The daily dose of curcumin administered was roughly equivalent to 120 curry dinners—so future uses of curcumin in humans will revolve around supplementation rather than dietary intake. Meanwhile, clinical trials are currently planned to test turmeric supplements in suppressing rheumatoid arthritis in humans. Other investigations show that two grams of curcumin a day helps to control ulcerative colitis.
One area in which a great deal of research has been done in autoimmune-disease patients is that of probiotic supplementation. Preparations of living microbial cells that are commonly referred to as "friendly bacteria" are prescribed to repair the gut in patients with inflammatory autoimmune diseases such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Ten years ago the concept that a food ingredient such as probiotics—commonly found in yogurt—could aid in fighting autoimmune disease was scoffed at by most medical professionals. |
Researchers believe this is why supplementation with probiotics has also shown promising results in treating the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.
For Gerry Mullin, a combination of probiotics, antioxidants, omega-3s, a whole-foods diet, and herbal approaches—coupled with "prayer and determination"—proved critical in taming and changing the course of his disease. |
Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., C.N.S. See book keywords and concepts |
L-Carnitine: Energy for a Weak Heart
The strongest research evidence for the benefit of L-carnitine supplementation comes from studies of patients being treated for various forms of cardiovascular disease. People who take L-carnitine supplements soon after suffering a heart attack may be less likely to suffer a subsequent heart attack, die of heart disease, experience chest pain and abnormal heart rhythms, or develop congestive heart failure (a condition in which the heart loses its ability to pump blood effectively). |
Craig Pepin-Donat See book keywords and concepts |
Neal Spruce is a health and fitness specialist, author, educator, researcher, bodybuilding champion and recognized expert on the topic of supplementation. He is also the president and founder of Apex Fitness Group and the CEO of the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). Charles Damiano, who has been a leader in the health and fitness industry for more than 25 years, has provided additional input. He is the founder and CEO of J.A.B. Fitness, a bodybuilding champion and has a degree in nutrition. |
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts |
It is only through this superior supplementation that your body can adapt to the physical stresses you have placed upon it through exercise. In terms of bone density, for example, you already know that subjecting your bones to stress causes your body to build stronger bones. This does not happen in a matter of hours. It takes days, weeks, even months to rebuilt bones, especially if you start out with very low bone mineral density. |
Tori Hudson, N.D. See book keywords and concepts |
A recent animal study suggests that lycopene supplementation (high in yellow/orange fruits and vegetables and especially high in tomatoes, tomato sauce, and tomato juice) may decrease the incidence and size of leiomyomas.23 Another study extolled the benefits of a vegetarian diet by finding that women who suffered from fibroids were more likely to have high consumption of red meat and ham and have low consumption of fruits and green vegetables.24
Whole grains such as brown rice, oats, buckwheat, millet, and rye are excellent sources of B vitamins. |
Michael T. Murray and Michael R. Lyon See book keywords and concepts |
The average amount of weight loss during the five-week period of 5-HTP supplementation was a little more than 3 pounds.
The second study sought to determine whether 5-HTP helped overweight individuals to adhere to dietary recommendations. The twelve-week study was divided into two six-week periods. For the first six weeks, there were no dietary recommendations; for the second six weeks, the women were placed on a 1,200-calorie diet. The women who took the placebo lost an average of 2.28 pounds, while the women who took the 5-HTP lost 10.34 pounds. |
Thomson Healthcare, Inc. See book keywords and concepts |
Erythropoietin and oxidative stress in haemodialysis: beneficial effects of vitamin E supplementation. Nephrol Dial Transplant; 12(11):2312-2317. 1997
Duntas L, Kemmer TP, Vorberg B et al. Administration of d-alpha-tocopherol in patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Curr Ther Res Clin Exp; 57(9):682-690. 1996
Eberlein-Konig B, Placzek M & Przybilla B. Protective effect against sunburn of combined systemic ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and d-alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E). J Am Acad Dermatol; 38(l):45-48. 1998
Edmonds SE, Winyard PG, Guo R et al. |
Other studies have suggested that folic acid supplementation may be helpful for atherosclerosis, colon cancer prevention, coronary heart disease, depression, gingival hyperplasia, hyperhomocysteinemia, iron-deficiency or sickle-cell anemia, lung cancer prevention, methotrexate toxicity, prevention of restenosis following coronary angiography, ulcerative colitis, and vitiligo. Weaker evidence suggests that folic acid may be of some benefit for cervical cancer prevention (some studies were inconclusive), aphthous ulcers, geriatric memory deficit, and prevention of fragile X syndrome in children. |
Erich Grotewold See book keywords and concepts |
Effect of tea flavonoid supplementation on the susceptibility of low-density lipoprotein to oxidative modification, Am J Clin Nutr, 66: 261-266. Kallunki, T., Su, B., Tsigelny, I., Sluss, H. K., Derijard, B., Moore, G., Davis, R., and Karin, M., 1994,
JNK2 contains a specificity-determining region responsible for efficient c-Jun binding and phosphorylation, Genes Dev, 8: 2996-3007. Kandaswami, C, Perkins, E., Soloniuk, D. S., Drzewiecki, G., and Middleton, E., Jr., 1991,
Antiproliferative effects of citrus flavonoids on a human squamous cell carcinoma in vitro, Cancer
Lett, 56: 147-152. |
Carol Simontacchi See book keywords and concepts |
Magnesium deficiency is also associated with inflammatory bowel disease.29 supplementation is recommended, and for those who do not respond to oral supplementation, a daily intravenous dose of 200 to 400 mg of elemental magnesium is recommended.
Is It Safe?
In most cases, magnesium has been found safe at recommended dosage levels. Large doses of this dietary supplement, however, may result in diarrhea, and it may be necessary to lower the amount taken. Moreover, if you have kidney disease, you should talk to your doctor before taking this dietary supplement. |
Tori Hudson, N.D. See book keywords and concepts |
A review of lactobacillus treatments for WC in 200368 found that vaginally administered or orally ingested lactobacillus is able to colonize the vaginal ecosystem and that most supplementation needed to continue for two to six months in order to sustain continued colonization. The author also concluded that controlled trials are encouraging but few, and that these trials had small numbers of women, inadequate controls, lack of blinding, high attrition rates, and were not consistent in the form of lactobacillus used. In addition, they had conflicting results. |
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts |
Most diseases are caused by pharmaceutical deficiencies and can only be treated with pharmaceutical supplementation.
Botanicals interfere with pharmaceuticals, not the other way around. There is no such thing as a pharmaceutical that interferes with an herb.
Scientific progress is measured by the degree to which man dominates nature.
Free speech should only be protected for drug companies, not nutritional supplement companies.
The 300+ synthetic chemicals now found in the blood of nearly everyone are completely harmless and have no negative health effects. |
Tori Hudson, N.D. See book keywords and concepts |
This is the first study that raises concerns about long-term, high-dose isoflavone supplementation and its effects on the endometrium. It would typically take three to five servings of soy foods per day to achieve 150 mg. One serving per day of soy foods is only 25 to 60 mg per day, depending on the soy food item.
Isoflavones appear to be able to act as a partial agonist, binding to the estrogen receptor. Because the action of isoflavones is weaker than that of endogenous estrogens at low doses and for short durations, these phytoestrogens seem to be antagonistic. |
Thomson Healthcare, Inc. See book keywords and concepts |
The HOPE-TOO trial, a trial extension of the earlier Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation (HOPE) study, examined the effects of long-term supplementation with vitamin E on CV events. The initial HOPE study was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial involving patients aged 55 and older with vascular disease or diabetes mellitus (n=9,541); it found no significant effect of vitamin E on CV events. In HOPE-TOO, of the 7,030 patients enrolled at participating centers, 3,994 continued taking the study intervention and 738 agreed to follow-up (median duration 7 years). |
Tori Hudson, N.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Some antiseizure medications are folate antagonists and, as such, can increase the risk for fetal neural tube defects unless folic acid supplementation is implemented along with the medication. |
Although research clearly shows that moderate EFA supplementation is beneficial and safe for pregnant women, caution should be exercised when consuming large doses. Also, there may be some caution about increased fish intake and environmental contamination. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency advise that pregnant and nursing mothers and young children avoid certain types of fish and shellfish and limit others. In part, this may be due to the methylmercury content in fish such as albacore tuna, shark, sword-fish, king mackerel, and tilefish. |
Dr. Abram Hoffer, MD, FRCP (C) and Dr. Harold D. Foster, PhD See book keywords and concepts |
On the one hand, niacin deficiency can be easily overcome by supplementation, usually combined with high dose vitamin C. Elevated adrenochrome is a double-edged sword. It appears to promote both intelligence and psychosis, while protecting against cancer. As seen in the treatment of schizophrenics, where excessively elevated levels of adrenochrome cause psychosis, they must be lowered by natural methyl acceptors, such as niacin and coenzyme
Qio. |
Fortunately, these diseases can be prevented and treated by niacin supplementation, just as scurvy, many cancers, heart disease, and stroke can be avoided by elevating vitamin C intake.
Pellagra, for example, at one time devastated the population of several countries and the Southern United States, where the population was dependent on corn as its staple food. Pellagra is characterized by four "Ds": diarrhea, dermatitis, dementia, and death, if not treated. Corn alone cannot meet our minimum need for vitamin B-3. |
The costs of vitamin C supplementation are low, while the potential benefits are high. By contrast, the health costs of sticking to the low RDA could be enormous, whereas the benefits are minimal.
A new scientific theory, called the dynamic flow model, provides another guideline. According to this model, people should ideally be in a state of dynamic flow, which means they ingest more nutrient than they need so that any excess flows through the body and is excreted in the urine. The nutrient not normally required acts as a reservoir when extra quantities are required. |
Nutrient deficiency of long standing may create an exaggerated need for the missing nutrient, a need not met by dietary intakes or even by low-dose supplementation. Recently, Robert P. Heaney, M.D., used the term 'long latency deficiency diseases' to describe illnesses that fit this description.21 He writes: 'Inadequate intakes of many nutrients are now recognized as contributing to several of the major chronic diseases that affect the populations of the industrialized nations. |
That is, without supplementation, the environment no longer provides humans with the optimum intake of vitamin C. This dual inability to synthesize ascorbic acid or to acquire it in adequate quantity from the environment is associated with numerous deficiency diseases, the most famous being scurvy.
In 1741, the chaplain of the British warship Centurion described a serious outbreak of scurvy, providing insights into a wide spectrum of symptoms. |
Tori Hudson, N.D. See book keywords and concepts |
In cases where conventional treatment with GnRH inhibitors is needed, thus causing a phar-maceutically induced menopause, Ipriflavone (a semisynthetic soy derivative) supplementation has been helpful at preventing side effects such as bone loss and increased LDL.46'47
Natural (Bio-Identical) Progesterone. Historically, studies have suggested that progesterone may inhibit growth of uterine fibroids. A. Lipschutz demonstrated that progesterone administered to guinea pigs prevented formation of tumors that had been induced by estrogen.48 In 1946, A. |
Hyla Cass See book keywords and concepts |
People with joint and muscle pain often get some relief with vitamin D supplementation. This nutrient is essential, too, in the prevention of osteoporosis.
Dose: Take 1,000 international units (IU) a day, or more if blood tests show a serious deficiency.
Both of these substances are glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), building materials for making cartilage. Using both together can reduce pain and promote joint healing in arthritis—with pain relief benefits rivaling those of the NSAIDs, without those drugs' liabilities.
In the biggest study on the subject, a $12. |
Wendy Bazilian, DRPH, MA, RD, Steven Pratt, MD, Kathy Matthews See book keywords and concepts |
It's quite encouraging to know that both fish oil consumption along with exercise has been proven to be a more effective fat-loss strategy than either supplementation alone or exercise alone. The SuperFoodsRx Diet is the first diet to help you achieve weight loss by a careful combination of specific foods and exercise working in concert to maximize your body's ability to shed weight.
Yogurt for Your Waistline
It's been gratifying to see the explosive growth in the varieties of yogurt available in most every supermarket. |
Dawson Church See book keywords and concepts |
Recent studies show that fish oil supplementation leads to marked improvements in mental acuity in thirty days or less. Fish oils have been shown to prevent cancer18 and heart attacks, improve cardiovascular health,19 and reduce the incidence of diabetes, autoimmune diseases, and inflammatory diseases.20 Some of the ingredients in antioxidant and multivitamin tablets are absorbed by the body in minutes. |
Michael T. Murray and Michael R. Lyon See book keywords and concepts |
The best choice for protein supplementation is whey protein. Whey protein is a natural by-product of the cheesemaking process. Cow's milk has about 6.25 percent protein. Of that protein, 80 percent is casein (another type of protein) and the remaining 20 percent is whey. When cheese is made, it uses the casein molecules, leaving whey. Whey protein is made by filtering off the other components of whey such as lactose, fats, and minerals. Whey protein is easier to digest and is better tolerated than casein. |
Gary Null and Amy McDonald See book keywords and concepts |
The authors report that dietary supplementation with fish oils may reduce ADHD-related symptoms in some children.
Double-blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of Zinc Sulfate in the Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Bilici M; Yildirim F; et al. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology ir Biological Psychiatry, 2004 January, 28(1): 181-190.
In patients with ADHD, zinc proved to be more effective than placebo in reducing symptoms of hyperactivity, impulsivity and impaired socialization. |
Findings suggested that some infections with Candida species and staphylococci were prevented by zinc supplementation.
Effect of Calcium Ion Uptake on Candida Albicans Morphology. Holmes AR; Cannon RD; Shepherd MG. Ferns Microbiology Letters, 1991 January 15, 61(2-3):187-193.
Calcium was shown to inhibit the growth of Candida albicans yeast cells.
Inhibition of Candida adhesion to buccal epithelial cells by an aqueous extract of Allium sativum (garlic). Ghannoum MA. Journal of Applied Bacteriology, 1990 February, 68(2): 163-169. |