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Antioxidants, bad science and failure of the press to tell the truth

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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If you're going to count the results of all the women who don't take the supplements, why not simply launch the study, give vitamins to no one, then announce the conclusion that vitamins don't work? This could create a whole new way to conduct clinical research: Track the health results in people who have taken nothing! Think of what we could accomplish in medical science by following this model -- we could test thousands of different substances by simply giving them to no one, then declaring whatever results we wish to notice! Ultimately, that's what's going on here anyway.

The Blue Zones: Lessons for Living Longer From the People Who've Lived the Longest

Dan Buettner
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Lest you think this is an anomaly or the sole epicenter for the health food crowd, about a mile away is Clark's Nutrition Center, another supermarket-sized outlet for organic foods and supplements. One entire wall at Clark's is devoted to gluten-free nourishment. Another aisle contains huge, 50-pound bags of organic carrots, and coffee-table-sized flats of organic wheatgrass that could be mistaken for miniature lawn plots.

Why Michael Moore's SiCKO is a health care documentary every American must see

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Click here to read my recent report on the American Cancer Society's refusal to help prevent 77% of all cancers using affordable, scientifically-proven vitamin D supplements. In SiCKO, what Moore does very effectively is tells this story to a mass audience, weaving together the emotionally-charged stories of American citizens who lost husbands, daughters and other family members to preventable disease, all thanks to intentional, well-planned payment denials by health insurance companies.

The sunscreen myth: How sunscreen products actually promote cancer

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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The American Cancer Society, for example, still will not recommend that anyone take vitamin D supplements, even though the vitamin can prevent nearly 4 out of 5 cancers. The cancer industry simply has no interest in preventing cancer. It is only interested in treating cancer and profiting from those treatments. (That's why genuine cancer cures have been routinely suppressed, censored or discredited in the United States.

Canadian Cancer Society announces national program to prevent cancer using vitamin D

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Two of the best anti-cancer supplements I know of are Blood Support from www.BaselineNutritionals.com and Arcozon from the Amazon Herb Company: www.amazondreams.amazonherb.net (Note: I have absolutely no financial interest in any products mentioned in this article) 6) Avoid all cancer-causing food ingredients (like sodium nitrite), cosmetics (all popular brands), personal care products, home cleaning products, cigarettes, etc. Nearly everyone who has cancer gave it to themselves!
Each day that the American Cancer Society, the AMA, the FDA and others in conventional medicine refuse to acknowledge the benefits of vitamin D supplements for preventing cancer, they lose yet more credibility and slip one step closer towards global humiliation and irrelevance. It is difficult to imagine how anyone from conventional medicine can show up at a health event and say, with a straight face, that they're doing everything they can to fight cancer when in reality they are willfully ignoring a prevention medicine that really works: Vitamin D.
American Cancer Society stubbornly refuse to acknowledge the benefits of vitamin D supplements in cancer prevention, the Canadian Cancer Society is launching a program to make sure every Canadian citizen receives a level of vitamin D sufficient to prevent most cancers, including breast cancer. The U.S., in contrast, has no interest in preventing cancer... even when a simple, virtually free substance like vitamin D could drop national cancer rates by more than 75 percent.

New research shows vitamin D slashes risk of cancers by 77 percent; cancer industry refuses to support cancer prevention

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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If it seems surprising to you that the American Cancer Society -- which claims to be against cancer -- would dissuade people from taking supplements that slash their cancer risk by 77 percent, then you don't know much about the ACS. In my opinion, the ACS is an organization that actually prevents prevention and openly supports the continuation of cancer as a way to boost its power and profits. The ACS is the wealthiest non-profit in America and has very close ties to pharmaceutical companies, mammography equipment companies and other corporations that profit from cancer.
The cancer industry routinely attacks anti-cancer herbs, superfoods and supplements. Why is the cancer industry opposed to anti-cancer nutrition? Why does it believe that only man, not nature, can manufacture anti-cancer medicines? #9: Dark skin pigmentation blocks ultraviolet radiation, meaning that people with black skin need far more time under the sun to generate the same amount of vitamin D as someone with white skin. Not surprisingly, black women suffer extremely high rates of breast cancer while black men show similarly high levels of prostate cancer.
If I were selling supplements and writing these same words you're reading right now, I would be arrested, charged with federal crimes, and put out of business by state and federal authorities. That's the reality of the oppressive medical environment under which we live today: Health is outlawed, and only disease is allowed to be promoted. The cancer industry, you see, is not merely incompetent; it is criminal. Intentionally keeping a population sick so that you can profit from disease is a crime against humanity. And yet this is business as usual in America's modern cancer industry.
New research shows us that using low-cost calcium and vitamin D supplements (or just natural sunlight), we could slash cancer rates by an astonishing 77 percent. The cancer industry opposes this and is firmly positioned as an opponent of cancer prevention. The industry depends on cancer to grow its own power and profits, and it will invest in the de-education of the public in order to maximize its own revenues. Cures for cancer exist all around us: Sunlight, rainforest herbs, anti-cancer foods and superfoods, etc.
Experts generally agree that the RDA** for vitamin D needs to be increased substantially, however there is debate about the amount. supplements are available in two forms -- vitamin D2 and vitamin D3. Creighton researchers recommend vitamin D3, because it is more active and thus more effective in humans. * Study participants came from the Nebraska counties of Douglas, Colfax, Cuming, Dodge, Saunders, Washington, Sarpy, Burt and Butler. ** RDA recommendations for vitamin D are 200 IU/d, birth-age 50; 400 IU/d, 50-70 years; and 600 IU/d, 70 years and older.
Why have all the really good cancer supplements, clinics and naturopaths been banned, arrested or run out of the country? (Look up the FDA's oppression of Lane Labs over MGN-3 for a fascinating review of this...) #5: The U.S. has poured billions of dollars into the cancer industry over the last three decades. Cancer cures were promised in the 1970's. Why are cancer rates still essentially the same today as they were in the 1970's?

Feel Better, Live Longer with Vitamin B-3

Dr. Abram Hoffer, MD, FRCP (C) and Dr. Harold D. Foster, PhD
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Niacin supplements can protect against this type of cancer. Niacin deficiency apparently causes an increase in gross chromosomal instability. This increase in cancer in the skin of niacin-deficient individuals raises the issue of the link, if any, between exposure to the sun and the development of melanoma. The great majority of dermatologists have accepted that exposure to the sun is the major cause of melanoma. There are exceptions to this generalization.

The Feel-Good Diet

Cheryle Hart, M.D., and Mary Kay Grossman, RD
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REPPED: Introduction We tested the effectiveness of the sublingual neurotransmitter supplements at our Wellness Workshop clinic. Forty-two clients were followed over five weeks while using CraniYums sublingual lozenges. Participants completed a fifty-one-point questionnaire relating to common signs and symptoms of serotonin and dopamine deficiencies. We were especially interested in symptoms relating to appetite, cravings, snacking, energy, and mood. After four weeks, the average of all participants reported a decline of 76 percent of their initial symptoms.

New "Juice Feasting" Emerging as Phytonutrient-Rich Disease-Fighting Nutritional System

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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It's actually difficult to experience noticeable benefits from supplements when you're already on a healthy diet, and I've been eating in a very healthy way for years. But what I learned recently is that Juice Feasting was a step up from my existing healthy diet. It has allowed me to take my personal health to the next level, and now my life is enormously more enjoyable because of it. It's also a whole lot simpler. Eating is really, really simple. I eat one cooked meal a day -- usually a baked sweet potato and some raw nuts. (I love the raw cashews from www.TransitionNutrition.

Don't Go to the Cosmetics Counter Without Me, 7th Edition

Paula Begoun and Bryan Barron
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The source of colostrum used in supplements and skin-care products is primarily bovine.) Colostrum is a highly nutritious substance, loaded with proteins, immune-building substances, and growth factors. Primarily, colostrum is about antibodies and growth factors to help the infant fight viruses and bacteria and to jump-start the growth of muscle, bone, and tissue. A small amount of research shows that colostrum can have benefit when applied topically for wound healing, but there is also research that shows it is not helpful.
There is some research indicating that taking supplements of lactobacillus (it is also considered a probiotic) may help reduce skin allergies and forms of dermatitis. However, substantiated research on topical application of lactobacillus is nonexistent, though it likely functions as a water-binding agent. Clover flower has no research proving its mettle for aging skin, though it may be sensitizing. There is little reason to consider this serum compared to superior options from Olay, Neutrogena, Clinique, and Paula's Choice. ©Wise Woman Intensive Firming Mask ($18.50 for 3.
MOISTURIZERS: Despite all the fuss, assertions, and price differences among anti-wrinkle, firming, antiaging, and "renewing" supplements and treatments that claim to restore youth to skin, in truth these products are nothing more than moisturizers. A plethora of these products are being marketed to women, but I can tell you that not one plastic surgeon is going out of business because of them. As a general category, "moisturizers" were quite easy to review because what constitutes a state-of-the-art product in this category is well established.
There is also a small amount of research showing that oral supplements of pomegranate extract, ellagic acid, vitamin E, and ferulic acid can inhibit melanin production. All of these options are worth considering and experimenting with. However, compared with the extensive research on hydroquinone's effect on inhibiting melanin production, these alternatives may very well disappoint, although their natural allure is hard for consumers to ignore.

Antioxidants Against Cancer: How to activate your bod natural healing powers with today's most protective and immune-boosting supplements and foods

Ralph Moss, PhD
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In a clinical trial at Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, doctors studied the effects of glutamine supplements on patients undergoing bone marrow transplantation. Half the patients were randomized to receive a high dose of glutamine. The length of hospitalization was significantly shorter in gluta-mine-treated patients. In addition, "the incidence of positive microbial cultures and clinical infection was also significantly lower with glutamine supplementation.
An analysis of seven clinical trials showed that folic acid supplements led to a 79 percent reduction in side effects, pj Admittedly, this is not cancer, and so we must be cautious in extrapolating from these results. But the results are provocative and suggest that reasonable doses of folic acid may protect against methotrexate toxicity and not interfere with its activity. This topic urgently deserves more clinical research. Methotrexate causes an almost total deprivation of this vitamin— enough to kill the patient in high doses.
No rigorous work has been done to evaluate the effects of folic acid supplements on the safety and effectiveness of methotrexate. Concerns are largely theoretical. Typical of the confusion is an article on the topic at the peer-reviewed medical website, RxMED. It warns against the concurrent use of these two substances, saying "vitamin preparations containing folic acid or its derivatives may decrease responses to systemically administered methotrexate." A few paragraphs away, however, it states, ".. .large doses of folic acid given simultaneously will not reverse the effects of methotrexate.
The scientists interpreted this to mean that a "proliferation" of white blood cells was undesirable and suggested that children in maintenance therapy not be given supplements containing folic acid. However, it is not specified whether the "proliferation" was of normal or malignant cells, and whether it was clinically harmful to these children. (396) Lometrexal Another study was done on a new anti-folic acid drug, Lometrexal. This drug had little toxicity in laboratory animals but severe toxicity in people.

In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto

Michael Pollan
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Merely adding omega-3s to the diet—by taking supplements, say—may not do much good unless we also reduce the high levels of omega-6s that have entered the Western diet with the advent of processed foods, seed oils, and foods from animals raised on grain. Nine percent of the calories in the American diet today come from a single omega-6 fatty acid: linoleic acid, most of it from soybean oil.

Supplement Your Prescription: What Your Doctor Doesn't Know About Nutrition

Hyla Cass
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Needed supplements: Take 500-1,000 mg of vitamin C and 400-800 meg of folic acid. NSAID-INDUCED NUTRIENT DEPLETIONS: FOLATE AND VITAMIN C Research clearly demonstrates that aspirin and other NSAIDs—including the COX-2 inhibitor Celebrex—deplete folate. Aspirin has also been found to deplete vitamin C. Supplementing with these nutrients while using any NSAID—all of which work by the same general mechanism?is advisable. The mechanism for folate depletion with these drugs is complex.

In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto

Michael Pollan
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So to the extent you can, be the kind of person who would take supplements, and then save your money. That said, many of the nutrition experts I consulted recommend taking a multivitamin, especially as you get older. In theory at least, your diet should provide all the micronutrients you need to be healthy, especially if you're eating real food and lots of plants. After all, we evolved to obtain whatever our bodies need from nature and wouldn't be here if we couldn't.

Interview with Dr. Hank Liers Part 5: Superior nutrition for pet health

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Give them high-quality nutrition, give them the supplements, and give them a clean environment. Prevent the toxins, and you will have healthy animals and healthy humans. All the things we talked about for humans -- that whole discussion -- also applies to the animals. Mike: I find, too, that for some reason, veterinarians are far more open to nutrition than human doctors. It seems like the pharmaceutical industry is really trying to take over veterinary medicine to put pets on the same drugs, and have even pet health insurance so they can pass costs around.

PDR for Nutritional Supplements

Sheldon Saul Hendler and David Rorvik
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A number of pre- and postnatal supplements deliver 1 milligram (1,000 micrograms) daily of folic acid. Doses higher than 1 milligam/day should only be used by the above groups if prescribed by their physicians. The use of folic acid for the treatment of folate deficiency or for the treatment of any medical condition requires medical supervision. The use of folic acid doses above 1 milligram/day may precipitate or exacerbate the neurological damage of vitamin B12 deficiency. Those who use folic acid doses above 1 milligram/day should only do so under medical supervision.

Interview with Dr. Hank Liers Part 5: Superior nutrition for pet health

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Liers: Our red line is core supplements. Our blue line is for specific conditions. We have in the blue line Diabetes Defense, Joint Health Formula, and Allergy Defense, which are for major conditions. Then for gastrointestinal discomfort, we offer 'GI Defense. It is a very unique formula. It has probiotics. It has marshmallow and slippery elm bark. It has glutamine. It soothes the intestines. It has bismuth subsalicylate for knocking out the bugs and dealing with inflammation -- that is what is in Pepto-Bismol.

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This unique compilation of research is copyright (c) 2008 by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center.

ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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...and Hormones and Biochemistry:

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...and Biological Measures:

...and Blood pressure
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...and Blood cholesterol
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...and Organizations:

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...and Supplements:

...and Fish oil
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...and Spirulina
...and Glucosamine
...and Coenzyme q10
...and Lactobacillus

...and Where:

...and United states
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...and Treatment Modalities:

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...and Properties:

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...and Ingredients:

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Related Concepts:

Vitamin E
Vitamin C
Vitamin A
Folic acid
Heart disease