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Dietary supplement

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Smart Medicine for Healthier Living : Practical A-Z Reference to Natural and Conventional Treatments for Adults

Janet Zand, LAc, OMD, Allan N. Spreed, MD, CNC, James B. LaValle, RPh, ND
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Fresh vegetable juices are an excellent dietary supplement as well. ¦ Eat a diet of whole, unprocessed foods. Avoid processed food products that contain preservatives, artificial flavorings and colorings, and other additives. ¦ Avoid saturated animal fats, fried foods, and large meals, all of which place added stress on the liver. ¦ Strictly avoid alcohol, which is toxic to the liver. Also eliminate from your diet refined sugar and anything containing caffeine. NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS ¦ To ensure an adequate supply of basic nutrients, take a good multivitamin and mineral supplement daily.

Principles and Practice of Phytotherapy: Modern Herbal Medicine

Simon Mills and Kerry Bone
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Effects of the flavonoids quercetin and apigenin on hemostasis in healthy volunteers: results from an in vitro and a dietary supplement study. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1998; 67 (2): 255-262. 78. Hughes RE, Wilson HK. Flavonoids: some physiological and nutritional considerations. Progress in Medicinal Chemistry 1977; 14: 285-301. 79. Amiel M, Barbe R. Study of the pharmacodynamic activity of daflon 500 mg. Annales de Cardiologie et Angiologie 1998; 47 (3): 185-188. 80. Le Devehat C, Khodabandehlou T, Vimeux M et al.
The results of a diet change, the elimination of coffee, tea, pork, dairy, even the addition of a dietary supplement, have often obscured the perceived effect of the concurrent herbal treatment, to the latter's disadvantage. There is no doubt, as the following text makes clear, that there are very close links between diet and herbal medicine, with the latter in many ways informing and facilitating the former. However, as shall also be made clear, herbal medicine has many features that distinguish it from diet. Both can probably do things that the other could never achieve.

Prescription Medicines, Side Effects and Natural Alternatives

American Medical Publishing
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At least six cases (five in the United States and one in Canada) of acute non-viral hepatitis (rapidly developing liver damage) have been associated with the consumption of chaparral as a dietary supplement. Additional cases have been reported and are under investigation. In the majority of the cases reported thus far, the injury to the liver resolves over time, after discontinuation of the product. In at least two patients, however, there is evidence that chaparral consumption caused irreversible liver damage. One patient suffered terminal liver failure requiring liver transplant.

Breast Cancer: A Nutritional Approach

Carlton Fredericks, Ph.D.
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The term is used to differentiate between this type of yeast, which is grown for use as a supplement, and the older type, which was first used to ferment alcoholic beverages and then, spent, sold for use as a dietary supplement. Since this use was "secondary," the supplement manufacturers use the term primary to let you know that the product was specifically grown to be used as a supplement to the human diet.

Foods That Fight Disease: A Simple Guide to Using and Understanding Phytonutrients to Protect and Enhance Your Health

Laurie Deutsch Mozian, M.S., R.D.
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In 1999, the Center for dietary supplement Research in Botanicals at the University of California at Los Angeles found that, most often, supplements do contain the ingredients that they advertise. If you are still concerned, make sure you use products from reputable, well-known, or recommended companies, such as Solgar and Twin Labs. If you do experience any adverse side effects, share them with your health-care provider immediately. Make sure you always work with a health-care provider who is well trained in nutrition when taking your phytochemical supplements.

Healing Pets With Nature's Miracle Cures

Henry Pasternak, D.V.M., C.V.A.
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Most mammals can form vitamin D3 in the skin after exposure to ultraviolet light, and so do not require additional dietary supplement of the vitamin. For dogs and cats, the estimated dietary requirement of vitamin D is 50 I.U./Kg daily. The most interesting fact about vitamin D3 is that it acts more like a hormone than a vitamin. It not only regulates calcium homeostasis through hormonal-like action, but it regulates cellular differentiation and proliferation. Vitamin D3's ability to regulate cells makes it an important tool in the prevention and controlling of cancer.
Beta-1,3 D-Glucan A dietary supplement called beta-1,3 D-glucan is the latest immune-enhancing nutritional supplement to enter the complementary medical arena. While relatively new to the natural foods and alternative medicine industry, beta-1,3 D-glucan has been extensively researched for its immune-enhancing ability.23 It's not a drug, vitamin, mineral, or herb; rather, it is a natural occurring compound, which is derived from the cell wall of Baker's yeast (Sac-charomyces Cerevisiae).

Medicinal Mushrooms: An Exploration of Tradition, Healing, & Culture (Herbs and Health Series)

Christopher Hobbs
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The nutritional value of honey mushrooms is significant, and because of their abundance, may be a good dietary supplement. I have dried them for use throughout the winter and early summer months. Published analyses show that the protein content varies from 11.4-29.2%, total carbohydrate, 75.9%, calories 384 (kcal), crude fiber, 5.8%, calcium 0.27-0.4 mg/100 g, phosphorus 8.4-12.5 mg/lOOg, and potassium 32.6-43.4 mg/100 g. Pharmacology A. mellea has shown antibiotic action {in vitro) against the pathogenic bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, and B. subtilis (Richard, 1970).

Miracle Cures: Dramatic New Scientific Discoveries Revealing the Healing Powers of Herbs, Vitamins, and Other Natural Remedies

Jean Carper
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Since 1992 veterinarians have been using synthetic glucosamine as a dietary supplement to treat arthritis in racehorses, farm animals, and pets. Some arthritis sufferers and doctors have been inspired to try glucosamine after it worked in their dogs. Chondroitin (con-DROY-tin) is another major cartilage builder and is made into supplements from cow, shark, and whale cartilage. What's the Evidence? Glucosamine has been the "drug of choice" for treating osteoarthritis in Portugal, Spain, and Italy since the early 1980s.
Then they are sent back to the United States and sold as a "dietary supplement" because the FDA forbids calling them a medication. What's the Evidence? The evidence for saw palmetto is impressive, despite a confounding factor in research that finds any BPH treatment has a strong "placebo effect" of as much as 30 to 40 percent, some contend. That means much of the perceived benefit of a test drug is "all in the mind"; an inactive pill, called a placebo, might do as well.
But the good news is that you don't have to wait to try it, because it is already available as a "dietary supplement" without FDA approval. It has already helped millions of Europeans and Americans. ELIZABETH'S MIRACLE CURE "I Was Really Depressed and It Gave Me My Life Back" It was one of those bizarre events you never think will happen. In 1985 Elizabeth Dante, a young mother in Laguna Hills, California, contracted polio from a polio vaccine. She was paralyzed for a year, was told she would never walk again, and suffered a constant burning pain in her neck and legs.

Permanent Remissions

Robert Hass, M.S.
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The adrenal-gland hormone dihydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is currently sold as a nonprescription dietary supplement in the United States and has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity and reduce blood glucose levels. The ratio of DHEA to testosterone in the body is an important regulator of insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance. At this time, the safety and efficacy of long-term use of the hormone remains unknown. DHEA, if improperly used, can cause unwanted side effects, such as facial hair growth in women, and may accelerate the growth of preexisting cancer.

The ABC Clinical Guide to Herbs

Mark Blumenthal
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Herbs of Commerce. It is possible that the FDA will also similarly acknowledge the later publication. The most frequently employed meaning of standardization refers to chemistry. Standardization often refers to the control of a particular marker compound or group of compounds (see discussion below). However, in a larger sense standardization can also refer to the entire process of controlling the supply chain of raw material quality and manufacturing process including, but not limited to, controlling various chemical components of the preparation (Eisner, 2001).

Foods That Fight Disease: A Simple Guide to Using and Understanding Phytonutrients to Protect and Enhance Your Health

Laurie Deutsch Mozian, M.S., R.D.
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Proponents of stevia as a dietary supplement claim that it can lower blood pressure, strengthen the heart and vascular system, boost immunity, improve digestion, reduce weight, clear up skin problems, act as a contraceptive, and enhance youthfulness. Scanty evidence is available on the validity of these claims. Stigmasterol (STIG-muh-STER-awl). Stigmasterol is a phytosterol that is found in beans and bean and seed oils. It may be useful in treating benign hyperplasia of the prostate gland. Sulforaphane (Sid-FOR-uh-FANE).

Viral Immunity

J. E. Williams, O.M.D.
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Colostrum: Commercially prepared from dairy cattle, whole purified bovine colostrum can be added to the category of a supportive dietary supplement for an aging immune system and general immune deficiency It is very safe to use and is taken in dosages ranging from 1-4 g daily on an empty stomach. Lactoferrin: Lactoferrin, an abundant protein component of human colostrum, binds to iron. By binding to iron, lactoferrin makes iron less available for use by bacteria and other pathogenic microorganisms, including fungi and viruses, which use iron to promote their own growth.

The One Earth Herbal Sourcebook: Everything You Need to Know About Chinese, Western, and Ayurvedic Herbal Treatments

Alan Keith Tillotson, Ph.D., A.H.G., D.Ay.
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Health World Online's Vitamins and dietary supplement Center lists information about many botanicals and also includes information on dosage, safety, and toxicity (http://www. healthy.net/index.html). An interactive CD on herb/drug interactions was recently published by IBIS software; contact them at (503) 641-6419. I strongly suggest that you make sure the health food store you use or the health practitioners with whom you work have, at the very least, a copy of the Botanical Safety Handbook on their shelves.

Permanent Remissions

Robert Hass, M.S.
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This is the preferred form to use as a dietary supplement because it contains all of the natural isomers, or chemical forms, of vitamin E required by the body to fight such diseases as cancer and atherosclerosis. DHT (dihydrotestosterone): A metabolite of testosterone that stimulates the growth of prostate gland cells and leads to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and may be a cause of prostate cancer. Digital rectal examination (DRE): A procedure in which a physician Apoptosis: The process of genetically programmed cell death, normally triggered after 50-60 cell divisions.

The Herbal Drugstore

Linda B. White, M.D.
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Rice bran oil is widely available in gourmet and health food stores; it is also available as a dietary supplement. The typical dosage is 1 to 2 tablespoons of oil per day, mixed into foods; or one 100- to 200-milligram capsule of gamma oryzanol three times per day with food. the colon, however, it must be taken as an enteric-coated capsule, which shields the oil from the digestive enzymes of the stomach. Typical dosage: 1 to 2 capsules containing 0.
You can find quercetin, an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant substance, sold as a dietary supplement,- follow the package directions for dosage. You can also include lots of onions in your diet. And don't forget onion's cousin, garlic. It also possesses anti-inflammatory, immune-stimulating, and antimicrobial properties. Typical dosage: up to three 500- to 600-milligram capsules per day,- look for products that contain at least 5,000 micrograms of al-licin in a daily dose. Or simply eat one or more raw cloves per day. herbal Steams: Good for Asthma?
Here we'll discuss the various forms in which herbs are available, how to choose among them, and how to read an herb or dietary supplement label. Not only are hundreds of different herbs available in the marketplace, they come in many different forms. Understanding the different preparations and how they're made will help you decide which one is best for you. Capsules Eighty percent of all herbal supplements are sold in capsule form. They're not necessarily better than other forms. They are, however, convenient, palatable, and portable.

Permanent Remissions

Robert Hass, M.S.
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Always consult with a physician before you take vitamin E or any other dietary supplement. tional units; for synthetic vitamin E, 1 milligram equals 1.1 international unit. A recent study that examined the vitamin C and vitamin E intake of 11,178 senior citizens revealed that the effects of these two vitamins were combined; risk of death from all diseases and especially coronary artery disease was reduced by 34% and 63% respectively.

The Complete Guide to Health and Nutrition

Gary Null
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So if you feel mentally drained, it may well be due to simple thiamine deficiency, which may be easily corrected by proper attention to diet, reduction of coffee or tea, and the addition of a quality dietary supplement. Besides the obvious washout effect that the caffeine and tannic acid in coffee and tea have on water-soluble vitamins like B1, tea in itself may contain "anti-thiamine substances," according to Dr. T. Kositawat-tanakul and his colleagues of Mahidol University in Thailand, reporting in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Dr.

Indian Herbal Remedies: Rational Western Therapy, Ayurvedic and Other Traditional Usage, Botany

C. P. Khare
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Penelope Ody.) The drug is available over-the-counter in combination with carminative herbs. It has also been included in slimming tablets, due to its laxative action and cleansing properties. Cupressaceae Juniperus Juniperus communis Linn. Juniperus macropoda Boiss. Habitat Western Himalayas from Kumaon westwards to Srinagar at 1700-4200 m. Classical and common names Ayurvedic: Hapushaa, Havushaa; Haaubera. Unani: Haauber, Hubb-ul-arar, Abahal. English: Common Juniper. Parts used Fruits.

Consumer's Dictionary of Food Additives: A Consumer's Dictionary of Cosmetic Ingredients Vitamin E

Ruth Winter
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Used as a dietary supplement and nutrient. Moderately toxic by ingestion and other routes. When heated to decomposition it emits toxic fumes. See Methionine. ACONITIC ACID • Citridic Acid. Equisetic Acid. Achilic Acid. A flavoring agent found in beetroot and cane sugar. Most of the commercial aconitic acids, however, are manufactured by sulfuric acid dehydration of citric acid. It is used in fruit, brandy and rum flavorings for beverages, ice cream, ices, candy, baked goods, liquors, and chewing gum. Also used in the manufacture of plastics and buna rubber.

The Omega-3 Connection: The Groundbreaking Anti-depression Diet and Brain Program

Andrew L. Stoll
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This lack of awareness may be related to the fact that omega-3 essential fatty acids from fish oil are considered a food or an over-the-counter dietary supplement, and therefore no pharmaceutical company is promoting fish oil supplements to physicians. Pharmaceutical companies may invest tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars in the development of a single patented new drug. The patent prevents anyone else from marketing their drug during its twenty-year patent life. Only totally new chemical structures or uses may be patented.

The Omega Diet: The Lifesaving Nutritional Program Based on the Diet of the Island of Crete

Artemis P. Simopoulos, M.D., and Jo Robinson
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The Missing Link® Master Nutrient Formula™ The Missing Link® Master Nutrient Formula™ is a dietary supplement produced in both powdered and food bar form. The formulas are rich in flaxseed, lignans, fiber, and naturally occuring phyto-chemicals. Only the finest whole food ingredients are used—no fillers, wheat, gluten, or synthetics are added. Each tablespoon of the powder (and each food bar) contains a full gram of omega-3 essential fatty acids. The powdered form can be taken with juice or sprinkled on salads or cereals.

Secrets of the Chinese Herbalists

Richard Lucas
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As a dietary supplement, one tablespoonful of lecithin granules obtained from soybeans (obtainable from health food stores) may be taken twice daily. (Lecithin reputedly has a beneficial effect on the liver and gall bladder.) The granules may be sprinkled over foods or added to fluids such as soups, coffee, or juices. The amount of lecithin granules cited rarely if ever disagrees, but there are exceptions, and a few people find it too rich. In such cases, the amount is simply reduced or may be completely cut out.
Many Chinese-American herbalists recommend soybean lecithin as a dietary supplement, claiming that it helps regulate the metabolism, reduces cholesterol, and supplies nutriment to the brain, nerves, and glandular and sexual system. Cholesterol is a major ingredient of plaque, a build-up of fatty particles that frequently become deposited within the arteries. When the arteries become clogged, blood circulation to all parts of the body, especially to the brain, is reduced. This shortage of blood to the brain can cause mental confusion, forgetfulness, and high blood pressure.

The Scientific Validation of Herbal Medicine: How to Remedy and Prevent Disease with Herbs, Vitamins, Minerals and Other Nutrients

Daniel B. Mowrey, Ph.D.
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This blend is meant to be a general dietary supplement, to be used on a daily basis, by virtually anyone engaged in the process of toning up the body's general functions, improving the overall health of the nerves and glands, or recovering from illness. The blend contains several clinically and scientifically verified tonics for the glands and nerves. Heading the list is that grand tonic, Goldenseal. The Cherokees were probably the first group to discover a variety of applications for this plant. It eventually became a standard part of American herbal medicine.

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ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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