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Eating Disorders_ How Does Zinc supplementation Benefit Anorexia Nervosa? Birmingham CL; Gritzner S. Eatingand Weight Disorders, 2006 December, 11(4):109-111. Zinc supplements offer protection against neurotransmitter dysfunction in people with anorexia. The authors of this article suggested routine oral administration of 14 mg of elemental zinc daily for 2 months in all patients with the disorders. Plasma Tryptophan During Weight Restoration in Patients with Anorexia Nervosa. Attia E; Wolk S; et al. Biological Psychiatry, 2005 March 15, 57(6):674-678.
Hospitalized bulimics and anorexics were shown to be deficient in the mineral, and to benefit from supplementation. Insomnia_ Scientific Evidence for a Fixed Extract Combination (Ze 91019) from Valerian and Hops Traditionally Used as a Sleep-inducing Aid. Brattstrom A. Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift, 2007 July, 157(13-14):367-370. The authors explained scientifically the mechanism of action of a valerian and hops combination in patients with sleep disorders.
This article reports on the case of a child with a germ cell tumor involving the pineal region experiencing a melatonin secretion suppression associated with severe insomnia. supplementation with 3 mg per night for two weeks of normalized sleep. Sleep-inducing Effects of Low Doses of Melatonin Ingested in the Evening. ZhdanovalV; etal. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapy, 1995, 57(5):552-558. In this double-blind, placebo-controlled study, healthy volunteers received either 0.3 or 1.0 mg of melatonin at 6,8, or 9 p.m.

The Detox Strategy: Vibrant Health in 5 Easy Steps

Brenda Watson and Leonard Smith
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As you begin to remove toxins from your body, you'll want simultaneously to replenish your cells with as much good nutrition as you can get from both your regular diet and supplementation. This will help you fortify your immune system so it's capable of fighting the daily battle against toxins. Nourishing the body with healthy organic foods and supplements is something we should do on a daily basis. In this chapter I outline a regimen of supplements and sources of high-quality nutrients to incorporate in the detox program.
In addition to seeking healthy sources of essential fatty acids, I encourage supplementation with fish oil capsules. The purification techniques used ensure undetectable levels of mercury, PCBs, and other contaminants that can come with consuming tainted fish. Look for a supplement that is either a balance of omega-3, -6, and -9 or for more therapeutic value, a concentrated, enteric-coated omega-3 supplement. If you are prone to burping oils, a good lipase-containing supplement (described in the upcoming pages under Enzymes) will aid in digestion. The Benefits of Essential Fatty Acids ?
However, if your child does not want to eat fresh high-fiber type foods, then supplementation may be necessary. The best type of fiber supplement for a child would be a chewable combination including acacia fiber, larch, flax, or fruit and veggie fiber. Some peoplefalsely think excessive sweating is badfor you, but this couldn't be further from the truth. Sweating imparts numerous benefits; and if you don't sweat you will harbor more toxins. reason, people with these conditions can benefit from the sauna therapy. There are two types of dry sauna: conventional and infrared.
The heart of your herbal detox regimen is supplementation with herbs that will help all seven of your body's elimination channels (liver, lungs, colon, kidneys, blood, skin, and lymph) by means of several different mechanisms. Stimulating these channels naturally enhances the physical process of detoxification so that your body is able to rid itself of toxins without obstruction.

The Myth of Alzheimer's: What You Aren't Being Told About Today's Most Dreaded Diagnosis

Peter J. Whitehouse and Daniel George
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If diagnosed, it is readily treated by identifying the cause and providing supplementation. Alcoholism. The brains of alcoholics show structural changes as well as physiological impairment (reduced cerebral blood flow and altered electrical brain waves). These changes can also be linked to nutritional deficits because people who are drinking heavily obtain most of their calories from nutrition-depleted beer and liquor. There is evidence that if people stop drinking and commit to a rehabilitation program, they can recover from some if not all of the impairment caused by their drinking.

The Detox Strategy: Vibrant Health in 5 Easy Steps

Brenda Watson and Leonard Smith
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This is why supplementation with enzymes is helpful. In the digestive system, enzymes break down foods by splitting apart the bonds that hold nutrients together—nutrients that the body will eventually use for energy. Normally, enzymes are present in raw foods to assist with digestion. However, many foods are depleted of their natural enzymes through cooking and processing. Without the essential enzymes needed for proper digestion, the body may not completely break down those foods to absorb their nutrients.

The Sinatra Solution Metabolic Cardiology

Stephen T. Sinatra, M.D.
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The protective anti-arrhythmic effects were accompanied by higher serum levels of free carnitine, confirming carnitine absorption and reflecting the impact of supplementation. Similar findings have been seen in other controlled studies. One European study involved thirty-eight elderly patients with congestive heart failure who were taking traditional medical therapies, including digitalis, diuretics, and anti-arrhythmic agents. Twenty-one were treated with oral L-carnitine at a dose of 1 gram twice daily for forty-five days. The seventeen controls were placed on placebo.

Supplement Your Prescription: What Your Doctor Doesn't Know About Nutrition

Hyla Cass
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We have plenty of dietary sources, but the vitamin C drain of the hurried/worried modern world makes supplementation important. Other reasons to appreciate vitamin C: ?People with allergies often find vitamin C works well as a natural antihistamine. ?Supplements of this vitamin may help to reduce asthma symptoms. ?Vitamin C has an anti-inflammatory effect. It promotes the making of anti-inflammatory chemicals and blocks the action of enzymes that promote cartilage-dissolving inflammation. ?Vitamin C plays a role in cardiovascular health.
Here's a review of the classes of medications most commonly prescribed for blood pressure, the nutrients they may deplete, and suggestions for supplementation. Each of the drugs in each of these classes has a long list of potential side effects and interactions. You can find up-to-date drug labeling and side-effect information at www.pdrhealth.com. If you are taking ACE inhibitors or calcium channel blockers, here's some information you should have: according to a large study carried out by the U.S.
Of fifteen studies, twelve found at least some positive effect of chromium supplementation on various aspects of diabetes. In my own clinical experience, I have found chromium to be very helpful in fighting sugar cravings. Dose: Take 200 meg per day. Vanadium This trace mineral is, like chromium, essential for insulin's actions on lowering blood sugar. It's found in a wide variety of foods, including seafood, meat, dairy, cooking oils, and fresh fruits and vegetables. It is often low in diabetics; in those cases, it should be supplemented.
Then, eating some carbohydrate along with it helps carry the tryptophan into the brain where it is converted into serotonin. supplementation with the amino acid 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) can also help your brain manufacture more serotonin and, unlike tryptophan, it doesn't need carbs for it to get into the brain. Norepinephrine deficiency often results in cravings for stimulation from sugar, coffee, stress, or alcohol.

101 Foods That Could Save Your Life!

David W. Grotto, RD, LDN
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BRAIN INJURY: In a rat study, supplementation with curcumin was found to counteract the oxidative damage and cognitive impairment encountered in the injured brain. DEMENTIA AND ALZHEIMER'S: One mouse study confirmed that curcumin significantly lowers oxidized proteins and inflammatory cytokines associated with Alzheimer's. Elderly people who ate curry at least once a month scored better on tests to measure cognitive function than those who reported they ate curry less frequently.
CANCER: A UC Davis study found that tomato products had a synergistic effect between lycopene and other naturally occurring nutrients in tomatoes that produced better results than lycopene supplementation alone in lowering biomarkers of oxidative stress and carcinogenesis. COLORECTAL CANCER: A case-control study involving 1,953 cases found that tomato intake had a significant protective effect against colorectal cancer. OVARIAN CANCER: A prospective study of seventy-one women diagnosed with ovarian cancer showed a significantly reduced risk of ovarian cancer with higher tomato consumption.
CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE: Different studies with humans and mice found that supplementation with pomegranate juice helped prevent the development of fatty streaks in arteries. In another heart-related study published in the American Journal of Cardiology, researchers noted that patients who drank pomegranate juice daily for three months had improved heart function. CANCER: A cell study using human breast cancer cells found that treatment with pomegranate extract significantly inhibited cancer cell growth and increased cell apoptosis (cell death).
COLON CANCER: An animal study found supplementation of flaxseed oil to be effective in preventing colon tumor development whereas corn oil, mostly omega-6 fats, promoted tumor growth. DIABETES: The addition of flax or components of flax in animal studies slowed the onset of type 2 diabetes and protected kidneys from the typical damage caused by diabetes. ATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER (ADHD): A pilot study conducted in India evaluated the effect of flax oil on behavior in children with ADHD.
Researchers also found cumin supplementation to be more effective than glibenclamide (an oral hypoglycemic medication to help control blood glucose) in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. COLON CANCER: Cumin added to the diets of rats slowed down the formation of colon cancer cells. ULCERS: Cumin was found to be highly effective at killing H. pylori, a bacteria associated with stomach ulcers. Tips on Using Cumin SELECTION AND STORAGE: • Because cumin can lose its flavor quickly, fresh-ground seeds are preferable to cumin powder.
Effects of soy or rye supplementation of high-fat diets on colon tumour development in azoxymethane-treated rats. Carcinogenesis. 1999 June;20(6):927-931. Matscheski A, Richter DU, Hartmann AM, Effmert U, Jeschke U, Kupka MS, Abarzua S, Briese V, Ruth W, Kragl U, Piechulla B. Effects of phytoestrogen extracts isolated from rye, green and yellow pea seeds on hormone production and proliferation of trophoblast tumor cells Jeg3. Horm Res. 2006;65(6):276-288. Mcintosh GH et al. Whole-grain rye and wheat foods and markers of bowel health in overweight middle-aged men. Am J Clin Nutr.

From Belly Fat to Belly FLAT: How Your Hormones Are Adding Inches to Your Waistline and Subtracting Years from Your Life

C. W. Randolph, M.D.
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There are four hidden saboteurs that can impact your weight: stress, lack of sleep, physical inactivity, and insufficient supplementation. stress and your hormones Although too much estrogen is the primary culprit that causes you to pack on those pounds, stress impacts the production of five other hormones that can influence your metabolism, your appetite, and your food cravings. Three of the five hormones are produced by the walnut-size adrenal glands located on top of each kidney. They are adrenaline, Cortisol, and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA).
For the treatment and prevention of bone density loss, no other form of hormone replacement or dietary supplementation has had as high a level of positive response as bio-identical progesterone. PMS relief Have you or anyone you know ever suffered from premenstrual syndrome (PMS)? If so, here is more good news about progesterone. In the early 1950s, a theory was advanced within the medical community that PMS was caused by unopposed estrogen during the luteal phase of your menstrual cycle.
Other women have a flare-up of symptoms that require additional hormone supplementation. As for men, if they experience a progressive decline in libido in their late forties and early fifties, they should work with a physician to determine if they are candidates for bio-identical testosterone replacement. when you will need a doctor A doctor will have to order either a saliva or a blood serum test to analyze all your hormone levels. Once a doctor has determined which hormones are deficient, he or she can write a prescription for a formulation of BHRT to address your unique needs.

The Detox Strategy: Vibrant Health in 5 Easy Steps

Brenda Watson and Leonard Smith
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You probably know that I've been in the digestive health field for many years, and I've watched people transform their lives through good nutrition, supplementation, and small shifts in their lifestyle to support a healthy body. As a champion of health and crusader for finding the secrets to optimum well-being, I can't express how powerful detoxification can be for addressing (and sometimes curing) common and even not-so-common ailments that can be rooted in toxin overload.

There Is a Cure for Diabetes: The Tree of Life 21-Day+ Program

Gabriel Cousens
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In twelve of fifteen controlled studies of people with impaired glucose tolerance, chromium supplementation was found to improve some measure of glucose utilization or to have beneficial effects on blood lipid profiles.163 Chromium used synergistically with biotin seems to work to improve beta cell function and enhance glucose uptake by both liver and muscle cells and inhibit excessive glucose production in the liver. About 25-30 percent of individuals with impaired glucose tolerance eventually develop Type-2 diabetes.

What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Diabetes: An Innovative Program to Prevent, Treat, and Beat This Controllable Disease

Steven V. Joyal
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We also share with you how an integrated, evidence-based approach that combines an antiglycation diet, exercise, natural supplementation, lifestyle modifications, and pharmaceuticals (when indicated), along with appropriate blood glucose testing and monitoring, allows you to dramatically reduce many risk factors that lead to complications from diabetes. We also refer you to appropriate chapters in the second part of the book where you can get the practical, step-by-step guidelines you need to fight and win the battle against diabetic complications.
Another study, published in American Heart Journal, indicated improvements in survival associated with carnitine supplementation in patients with heart failure. These studies and many others support carnitine's role in protecting and enhancing cardiovascular health. A number of other experimental studies in aging animals and other test models suggest carnitine may be beneficial in preventing age-related declines in memory and energy metabolism.
Experimental studies in both animals and humans show that DHEA supplementation improves insulin sensitivity and reduces obesity, while other animal studies indicate that DHEA increases beta-cell mass and improves glucose-dependent insulin secretion in aging. Published study data indicate that testosterone improves insulin sensitivity in men. This suggests that DHEA's conversion into testosterone may be at least partly responsible for the beneficial effects it has on insulin function.
Strong evidence in support of magnesium supplementation and its role in metabolic health is found in several large studies that evaluated data from more than 170,000 people. Several studies conducted at Harvard University show that high dietary magnesium intake is associated with a significantly reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes, even in people who are obese. In one of these studies, the length of follow-up was twelve to eighteen years.
Oral magnesium supplementation improves insulin sensitivity and metabolic control in type 2 diabetic subjects: A randomized double-blind controlled trial. Diabetes Care 2003 Apr; 26(4): 1147-52. Rosenblat M et al. Anti-oxidative effects of pomegranate juice (PJ) consumption by diabetic patients on serum and on macrophages. Atherosclerosis 2006 Aug; 187(2):363-71. Sanchez-Ramirez GM et al. Benfotiamine relieves inflammatory and neuropathic pain in rats. Eur J Pharmacol 2006 Jan 13; 530(l-2):48-53. SanGiovanni JD, Chew EY.

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This unique compilation of research is copyright (c) 2008 by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center.

ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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...and Selenium
...and Iron

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...and Hormones and Biochemistry:

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...and Plants and Herbs:

...and Garlic
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...and Ginseng
...and Ginkgo biloba
...and Olive
...and Ginger
...and Green tea
...and Red clover
...and Tobacco

...and Supplements:

...and Flaxseed oil
...and Fish oil
...and Coenzyme q10
...and Lactobacillus
...and Spirulina
...and Glucosamine

...and Chemicals:

...and Free radicals
...and Caffeine
...and Fluoride
...and Mercury
...and Ethanol
...and Aluminum
...and Carcinogens
...and Additives
...and Pesticides
...and Carcinogen

...and Drugs:

...and Tablets
...and Aspirin
...and Antibiotics
...and Diuretic
...and Chemotherapy
...and Antibiotic
...and Diuretics
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...and Steroids

...and Organizations:

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...and Properties:

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...and Antimicrobial
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...and Treatment Modalities:

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...and Massage
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...and Ingredients:

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...and Fructose
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Vitamin E
Vitamin C
Vitamin A
Folic acid
Blood pressure
Placebo-controlled study
Vitamin b6
Vitamin D