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Dietary supplements

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Natural Alternatives to Vioxx, Celebrex and other Anti-Inflammatory Prescription Drugs

Carol Simontacchi
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Sales of dietary supplements marketed to support joint health were $1,025 billion in 2001, and joint health is one of the fastest growing condition categories in the health foods industry. Over $566 million were spent on over-the-counter pharmaceutical joint health products in Which Disorders Have Been Linked to Inflammation? When most of us think of inflammation, we think of arthritis and, perhaps, the aches and pains that come with injury. But a number of serious disorders have been causally linked to inflammation—meaning that inflammation is believed to be at the heart of the disease.

Living the Low Carb Life: Controlled Carbohydrate Eating for Long-Term Weight Loss

Jonny Bowden, M.A., C.N.S.
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They have simply tried to beat the bushes for any responsible information they could find on anything, from dietary supplements to dietary programs, that works (or doesn't). Since they get most of their info from mainstream sources (like the Physicians Desk Reference and www.WebMD.com), you're not going to find any cutting-edge stuff here, but it's reliable and honest.

Prescription for Nutritional Healing, 4th Edition: A Practical A-to-Z Reference to Drug-Free Remedies Using Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs & Food Supplements

Phyllis A. Balch, CNC
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An essential amino acid, methionine is not synthesized in the body and so must be obtained from food sources or from dietary supplements. Good food sources of methionine include beans, eggs, fish, garlic, lentils, meat, onions, soybeans, seeds, and yogurt. Because the body uses methionine to derive a brain food called choline, it is wise to supplement the diet with choline or lecithin (which is high in choline) to ensure that the supply of methionine is not depleted. Ornithine Ornithine helps to prompt the release of growth hormone, which promotes the metabolism of excess body fat.
However, dietary supplements and even the food we eat can interact with each other, or with over-the-counter (OTC) or prescription drugs, to cause problems. Herbs and vitamins, while not drugs in the strictest sense, are still complex organic chemicals that react with each other and with other chemicals in the body. This is, of course, how they work. Types of drug interactions that you need to be concerned with can basically be summarized as follows: • Drags interacting with drugs. Both prescription and over-the-counter medications are included in this category.

The Healing Power of Rainforest Herbs: A Guide to Understanding and Using Herbal Medicinals

Leslie Taylor, ND
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However, in the United States, artichoke extracts are available as natural products and sold in health food stores as "dietary supplements." Some U.S. artichoke products are even standardized to contain a specific amount of cynarin, yet they can still be purchased here as a natural product without a prescription (and for a lot less money than in Germany). There may be little to no difference between the cynarin drug produced in Germany and the artichoke standardized herbal supplement made in the United States considering that the same amount of cynarin is being delivered, dose for dose.
While this may be true for some foods and dietary supplements, it is certainly not true for many of the biologically active medicinal plants that are sold here as herbal supplements. It is also not true for many of the rainforest plants discussed in this book. Traditional dosage amounts for herbal remedies have been included in the plant information provided in Part Three of this book for a reason. These dosage amounts are based on the long history of the plant's use and should be followed within reason.

Perfect Health the Natural Way

Mary-Ann Shearer
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Sugar, alcohol, caffeine, artificial sweeteners and heated fats are just a few examples • dietary supplements should be avoided (remember that good old vitamin C in supplement form can contribute to osteoporosis and that is the safest supplement to take!). The right nutrients should come directly from your diet and any extra nutrients from freshly extracted or dried vegetable juices, especially barley grass juice Protein andMeat MOST PEOPLE THINK that protein and meat are one and the same, and that without any animal flesh in your diet you will not get enough protein.

The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods

by Michael Murray, N.D. and Joseph Pizzorno, N.D.
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Although some of these valuable food components are available as dietary supplements, in many cases accessory nutrients and phytochemicals are even more bioavailable in foods. This fact once again shows the tremendous healing power of a whole-food diet. Compendium of Healing Foods 10 The Healing Power of Vegetables The word "vegetable" comes from the Latin vegetare, meaning "to enliven or animate." The name is appropriate, as vegetables do truly give us life.

Perfect Health the Natural Way

Mary-Ann Shearer
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Supplementation is also not the route to go as we see from the following: a nineteen-mem-ber panel prepared the latest information on dietary recommendations and after looking at more than 5000 studies, "strongly condemned the use of dietary supplements, maintaining that there was no convincing evidence that calcium supplements were necessary to prevent osteoporosis" (South African Medical Journal 3). In plain English, taking calcium or other mineral supplements has been shown to be of little or no value, so stop wasting your money!

The Divided Mind: The Epidemic of Mindbody Disorders

John E. Sarno, M.D.
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She could not drive because of pain and was taking ten different medications and dietary supplements to alleviate the symptoms, but they obviously were not working. She had come after reading one of Dr. Sarno's earlier books and saw herself in the book, in part because she had suffered from other types of pain in the past. She had seen a psychoanalyst in the past and so was introspective to some degree. Her personality fit the TMS patient to a "T.

The Healing Power of Rainforest Herbs: A Guide to Understanding and Using Herbal Medicinals

Leslie Taylor, ND
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In the words of Rob McCaleb, president of the Herb Research Foundation and member of the President's Commission on dietary supplements, "The FDA may have painted itself into a corner on this one. Its policy simply makes no sense."34 In the United States stevia is mostly employed as a sugar substitute. About V4 teaspoon of the natural ground leaves (or one whole leaf) is the equivalent to about 1 teaspoon of sugar. In South America, a standard infusion is sometimes used as a natural aid for diabetes and hypertension; 1 cup is taken two to three times daily.

Prescription for Nutritional Healing, 4th Edition: A Practical A-to-Z Reference to Drug-Free Remedies Using Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs & Food Supplements

Phyllis A. Balch, CNC
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ENADA (NADH) from Kal dietary supplements is a good source of NADH. Oat Bran See under Fiber in this section. Octacosanol Octacosanol is a naturally derived wheat germ oil concentrate. Although it would be possible to extract octacosanol from whole wheat, 10 pounds of wheat would be needed to obtain just 1,000 micrograms of octacosanol. Wheat germ has long been known for its many benefits. Today, extracts of wheat germ weighing only 2 milligrams offer remarkable benefits as well.

The Natural Pharmacy: Complete A-Z Reference to Natural Treatments for Common Health Conditions

Alan R. Gaby, M.D., Jonathan V. Wright, M.D., Forrest Batz, Pharm.D. Rick Chester, RPh., N.D., DipLAc. George Constantine, R.Ph., Ph.D. Linnea D. Thompson, Pharm.D., N.D.
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Even if such an association were established, this does not mean that dietary supplements containing large amounts of the dietary ingredient will necessarily have a cancer risk reduction effect. Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men in the United States. Although the cause is not known, most researchers believe that alterations in testosterone metabolism and/or bodily responses to testosterone are involved. Throughout the world, autopsy reports show that evidence of microscopic prostate cancer is extremely common in older men.

The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted and the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss and Long-term Health

T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D. and Thomas M. Campbell II
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We explicitly stated that "These recommendations apply only to foods as sources of nutrients— not to dietary supplements of individual nutrients."1 The report quickly found its way to the corporate world, which saw a major money-making opportunity. They ignored our cautionary message distinguishing foods from pills and began advertising vitamin pills as products that could prevent cancer, arrogantly citing our report as justification. This was a great opening to a vast new market—commercial vitamin supplements. General Nutrition, Inc.

The Biology Of Belief: Unleashing The Power Of Consciousness, Matter And Miracles

Bruce H. Lipton
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Waterland and Jirtle 2003] In the study, scientists looked at the effect of dietary supplements on pregnant mice with the abnormal "agouti" gene. Agouti mice have yellow coats and are extremely obese, which predisposes them to cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer. Agouti Sisters: One year old female genetically identical agouti mice. Maternal methyl donor supplementation shifts coat color of the offspring from yellow to brown, and reduces the incidence of obesity, diabetes and cancer. (Photo courtesy of Jirtle and Waterland ?

An overview of new health products, plant technology, superfoods and natural health research breakthroughs

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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In fact, this could open up a whole new wave of interest in people growing their own dietary supplements. If you're growing your own okra, and eating it raw right off the plant, as I do, for example, you're going to experience a lot of health benefits from those live okra pods. But if you're growing your own berries, such as blueberries, you can see even greater health benefits. Research has shown blueberries are even more effective at lowering LDL cholesterol levels than statin drugs.

Interview: "Amazon John" of the Amazon Herb Company

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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So when DSHEA came into being, there were still people who said, "Dietary supplements just aren't regulated." Well, that's completely false. They are regulated. They fall within the guidelines of the FDA. There's page after page after page of recommendations. What is a dietary supplement, what isn't a dietary supplement, what you can say about it, what you can't say about it and how you promote it to the marketplace. So it is regulated, and the thing with DSHEA is, the DSHEA laws that require enforcement from the FDA, in many cases, simply haven't been enforced.

Food Plants of the World: An illustrated guide

Ben-Erik van Wyk
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The fruit pulp or juice is used to increase the level of vitamin C in commercial food products (fruit juices, jams, baby foods and dietary supplements). Nutritional value Fresh fruit pulp is one of the richest known sources of vitamin C (1 700-2 000 mg per 100 g - some sources report up to 4 000 mg). The vitamin C content of sea buckthorn is lower (up to 1 200 mg). Malus domestica apple Apple tree Description A small, deciduous tree with simple leaves, white flowers flushed with pink and fleshy fruits of variable colour and shape (a pome, with a hard core and seeds called pips).

John Hammell of International Advocates for Health Freedom discusses health freedom under siege; Part 1

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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John: They were guilty of selling very high-quality dietary supplements; some of the best on the market and some of the most innovative. They were guilty of providing people with truthful information about these wonderful, life-giving substances. I was happy to help them, because my own life was saved through a suppressed alternative treatment mode, orthomolecular medicine.

The Natural Pharmacy: Complete A-Z Reference to Natural Treatments for Common Health Conditions

Alan R. Gaby, M.D., Jonathan V. Wright, M.D., Forrest Batz, Pharm.D. Rick Chester, RPh., N.D., DipLAc. George Constantine, R.Ph., Ph.D. Linnea D. Thompson, Pharm.D., N.D.
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The amount of progesterone in commercially available creams varies widely, and the progesterone content is not listed on the label because the creams are legally regulated as cosmetics, not dietary supplements. Therefore, a physician should be consulted before using these hormone-containing creams as supplements. Although few side effects have been associated with topical progesterone creams, skin reactions may occur in some users. Effects of natural progesterone on breast cancer (page 65) risk remain unclear; research has suggested both increased and reduced risk.

Prescription for Nutritional Healing, 4th Edition: A Practical A-to-Z Reference to Drug-Free Remedies Using Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs & Food Supplements

Phyllis A. Balch, CNC
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However, according to the National Institutes of Health's Office of dietary supplements, the tolerable upper level for adults is 400 micrograms (meg) per day. Selenium supplementation should be discussed with a physician. Dietary sources of selenium include Brazil nuts, tuna, flounder, pork, turkey, pasta, bagels, pinto beans, and navy beans. Q Studies have shown that supplementation of vitamins A, C, and E can decrease the effect of lipid peroxidation, or the oxidation of body fats, which leads to the creation of free radicals in the body.

The Natural Pharmacy: Complete A-Z Reference to Natural Treatments for Common Health Conditions

Alan R. Gaby, M.D., Jonathan V. Wright, M.D., Forrest Batz, Pharm.D. Rick Chester, RPh., N.D., DipLAc. George Constantine, R.Ph., Ph.D. Linnea D. Thompson, Pharm.D., N.D.
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Even if such an association were established, this does not mean that dietary supplements containing large amounts of the dietary ingredient will necessarily have a cancer risk reduction effect. Prevention of a recurrence in a cancer patient who is in remission is called "secondary" prevention. Whether the information in this article would be helpful to people interested in secondary prevention is, for the most part, unknown.
Even if such an association were established, this does not mean that dietary supplements containing large amounts of the dietary ingredient will necessarily have a cancer risk reduction effect. Cancer of the lung is the leading cause of death from cancer in both men and women in the United States. Cigarette smoking is by far the most important risk factor for the development of lung cancer. Air pollution is another risk factor. A previous diagnosis of tuberculosis increases the risk of lung cancer by 5 to 10%. CHECKLIST FOR LUNG CANCER Nutritional Rating Supplements Herbs ž??
Even if such an association were established, this does not mean that dietary supplements containing large amounts of the dietary ingredient will necessarily have a cancer risk reduction effect. Most breast cancer is not hereditary, although a small percentage of women have a genetic weakness that dramatically increases their risk. Women with a strong family history of breast cancer may choose to explore the possibility of genetic testing with a geneticist, found on the staff of many major hospitals.
Diosmin and hesperidin are available separately as dietary supplements. Some doctors recommend flavonoid supplements for people with hemorrhoids. However, many different flavonoids occur in food and supplements, and additional research is needed to determine which flavonoids are most effective against hemorrhoids. Are there any side effects or interactions? Refer to the individual supplement for information about any side effects or interactions.

John Hammell of International Advocates for Health Freedom discusses health freedom under siege; Part 1

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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In addition, to clarify for the readers, it was DSHEA in 1994 that essentially forced the FDA to keep their hands off certain dietary supplements, which were under intense attack at that time. I think it was Sen. Oren Hatch who co-sponsored that bill. John: Yes, he was the primary sponsor of DSHEA and unfortunately nowadays, from my perspective at least, he has switched his allegiance.
It would burden the supplement industry unfairly, especially given that there is hard evidence that dietary supplements are far safer than food in common form. I do not see toll-free numbers being forced onto jars of peanut butter, despite the fact that every year a certain number of people die because they have allergic reactions to peanuts that cause them to go into anaphylactic shock and drop dead. You do not hear the FDA making a big deal about that. We do not live in a very safe world.
They step on safe dietary supplements that should not be stepped on. They suppress the truth about life-giving drugs and nutrients, blocking manufacturers from making truthful claims, and they are riddled with corruption with a revolving door of the drug companies that they theoretically oversee. The diverse exhibits brought out all of these things. When we had this museum, we actually changed the name of the Life Extension Foundation to the FDA Holocaust Museum. We had a gigantic neon sign on the front of our building proclaiming it the FDA Holocaust Museum.

Prescription for Nutritional Healing, 4th Edition: A Practical A-to-Z Reference to Drug-Free Remedies Using Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs & Food Supplements

Phyllis A. Balch, CNC
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Sports Nutrition for the Serious Bodybuilder Nutrition and dietary supplements have become a focus of serious attention from athletes of all types, especially bodybuilders. Many of them have found that the combination of proper diet, appropriate supplements, and a good comprehensive workout plan work together to help them achieve their personal goals.

Disease Prevention and Treatment

The Life Extension Editorial Staff
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Also avoid stimulating activities before going to bed, like reading a book, or exercising. Some dietary supplements that are helpful in establishing sleep are melatonin and kava kava. And although alcohol is technically a deptessant, it can greatly interfere with your sleep patterns. Avoid alcohol and cigarettes before going to bed. Exercise Regularly Exercising 10 minutes before bedtime is obviously not a good idea, but setting a time of day for regular physical activity is good for your body in many ways, including establishing a normal and healthy sleep pattern (Salmon 2001).

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This unique compilation of research is copyright (c) 2008 by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center.

ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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...and Eating
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...and Growth
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...and Plants and Herbs:

...and John's wort
...and St. john's wort
...and Ephedra
...and Ginkgo
...and Comfrey
...and Oregano
...and Ginkgo biloba
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...and Macronutrients:

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...and Protein
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...and Fiber
...and Fatty acids
...and Salt

...and Foods and Beverages:

...and Vegetables
...and Sugar
...and Fish
...and Alcohol
...and Fruits
...and Meat
...and Fruits and vegetables
...and Wine
...and Butter
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...and Where:

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...and Biological Functions:

...and Weight loss
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...and Vision
...and Strength
...and Fertility

...and Hormones and Biochemistry:

...and Insulin
...and Hormones
...and Estrogen
...and Methionine
...and Dopamine
...and Lipids
...and Stomach acid
...and Estrogens
...and Homocysteine
...and Histamine

...and Biological Measures:

...and Blood pressure
...and Blood levels
...and Heart rate
...and Blood glucose
...and Triglycerides
...and Body weight
...and Blood sugar levels

...and Chemicals:

...and Caffeine
...and Free radicals
...and Fluoride
...and Nicotine
...and Poisons
...and Additives
...and Dyes
...and Carcinogens
...and Mercury
...and Pesticide

...and Drugs:

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...and Chemotherapy
...and Antibiotic
...and Antibiotics
...and Aspirin
...and Steroids
...and Diuretic
...and Diuretics
...and Antidepressants

...and Supplements:

...and Lactobacillus
...and Glucosamine
...and Spirulina
...and Fish oil
...and Coenzyme q10
...and Flaxseed oil

...and Animals:

...and Rats
...and Mice
...and Cows
...and Cat
...and Turkey
...and Dogs
...and Insect

Related Concepts:

United states
John's wort
Vitamin E
Dietary supplement
St. john's wort
Amino acids
Heart disease
Blood pressure
Vitamin D
Side effects
Herbal medicines