements:

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Related Concepts:

Vitamin E
Vitamin C
Vitamin A
Folic acid
Heart disease