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Dietary supplements

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Colloidal Minerals and Trace Elements: How to Restore the Body's Natural Vitality

Marie-France Muller, M.D., N.D., Ph.D.
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On the other hand, all of them can be found in complex formulas. Some dietary supplements also add this complete range of trace elements to their mineral complexes. For example, the American company Nature's Plus has created a formulation containing 72 trace elements from "primordial seawater" that have been naturally chelated with marine sediments from very deep waters, which support a chelated mineral complex in the exact proportions existing in this primordial seawater. * Warning: We are discussing only trace elements here!
Their size in colloidal mineral complexes of plant origin is the main reason why the body can easily utilize them to maintain the bioelectrical balance that is essential to health and longevity and to improve the availability and assimilation of other nutrients, such as vitamins from food and other dietary supplements.
The sole diet that is truly good for health is one that includes dietary supplements.* *Dr. Robert R. Barefoot and Carl J. Reich, authors of the book The Calcium Factor. Higgensen, "the elimination of 600 carcinogenic toxins present in the surrounding environment, in our air, water, and food, would be enough to prevent the manifestation of 90 percent of all cancers." Knowing how unhealthy our world actually is, is it any surprise that our health is deteriorating and that as time passes this deterioration begins at a younger and younger age?

Alternative Cures: The Most Effective Natural Home Remedies for 160 Health Problems

Bill Gottlieb
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They do this by supplying the body with what it needs for optimal functioning, such as dietary supplements, herbal remedies, and other natural medicines. Once the body is back in balance, it has the ability to better resist disease and maintain a state of health and wellness. This approach is very different from that used by conventional, or allopathic, physicians. The goal of conventional medicine is generally to suppress or eliminate disease by using drugs or surgery. Naturopathic physicians believe the conventional approach actually may interfere with the body's natural ability to heal.

New Choices in Natural Healing: Over 1,800 of the Best Self-Help Remedies from the World of Alternative Medicine

Bill Gottlieb
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These dietary supplements, alone or in combination, are avadable in most hedth food stores, according to Dr. Edelberg. Urinary Tract Infections Prevention magazine survey found that urinary tract infections are the most common health problem among women; nearly half of those who responded to the questionnaire said they'd had at least one. Infection occurs when a microorganism invades your bladder or your urethra, which carries urine from the bladder and out of the body.

Prescription for Herbal Healing: An Easy-to-Use A-Z Reference to Hundreds of Common Disorders and Their Herbal Remedies

Phyllis A. Balch, CNC
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By comparison, in 1999 the FDA announced that during the previous five years, a total of 101 deaths were caused by the misuse of herbs, vitamins, minerals, and other dietary supplements.) By 1999, a small fraction—about 2 percent—of the American public had abandoned chemical medicine altogether and had begun using alternative medicine exclusively. This 2 percent of the public reported using herbs and visiting nontraditional healers.

Reclaiming Our Health: Exploding the Medical Myth and Embracing the True Source of Healing

John Robbins
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When she testified before the Congressional Hearings on dietary supplements, as both an expert on AIDS and a person afflicted with the disease, she received a standing ovation from the congressional delegation. More than a decade previously, Sharon almost died from AIDS. With death looming on the horizon, Sharon prepared her will, and made the difficult decision as to who would assume custody of her 12-year-old daughter when she died. Then she became one of Dr. Priestley's AIDS patients.
Rather than take AZT, she chose to take various herbs and dietary supplements, and receive acupuncture treatments, to support and bolster her immune system. Within only a few months, virtually all of Sharon Lund's symptoms disappeared. Her diarrhea ended, her memory improved, she no longer had to have her daughter change her sheets three times a night due to night sweats, and she could function on 8 hours of sleep, not 18 to 20, as had been the case before. Five years later, her insurance company stopped paying for the cost of her supplements and acupuncture treatments.

The ABC Clinical Guide to Herbs

Mark Blumenthal
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Uses Herpes simplex type II infections; decrease in occurrence of influenza complications; fatigue; chronic inflammation; debility; decreased work and concentration; chronic fatigue syndrome; convalescence; functional asthenia; supportive therapy during radiation or chemotherapy; atherosclerosis; selective memory improvement. Dosage Use for one to three months, followed by a two-month break. infusion (Tea): Pour 150 ml of boiling water over 2-3 g, steep for 5-10 minutes. fluid extract: 2-4 ml, 1 to 3 times daily [1:1]. fluid extract: 2-8 ml daily [1:2].
It has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for over two thousand years. From the 1940s through the 1960s, Soviet scientists conducted extensive clinical research on eleuthero in their search for a more abundant and economical alternative to Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng). Russian Olympic athletes, explorers, divers, sailors, and miners now use eleuthero as a preventive agent against stress-related illnesses. Photo © 2003 stevenfoster.
Uses Promotes blood sugar metabolism in healthy people and persons with type 2 (non-insulin dependent) diabetes. Dosage In general, short-term use may not be beneficial, so continued use over an extended period of time is usually recommended. However, American ginseng was shown in clinical trials to be effective in lowering blood sugar levels directly after meals in both healthy and diabetic (type 2) persons when taken during or just after the meal. decoction (tea): Simmer 3-6 g dried root in 720-960 ml water for approximately 45 minutes; alternatively, simmer 2 to 9 g.
Zeutschrift fur Allgemeinmedizin 1981;57:2272-5. foster s. American Herbal Products Association: Herbs of Commerce. austin (tx): american herbal products association; 1992. freise j, kohler s. peppermint oil-caraway oil fixed combination in non-ulcer dyspepsia—comparison of the effects of enteric preparations [in german]. Pharmazie 1999;54(3):210-5. fussel a, wolf a, brattstrom a. effect of a fixed valerian-hop extract combination (ze 9109) on sleep polygraphy in patients with non-organic insomnia: a pilot study Eur J Med Res 2000;5:385-90. gabor m, engi e, sonkodi s.

Prescription for Herbal Healing: An Easy-to-Use A-Z Reference to Hundreds of Common Disorders and Their Herbal Remedies

Phyllis A. Balch, CNC
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Food and Drug Administration (FDA) proposed stiff limits on dietary supplements containing ephedrine. These limits are under appeal by manufacturers. (See The Truth about Ephedra on page 63.) Ephedra should not be taken by men with prostate enlargement or by people of either gender with high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, lupus, hardening of the arteries, glaucoma, anxiety or nervous disorders, or hyperthyroidism. It should never be combined with monoamine-oxidase (MAO) inhibitors such as phenelzine (Nardil), nor with digoxin (Lanoxicaps, Lanoxin) or guanethidine (Ismelin).
Use only hypoallergenic dietary supplements. LJ Always check food labels carefully for food additives, especially artificial colors, that may trigger reactions. CONSIDERATIONS LJ Two Japanese vegetables, pickled ginger and perilla, act to stop allergic reactions to seafood. These condiments traditionally are served with sushi, but they also can prevent reactions to other forms of seafood. þ See also DIARRHEA and HIVES in Part Two. RESPIRATORY ALLERGIES A respiratory allergy is a supersensitive reaction in the lungs, throat, and nasal passages to a normally harmless airborne substance.

The ABC Clinical Guide to Herbs

Mark Blumenthal
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American Botanical Council the information contained on this sheet has been excerpted from The ABC Clinical Guide to Herbs © 2003 by the american botanical council (abc). abc is an independent member-based educational organization focusing on the medicinal use of herbs. for more detailed information about this herb please consult the healthcare provider who gave you this sheet. to order The ABC Clinical Guide to Herbs or become a member of abc, visit their website at www.herbalgram.org. Ginger Zingiber officinale Roscoe [Fam.
American Bowical Council the information contained on this sheet has been excerpted from The ABC Clinical Guide to Herbs © 2003 by the american botanical council (abc). abc is an independent member-based educational organization focusing on the medicinal use of herbs. for more detailed information about this herb please consult the healthcare provider who gave you this sheet. to order The ABC Clinical Guide to Herbs or become a member of abc, visit their website at www.herbalgram.org. 3 ¦i 3 Feverfew Tanacetum parthenium (L.) Sch. Bip. [Fam.

1001 Chemicals in Everyday Products

Grace Ross Lewis
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Also utilized as a wood preservative, dietary supplements, textile dyes, and feed additives. Precautions: Harmless when used for intended purposes. Synonyms: CAS: 557-34-6 ZINC ARSENATE_ Products and Uses: An insecticide and wood preservative. Precautions: A confirmed carcinogen (causes cancer). Toxic by swallowing and breathing. Synonyms: ZINC ORTHOARSENATE ? KOETTIGITE MINERAL ZINC BACITRACIN_ Products and Uses: Useful as an antibacterial, antiseptic ointment, suppositories, throat lozenges, and other pharmaceuticals. Used in assorted medical products as an antimicrobial.

Physician: Medicine and the Unsuspected Battle for Human Freedom

Richard Leviton
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After all, clinical studies continue to build the case that dietary supplements and botanicals could be successfully used to manage if not reverse most diseases without the cost, toxicity, or side effects of conventional drugs, says Feuer. One well-known physician, upon converting to alternative methods, reduced his prescriptions for pharmaceutical drugs by 90%, Feuer notes. The economic writing is very plainly on the wall as to what would happen if this trend began to multiply.

Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, Revised Second Edition

Michael T. Murray, N.D., Joseph E. Pizzorno, N.D.
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It is estimated that over 100 million Americans take dietary supplements on a regular basis.1 Despite the fact that there is tremendous scientific evidence to support the use of nutritional supplementation, many medical experts and researchers have not wholeheartedly endorsed nutritional supplementation—even though ninety-eight percent of them take supplements! Why are so many Americans taking supplements? They know that they are not getting all they need from their diets, and they realize that supplements can make them feel healthier.

New Choices in Natural Healing: Over 1,800 of the Best Self-Help Remedies from the World of Alternative Medicine

Bill Gottlieb
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Some manufacturers combine ad of these dietary supplements into one capsule, according to Dr. Edelberg; these are avadable in most health food stores. Yoga Daily practice of the knee squeeze (page 612) can help your circulatory system by improving blood flow and making veins and arteries more elastic, according to Alice Christensen, founder and executive director of the American Yoga Association. Doing the complete breath exercise (see page 152) each day can dso reduce stress, a major contributor to heart disease, Christensen says.
And he says a person with sinus problems may want to try the following regimen of dietary supplements to help relieve symptoms: 2,000 milligrams of vitamin C twice a day; 400 international units of vitamin E twice a day; and 500 milligrams of n-acetylcysteine twice a day. Both eucalyptus oil and n-acetylcysteine are available in most health food stores. Yoga You can help both prevent and treat sinus problems if you do a yoga nasal wash, called fieri, once a day, says Stephen A. Nezezon, M.
And he says that a woman with premenstrual symptoms may want to use the following regimen of dietary supplements: 400 international units of vitamin E twice a day; 50 milligrams of pyridoxine twice a day; 50 milligrams of B-complex vitamins a day; 400 milligrams of magnesium twice a day; and one capsule of evening primrose oil twice a day. Pyridoxine and evening primrose oil capsules are available in most health food stores.

Prescription for Herbal Healing: An Easy-to-Use A-Z Reference to Hundreds of Common Disorders and Their Herbal Remedies

Phyllis A. Balch, CNC
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Nutritional management of angina and coronary artery disease (CAD) consists of two strategies: removing the dietary factors that lead to angina and adding dietary supplements that prevent it. The presence of cholesterol cannot be completely eliminated, since some cholesterol is absolutely necessary to the normal functioning of every cell in the body, but the activity of compounds that promote the formation of cholesterol plaques can be greatly reduced.

Healing with Whole Foods: Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition

Paul Pitchford
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The processing of chlorella and wild blue-green is more complex—these micro-algae seem destined to remain dietary supplements, whereas spirulina has potential as a principal food and protein source. When considering other nutrients, cost comparisons differ. Depending on the particular crop of wild blue-green and spirulina, chlorella will usually be the most economical source of chlorophyll. Additionally, some properties and nutritional factors cannot be compared because they exist in only one type of micro-alga.
Laterosporus, becoming more available at stores carrying dietary supplements, is the most effective of these bacteria for treating constipation. §Overconsumption of poor-quality milk products is a primary cause of constipation; however, a moderate amount of milk which has not been pasteurized, homogenized, skimmed, or denatured in other ways can benefit those suffering with constipation from dryness, if they are not allergic to dairy products. pancreas must be maintained at peak performance, since its function has a great effect on blood formation.

Intelligent Medicine: A Guide to Optimizing Health and Preventing Illness for the Baby-Boomer Generation

Ronald L. Hoffman, M.D.
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Fortunately, we can 50 intelligent medicine boil down the most crucial factors into a list of nutrition dos and don'ts, and we can offer a list of dietary supplements that will provide additional support for immune function. Curiously, surgeons are among the specialists who first became interested in nutrition to prevent disease. Infection is one of the major risks in surgery. In fact, wounds are among the simplest models of immune system activity. If you cut yourself, white blood cells migrate to the wound, both to fend off infection and to consume damaged cells.

1001 Chemicals in Everyday Products

Grace Ross Lewis
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SULFUR DIOXIDE SOLUTION SUNFLOWER OIL_ Products and Uses: An ingredient in margarine, shortening, soaps, and dietary supplements. Commonly used as a coating agent, emulsifying agent (stabilizes and maintains mixes), formulation aid, and texturizing agent. Precautions: Harmless when used for intended purposes. Synonyms: NONE FOUND. SUNSCREENS_ Products and Uses: Products in the form of lotions, oils, gels, creams, mousse, sticks, and roll-ons used to protect the skin from sun exposure and damage. It is practical to use a high SPF (sun protection factor) numbered product.
These are probably dietary supplements that the FDA no longer oversees. 4. When does a soap become a cosmetic? If the manufacturer makes a cosmetic claim on the label, such as "moisturizing" or "deodorizing", the product must meet all FDA requirements for a cosmetic and the label must list all ingredients. 5. When does soap become a drug? If the manufacturer makes a claim that the soap has antidandruff, antibacterial, antiperspirant, or antiacne action, the product is a drug, and the label must list all active ingredients as is required for all drug products.
An algae used in chewing gum base, fertilizer, and dietary supplements as a filler, seasoning, or flavoring. Precautions: Harmless when used for intended purposes. However, some people who consumed large amounts experienced enlarged thyroids. FDA states it is GRAS (generally recognized as safe). Synonyms: MACROCYSTIS PTRIFERAE KERATINASE_ Products and Uses: Found in lotion and cream cosmetic products. Useful as a depilatory (hair remover). Precautions: A potential skin irritant and allergen. Directions must be followed carefully on products containing this enzyme. Synonyms: NONE FOUND.
LEVUGEN LICORICE ROOT EXTRACT__ Products and Uses: A flavor enhancer in bacon, baked goods, beverages (alcoholic), beverages (nonalcoholic), candy (hard), candy (soft), chewing gum, cocktail mixes, herbs, ice cream, plant protein products, seasonings, soft drinks, syrups, vitamin and mineral dietary supplements, and whipped products (imitation). Precautions: In large amounts it is mildly toxic by swallowing. Excessive consumption linked to water retention and high blood pressure and loss of potassium, which in turn leads to irregular heartbeat and possible paralysis.

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This unique compilation of research is copyright (c) 2008 by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center.

ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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...and Nutrients:

...and Vitamin
...and Alkaloids
...and Vitamin E
...and Selenium
...and Amino acids
...and Calcium
...and Beta-carotene
...and Vitamin D
...and Vitamin A
...and Amino

...and Anatomy:

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...and Osteoporosis
...and Breast cancer
...and Insomnia
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...and Actions:

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...and Preventing
...and Eating
...and Play
...and Approach
...and Growth
...and Drink
...and Read

...and Plants and Herbs:

...and John's wort
...and St. john's wort
...and Ephedra
...and Ginkgo
...and Comfrey
...and Oregano
...and Ginkgo biloba
...and Garlic
...and Bark
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...and Substances:

...and Food
...and Acid
...and Acids
...and Water
...and Extract
...and Lead
...and Liquid
...and Flavoring
...and Cocaine
...and Oxygen

...and Medical Terms:

...and Doses
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...and National cancer institute

...and Medical Adjectives:

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...and Cardiac
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...and Placebo-controlled
...and Respiratory
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...and Macronutrients:

...and Minerals
...and Fats
...and Mineral
...and Oils
...and Protein
...and Enzymes
...and Proteins
...and Fiber
...and Fatty acids
...and Salt

...and Foods and Beverages:

...and Vegetables
...and Sugar
...and Fish
...and Alcohol
...and Fruits
...and Meat
...and Fruits and vegetables
...and Wine
...and Butter
...and Fruit

...and Where:

...and United states
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...and Chinese
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...and England
...and New york city
...and France
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...and Biological Functions:

...and Weight loss
...and Metabolism
...and Period
...and Concentration
...and Attention
...and Digestion
...and Memory
...and Vision
...and Strength
...and Fertility

...and Hormones and Biochemistry:

...and Insulin
...and Hormones
...and Estrogen
...and Methionine
...and Dopamine
...and Lipids
...and Stomach acid
...and Estrogens
...and Homocysteine
...and Histamine

...and Biological Measures:

...and Blood pressure
...and Blood levels
...and Heart rate
...and Blood glucose
...and Triglycerides
...and Body weight
...and Blood sugar levels

...and Chemicals:

...and Caffeine
...and Free radicals
...and Fluoride
...and Nicotine
...and Poisons
...and Additives
...and Dyes
...and Carcinogens
...and Mercury
...and Pesticide

...and Drugs:

...and Tablets
...and Stimulants
...and Chemotherapy
...and Antibiotic
...and Antibiotics
...and Aspirin
...and Steroids
...and Diuretic
...and Diuretics
...and Antidepressants

...and Supplements:

...and Lactobacillus
...and Glucosamine
...and Spirulina
...and Fish oil
...and Coenzyme q10
...and Flaxseed oil

...and Animals:

...and Rats
...and Mice
...and Cows
...and Cat
...and Turkey
...and Dogs
...and Insect

Related Concepts:

United states
John's wort
Vitamin E
Dietary supplement
St. john's wort
Amino acids
Heart disease
Blood pressure
Vitamin D
Side effects
Herbal medicines