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Grocery Warning: How to recognize and avoid the groceries that cause cancer, diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and other common diseases

Mike Adams
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In fact, in my experience, I found that it is virtually impossible to do so without taking some form of phytonutrient supplementation. I'm not talking about taking isolated vitamins and minerals - the benefits of those products pale in comparison to the healing properties offered by whole food complexes and microalgae supplements.

Natural Cures They Don't Want You to Know About

Kevin Trudeau
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Calcium and magnesium supplementation; B-Complex supplementation; exercise; rebounding; massage; Dr. Coldwell's stress-reducing techniques; Dianetics; colon cleanse; liver/gallbladder cleanse; Candida cleanse; heavy metal cleanse; Callahan Techniques; organic dark chocolate; sun; rest Tumors Toxic overload; electromagnetic chaos such as cell phones or laptop computers; mental and emotional stress; Candida; viral infections Hydrogen peroxide therapy; ozone therapy; chelation therapy; flax seed oil mixed with soy protein; shark cartilage; all the cleanses; infrared saunas; Dr.

Natural Health Solutions

Mike Adams
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Infants who receive vitamin D supplementation (2000 units daily) have an 80 percent reduced risk of developing type 1 diabetes over the next twenty years. Shocking Vitamin D deficiency statistics: *" 32 percent of doctors and med school students are vitamin D deficient. ** 40 percent of the U.S. population is vitamin D deficient. 42 percent of African American women of childbearing age are deficient in vitamin D. *" 48 percent of young girls (9-11 years old) are vitamin D deficient. *" Up to 60 percent of all hospital patients are vitamin D deficient.
Chronic vitamin D deficiency cannot be reversed overnight: it takes months of vitamin D supplementation and sunlight exposure to rebuild the body's bones and nervous system. ** Even weak sunscreens (SPF8) block your body's ability to generate vitamin D by 95 percent. This is how sunscreen products actually cause disease—by creating a critical vitamin deficiency in the body. *" It is impossible to generate too much vitamin D in your body from sunlight exposure: your body will self-regulate and only generate what it needs.
The first two forms of anemia are largely preventable and treatable through nutrition and supplementation, but sickle cell anemia is a genetic disorder. For this reason, this section only covers iron deficiency and pernicious anemia, since preventing and treating them may be as simple as adding some supplements to your vitamin regimen. Iron deficiency anemia is most common during childhood, adolescence and the later years of life. Additionally, heavy menstruation, pregnancy and lactation may cause anemia in women.
Basic guidelines for dietary and supplementation changes: <*~ Always begin slowly by adding no more than 1 new item to your diet every 5 days. This will allow you to watch your body's reaction and determine if perhaps you have an allergy or adverse reaction to a specific herb or nutrient. *" Always start with the smallest possible dosage or serving of a supplement or probiotic, and slowly, over the course of 5 days, work your way up to the recommended dose.
Another study published in 2003 in Diabetes Care found that daily cinnamon supplementation of either 1, 3, or 6 grams reduced serum (blood) glucose, triglycerides, LDL ("bad") cholesterol, and total cholesterol in those with Type II diabetes." "Echinacea is ... often used to fight colds and infections." "[D]iets rich in tomatoes and tomato products significantly reduced the risk of developing prostate cancer." "Several clinical studies indicate that Omega-3 Fatty Acids maybe helpful for the prevention and treatment of both acute and chronic inflammatory conditions.

PDR for Herbal Medicines, Fourth Edition

Thomson Healthcare, Inc.
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Doses of 0.2 and 0.4 mg/day correlate with 60% and 90% of the maximal effect, respectively. When vitamin B12 was combined with folic acid, an additional 7% reduction in plasma homocysteine levels was noted (Homocysteine Lowering Trialists' Collaboration, 2005). In earlier studies, folic acid was combined with vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 for greater effect on homocysteine levels. A meta-analysis of 12 trials examining the effects of supplemental folic acid on plasma homocysteine levels showed that supplements of 0.

Dr. Neal Barnard's Program for Reversing Diabetes: The Scientifically Proven System for Reversing Diabetes Without Drugs

Neal D. Barnard and Bryanna Clark Grogan
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The long-term benefits and risks of chromium supplementation are not known. Most typical multivitamins easily provide you with adequate chromium. If you choose to take higher amounts, it is a good idea to check with your physician first. Alpha-lipoic acid. Alpha-lipoic acid, sometimes called thioctic acid, is naturally produced in the human body. It plays important roles in the mitochondria, the microscopic "burners" that provide energy in the cells. It works as a cofactor for several enzymes related to energy metabolism.
If you are going to supplement, you should be aware that chromium is included in most common multivitamins, usually in amounts ranging from 100 to 200 micrograms, so additional supplementation may not be necessary. The safety of high chromium doses has not been as extensively studied as that of other minerals. Studies using chromium for diabetes treatment often exceed the amounts recommended by the US government, using doses of up to 1,000 micrograms per day. Individuals with impaired liver or kidney function may be at risk for adverse effects and should probably stay well below this level.

PDR for Herbal Medicines, Fourth Edition

Thomson Healthcare, Inc.
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Tomato-free diet lycopene dropped 0.2 mcmol/L (p<0.01). Lymphocyte DNA damage after ex vivo treatment with hydrogen peroxide decreased by 33% and 42% in the two groups of subjects (Riso et al, 1999). Lycopene may play a role in preventing oxidative damage in skin produced by exposure to ultraviolet light. The volar forearm of 16 healthy Caucasian women was exposed to 3x their minimal erythema dose (determined previously) of ultraviolet light. This produced a 31% to 46% reduction in skin concentrations of lycopene.

Perfect Health the Natural Way

Mary-Ann Shearer
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They are white in color with a few specks of herbs; the seasonings should be full of herbs and spices. supplementation is also not the route to go as we see from the following: a nineteen-mem-ber panel prepared the latest information on dietary recommendations and after looking at more than 5000 studies, "strongly condemned the use of dietary supplements, maintaining that there was no convincing evidence that calcium supplements were necessary to prevent osteoporosis" (South African Medical Journal 3).
This bonding is made possible by photosynthesis (the effect that natural light and sun have on plants) and cannot be duplicated in a laboratory (one of the many reasons I am not keen on vitamin and mineral supplementation). In this bonded form the nutrients are 100 percent usable. In supplements, vitamins and minerals are not bonded to a carbon molecule and, as such, are in an "inorganic" form and therefore only 4-10 percent usable.

Dr. Neal Barnard's Program for Reversing Diabetes: The Scientifically Proven System for Reversing Diabetes Without Drugs

Neal D. Barnard and Bryanna Clark Grogan
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If you get this sun exposure, there is no need for dietary supplementation. If you do not and also do not take a regular multivitamin, a 400 IU vitamin D supplement is a good idea. Aside from the basic vitamins, some other supplements have shown promise for people with diabetes. Cinnamon. Cinnamon has been shown to cut fasting glucose levels by 18 to 29 percent. As little as V2 teaspoon of ordinary cinnamon added to your morning oatmeal or other foods not only seems to reduce blood sugar, but also appears to reduce blood cholesterol levels.

Natural Alternatives to Vioxx, Celebrex and other Anti-Inflammatory Prescription Drugs

Carol Simontacchi
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If other cardiovascular medications are in use, it is wise to check with a nutritionally trained physician prior to using fish oil supplementation. The Recommended Dose The standard recommended fish oil dosage is 1 to 4 g per day, preferably taken with meals. Because oils are extremely volatile—sensitive to light, heat, and oxygen—it is imperative to select a high-quality product. I personally prefer the Carlson Laboratories and Nordic Naturals brands of fish oil because these companies maintain extremely high standards of purity and protection against oxidative damage.

Spiritual Nutrition: Six Foundations for Spiritual Life and the Awakening of Kundalini

Gabriel Cousens, M.D.
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Although there is not enough research to prove there is absolutely no vegan food that increases human Bi2 in the system, there is enough to suggest that preventive supplementation be taken to prevent Bu deficiencies. It is a possible suggestion that large amounts of dulse, raw nori, and an algae called cocolithophorid algae, also known as pleurochritias cartera, may provide sufficient human active B!2. Unfortunately, these have not been fully tested with the gold standard.

The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted and the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss and Long-term Health

T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D. and Thomas M. Campbell II
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The NCI also has been funding a couple of multi-year large studies, including the Nurses' Health Study at Harvard (discussed in chapter twelve) and the Women's Health Initiative, mostly devoted to the testing of hormone replacement therapy, vitamin D and calcium supplementation, and the effect of a moderately low-fat diet on prevention of breast and colon cancer. These rare nutrition-related studies unfortunately suffer from the same experimental flaws described in chapter fourteen.

Super Health 7 Golden Keys to Unlock Lifelong Vitality

KC Craichy
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Both challenges were solved largely through changes in diet, strategic supplementation, and the power of prayer. This grounded me in the need for clinical nutrition. At that point I made a vow that I was going to discover a dynamic, no-nonsense approach to health that would make people of any age and any stage of health look, feel, and live better, and that I would get this information out to the world. I thought my mission could be accomplished through a unique natural health company that I founded during the height of the dotcom era.
Daily supplementation with beneficial bacteria (probiotics), including various species of Lactobacilli (Acidophillus, Rhamnosus, Casei, Plantarum, etc.) and species of Bifidobacteria (Brevis, Longus, Infantis, etc.), is a good idea for overall health. The beneficial bacteria crowd out unwanted species, produce natural antibiotics to kill pathogenic bacteria, help digest foods, and make many of our B vitamins and Vitamin K as well. Another recently discovered function of probiotics (another name for beneficial flora) is "crosstalk" between the flora and the intestinal lining.

The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods

by Michael Murray, N.D. and Joseph Pizzorno, N.D.
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ENHANCING ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE Some evidence suggests that overtraining results in low glutamine levels and that glutamine supplementation can help prevent over training in the first place, as well as help an athlete recover from over training. Plasma glutamine concentrations increase during exercise. However, during the postexercise recovery period, plasma glutamine concentrations decrease significantly. Several hours of recovery are required before plasma levels are restored to preexercise levels.

Spiritual Nutrition: Six Foundations for Spiritual Life and the Awakening of Kundalini

Gabriel Cousens, M.D.
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B12 in Food Up until this time, many of us have felt that additional supplementation for live-food practitioners with sea vegetables or probiotic formulas was sufficient protection against B12 deficiency. This does not seem to be the case, according to research. Among macrobiotics, who primarily cook their food, we see a very high percentage of children actually having growth retardation due to low Bi2 intake. Many of us have felt that spirulina, aphazonimom-flo-aque (AFA), and all the sea vegetables had enough active B12 to avoid a B12 deficiency.

Grocery Warning: How to recognize and avoid the groceries that cause cancer, diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and other common diseases

Mike Adams
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How to get phytochemicals into your diet As someone who has studied holistic nutrition for many years, and read literally hundreds of books on the subject, I cannot overstate the importance of superfood supplementation. I already mentioned that the only way for most people to obtain adequate supplies of phytonutrients in their diets is to supplement with whole foods: Sometimes raw vegetables are not easy for the system to digest. Storage and processing by the supplier or overcooking in the home contributes to loss of phytonutrients.

Spiritual Nutrition: Six Foundations for Spiritual Life and the Awakening of Kundalini

Gabriel Cousens, M.D.
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The author strongly recommends B12 supplementation for all vegan and live-food practitioners to maintain optimal health and well-being. Chapter 20 The Light of Live Foods Live Foods he Spiritual Nutrition diet is a special type of spiritual vegan diet aimed at helping us transcend body consciousness, clean the J_ koshas, calm the vrittis of the mind, clear the nadis, and expand the prana.

Grocery Warning: How to recognize and avoid the groceries that cause cancer, diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and other common diseases

Mike Adams
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Through supplementation, you can intake large quantities of plant-based phytochemicals without needing to radically alter your eating habits. Of course, raw whole foods are always better, but in practical terms, whole food supplements are the only way most people are going to get these foods into their diets. I take whole food supplements before, during and after every meal. I don't put a piece of food in my mouth without first taking some chlorella, spirulina, "veggie" tablets, powdered broccoli sprouts in capsules, sea vegetables in capsules, and so on.

Spiritual Nutrition: Six Foundations for Spiritual Life and the Awakening of Kundalini

Gabriel Cousens, M.D.
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It is the author's medical opinion as a holistic physician, nutritionist, vegan since 1973, live-food vegan since 1983, and as a person committed to supporting all those who choose to become healthy live-food vegans, that it would be wise to incorporate some Bi2 supplementation in your diet. It is more natural to be healthy than it is to be anything less than that. It may be the first time in history since the Garden of Eden that as a culture we have the capacity to healthfully follow the vegan teaching of Genesis 1:29. Summary, Chapter 19 1. B12 is critical for optimum health and well-being.
Another question that is relevant to B12 supplementation is how much is safe. The Institute of Medicine has not set an upper limit of safety for Bi2 intake. Other researchers suggest that B12 intake of 500-1,000 meg per day is completely safe and that the cobalt and cyanide contribution in 1,000 meg of cyanocobalamin are toxicologically insignificant.58 However, people with cyanide metabolism defects, chronic kidney failure, and smokers are safest to use another form than cyanocobalamin. This is because they may have compromised cyanide detoxification ability.

Food Plants of the World: An illustrated guide

Ben-Erik van Wyk
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The upper safe limit in supplementation is set at 200 pg. Zinc has numerous functions in several enzyme systems. It is abundant in animal foods but also occurs in cereals and pulses. Both the RDA and suggested upper safe limit is 15 mg. Chromium is important in the metabolism of glucose, amino acids and fats. Plant food sources include nuts, pulses and wholegrain cereals. An upper safe limit is considered to be 200 pg per day for adults. Iodine is used to form thyroid hormones and is found in foods derived from the sea (fish, shellfish and kelp). The RDA is 150 pg.

Grocery Warning: How to recognize and avoid the groceries that cause cancer, diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and other common diseases

Mike Adams
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Disease Prevention And Treatment by The Life Extension Foundation That's why I strongly recommend whole food concentrates (also called whole food complexes) as your supplementation choice. The trick is to find products and supplements that actually contain ingredients they claim to contain, aren't made with filler, and you can actually stomach. In this section, I discuss my most highly recommend superfoods: Jenny Lee Supergreens, The Ultimate Meal, chlorella, spirulina, whole food complexes, and sea vegetables.
This study showed that calcium supplementation helped prevent bone fractures. It only makes sense: if you get more calcium, you will help balance out the ratios. But as the earlier quotes mentioned, the absorption of that calcium may be seriously impaired by the excessive phosphorus. This is why the best strategy is to reduce phosphorus intake in order to balance the calcium / phosphorus ratio in your body. And the easiest way to do that is to simply avoid soft drinks for life.

Natural Alternatives to Vioxx, Celebrex and other Anti-Inflammatory Prescription Drugs

Carol Simontacchi
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For this reason, mineral supplementation is necessary. Macro-minerals are needed in larger amounts than micro-minerals. Although micro-minerals are required in minute quantities, they are still critical for optimum health. relieving the body of another causal factor in inflammation—oxidative stress. Several minerals also work to control inflammation by directly helping the body to fight acidity—a condition that, as you learned earlier in the book, sets the stage for inflammation. The body is not able to produce a single mineral, but relies on outside sources for all of its mineral needs.

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This unique compilation of research is copyright (c) 2008 by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center.

ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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with Supplementation...

...and Nutrients:

...and Vitamin E
...and Vitamin
...and Calcium
...and Zinc
...and Vitamin C
...and Magnesium
...and Beta-carotene
...and Vitamin A
...and Selenium
...and Iron

...and Physiology:

...and Levels
...and Effects
...and Effect
...and Deficiency
...and Increase
...and Function
...and Reduced
...and Intake
...and Immune
...and Reduction

...and Concepts:

...and Study
...and Studies
...and Group
...and Risk
...and Therapy
...and Activity
...and Trial
...and Research
...and Damage
...and Time

...and Key Health Concepts:

...and Treatment
...and Diet
...and Disease
...and Supplements
...and Symptoms
...and Nutrients
...and Supplement
...and Foods
...and Health
...and Prevention

...and Who:

...and Patients
...and Women
...and Children
...and Men
...and Human
...and Elderly
...and Adults
...and Diabetics
...and Patient
...and Infants

...and Anatomy:

...and Blood
...and Body
...and Cells
...and Heart
...and Liver
...and Brain
...and Bone
...and Skin
...and Tissue
...and Muscle

...and Medical Terms:

...and Results
...and Double-blind
...and Doses
...and Placebo
...and Serum
...and Dosage
...and Dose
...and Syndrome
...and Dosages
...and Platelet

...and Adjectives:

...and Dietary
...and Clinical
...and Normal
...and Healthy
...and Chronic
...and Essential
...and International
...and Supplemental
...and Improved
...and Nutritional

...and Objects:

...and People
...and Journal
...and Oil
...and Vitamins
...and Review
...and Produce
...and Animal
...and Data
...and Diets
...and Capsules

...and Substances:

...and Acid
...and Food
...and Lead
...and Water
...and Extract
...and Acids
...and Bacteria
...and Light
...and Oxygen
...and Radiation

...and Health Conditions and Diseases:

...and Cancer
...and Diabetes
...and Diarrhea
...and Heart disease
...and Osteoporosis
...and Depression
...and Infection
...and Hypertension
...and Anemia
...and Pain

...and Actions:

...and Taking
...and Growth
...and Avoid
...and Treating
...and Eat
...and Eating
...and Sleep
...and Synthesis
...and March
...and Preventing

...and Medical Adjectives:

...and Oral
...and Placebo-controlled
...and Acute
...and Diabetic
...and In vitro
...and Therapeutic
...and Intravenous
...and Urinary
...and Digestive
...and Intestinal

...and Macronutrients:

...and Mineral
...and Enzymes
...and Protein
...and Fatty acids
...and Minerals
...and Oils
...and Seeds
...and Fats
...and Fiber
...and Proteins

...and Foods and Beverages:

...and Fish
...and Flaxseed
...and Vegetables
...and Alcohol
...and Sugar
...and Soy
...and Nuts
...and Fruits
...and Meals
...and Yeast

...and Biological Functions:

...and Period
...and Metabolism
...and Concentration
...and Memory
...and Digestion
...and Weight loss
...and Strength
...and Attention
...and Fertility
...and Vision

...and Animals:

...and Rats
...and Mice
...and Dogs
...and Cats
...and Cows
...and Turkey
...and Cat
...and Cattle
...and Worms
...and Insect

...and Hormones and Biochemistry:

...and Insulin
...and Hormones
...and Homocysteine
...and Estrogen
...and Lipids
...and Methionine
...and Cortisol
...and Stomach acid
...and Dopamine
...and Neurotransmitter

...and When:

...and April
...and October
...and December
...and February
...and September
...and August
...and July
...and Winter
...and Summer
...and At night

...and Biological Measures:

...and Blood pressure
...and Body weight
...and Blood levels
...and Triglycerides
...and Blood sugar levels
...and Blood glucose
...and Heart rate
...and Blood cholesterol
...and Height

...and Plants and Herbs:

...and Garlic
...and Ginkgo
...and Root
...and Ginseng
...and Ginkgo biloba
...and Olive
...and Ginger
...and Green tea
...and Red clover
...and Tobacco

...and Supplements:

...and Flaxseed oil
...and Fish oil
...and Coenzyme q10
...and Lactobacillus
...and Spirulina
...and Glucosamine

...and Chemicals:

...and Free radicals
...and Caffeine
...and Fluoride
...and Mercury
...and Ethanol
...and Aluminum
...and Carcinogens
...and Additives
...and Pesticides
...and Carcinogen

...and Drugs:

...and Tablets
...and Aspirin
...and Antibiotics
...and Diuretic
...and Chemotherapy
...and Antibiotic
...and Diuretics
...and Antidepressant
...and Vaccine
...and Steroids

...and Organizations:

...and Epa
...and Lancet
...and Fda
...and Clinic
...and Psychiatry
...and Organization
...and Health food stores
...and Hospitals
...and Government
...and National cancer institute

...and Where:

...and United states
...and Chinese
...and England
...and India
...and Indian
...and New york
...and China
...and California
...and Germany
...and Canadian

...and Properties:

...and Oxidation
...and Anti-inflammatory
...and Relieves
...and Relieving
...and Calming
...and Antimicrobial
...and Antifungal
...and Analgesic
...and Antiseptic
...and Irritant

...and Treatment Modalities:

...and Detoxification
...and Fasting
...and Relaxation
...and Massage
...and Meditation
...and Yoga
...and Ayurvedic
...and Acupuncture
...and Cleanse
...and Aerobic exercise

...and Ingredients:

...and Sodium
...and Fructose
...and Lactose
...and Aspartame
...and Preservatives
...and Food additives
...and Msg

Related Concepts:

Vitamin E
Vitamin C
Vitamin A
Folic acid
Blood pressure
Placebo-controlled study
Vitamin b6
Vitamin D