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Dietary supplement

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Medical Herbalism: The Science Principles and Practices Of Herbal Medicine

David Hoffman, FNIMH, AHG
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Allium sativum should be added to the diet or used as a dietary supplement: 1 clove of fresh garlic or 200 to 300 mg of standardized extract three times a day. Broader Context of Treatment The dietary and lifestyle issues already discussed all apply for congestive heart failure. Follow the general and nutritional recommendations for heart health provided earlier in this chapter. In Textbook of Natural Medicine, Drs.

Herbal Drugs and Phytopharmaceuticals: A Handbook for Practice on a Scientific Basis

Josef A. Brinckmann and Michael P. Lindenmaier
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U.S.: dietary supplement (formerly OTC drug). The State of California requires specific cautionary label statements for all laxative products containing aloe. In May of 2002, the FDA issued a final rule stating that aloe, as an active ingredient in OTC laxative drug products, is no longer "Generally Recognized as Safe and Effective" and gave manufacturers 180 days to remove aloe from 15 OTC drug products on the market. Authentication: Macroscopic (see: Description) and microscopic, according to Ph. Eur. TLC Identification: The TLC assay of the Ph. Eur.

The New Optimum Nutrition Bible

Patrick Holford
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In the table on the next page, you can see that you are more than one hundred thousand times more likely to die from a highly preventable medical injury, including prescribed drugs, than you are from a dietary supplement. Death, however, is a rather severe yardstick. What about toxicity or adverse effects? These too are extremely uncommon in relation to nutritional supplements. In nearly twenty years of practice, teaching, and writing, I have yet to come across a single case of actual toxicity.
This assessment of risk, from Australia, shows that if the risk of dying from a natural or dietary supplement is 1, your risk of dying from a shark attack is 6, of being murdered 828, and of dying from a highly preventable medical injury, including an adverse drug reaction, more than 100,000 times higher!5 is consistent with estimates of the intake of 50,000 IU of vitamin A that our ancestors would have eaten in a more tropical environment, although a large part of this would have come from beta-carotene.

The New Encyclopedia of Vitamins, Minerals, Supplements and Herbs

Nicola Reavley
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It helps dispel many of the myths that are propagated by the zealous sectors of the dietary supplement industry who may ply their wares on tenuous grounds. Nicola Reavley has produced a book that is a must for any consumer who seeks a valid reference to the application of dietary supplements for health benefits. It presents appropriate cautions in some circumstances and reinforces the important notion that just because something is natural does not necessarily mean that it is safe.

The One Earth Herbal Sourcebook: Everything You Need to Know About Chinese, Western, and Ayurvedic Herbal Treatments

Alan Keith Tillotson, Ph.D., A.H.G., D.Ay.
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On the Internet you can consult the web site of the dietary supplement Quality Initiative (http://www.dsqi.org/home/home.htm). Health World Online's Vitamins and dietary supplement Center lists information about many botanicals and also includes information on dosage, safety, and toxicity (http://www. healthy.net/index.html). An interactive CD on herb/drug interactions was recently published by IBIS software; contact them at (503) 641-6419.

Medical Herbalism: The Science Principles and Practices Of Herbal Medicine

David Hoffman, FNIMH, AHG
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Allium sativum should be added to the diet or used as a dietary supplement: 1 clove of fresh garlic or 200 to 300 mg of standardized extract three times a day. The last prescription is designed for a case in which hypertension is not the primary concern. Thus, the bulk of the dose consists of alterative herbs, rather than hypotensive remedies. Table 20.8. Actions Supplied by Prescription for Psoriasis with Hypertension ACTION HERBS Alterative ACTION HERBS Arctium lappa, Galium aparine, Phytolacca americana, Rumex crispus, Smilax spp.

Disease Prevention and Treatment

The Life Extension Editorial Staff
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Although sold as a prescription drug in European countties, GPC is available in the United States as a dietary supplement. Typical daily doses of GPC range from 600-1200 mg. Brain Cell Energy Boosters The brain requires a high level of energy to perform a myriad of functions. An effective memory-enhancing technique involves boosting the energy output of brain cells. In the aging process of the brain, there is a decline in the ability of neurons to take up glucose (primary fuel for the brain) and to produce energy.

Natural Cures They Don't Want You to Know About

Kevin Trudeau
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ACRP (A revolutionary, new, natural, dietary supplement that is restoring the quality of life of people suffering from arthritis, as well as other chronic autoimmune diseases. The CMC1™ story is a scientific breakthrough that has been described as "The nutritional discovery of the 20th century.") 28. Not Convinced That Rebounding Exercises Strengthen Every Cell In The Body, And Bring Vibrant Health And Weight Loss? Then Read: • Looking Good, Feeling Great by Karol Kuhn Truman (Fifteen Minutes a Day to a New You. An easy, fun way to tone you figure, improve health, and develop total fitness!

SuperFoods Rx: Fourteen Foods That Will Change Your Life

Steven G. Pratt, M.D. and Kathy Matthews
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I use Trader Joe's brand, Trader Darwin's Omega-3 Fatty Acid dietary supplement. Any "fishy burps" you experience will diminish after three or four days of supplementation. See the SuperFoods Rx Shopping Lists (pages 281-82) for some recommended wild salmon foods.

The New Detox Diet: The Complete Guide for Lifelong Vitality With Recipes, Menus, and Detox Plans

Elson M. Haas, M.D.
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Nutrient-Dense Foods Some foods have so many vitamins and minerals that they are almost a dietary supplement; such foods include seaweeds and nutritional yeast. Seaweeds include nori, hijiki, arame, kombu, and dulse and have many minerals from the ocean water. Use the nori to make sushi, buy seaweed salads that just need water to reconstitute, and try adding a piece of kombu to your soups to add flavor and nutrients. One easy way to get seaweed nutrients is to get a bottle of dried seaweed seasoning and add a sprinkle to your grain dishes or to top off your salad.

Breaking the Antibiotic Habit: A Parent's Guide to Coughs, Colds, Ear Infections, and Sore Throats

Paul A. Offit, M.D.m Bonnie Fass-Offit, M.D. and Louis M. Bell, M.D.
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In 1994, Congress passed the dietary supplement Health and Education Act. This law allowed herbs, plant products, vitamins, and some chemicals to be sold as dietary supplements provided that health or therapeutic claims were not specified on the label. What constitutes a therapeutic claim is apparently unclear. For example, some preparations of Echinacea purpurea have labels that contain phrases like "immune support formula." In a sense, the FDA has taken a step back from these "alternative" products.

Medical Herbalism: The Science Principles and Practices Of Herbal Medicine

David Hoffman, FNIMH, AHG
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Specific Remedies Allium sativum (garlic) has been advanced as a potential specific here and should be suggested as a dietary supplement. Myrica cerifera (bayberry) is an excellent astringent for use in this disease, but cannot be considered a specific. Because of the autoimmune basis of this deep-seated condition, one must be patient when selecting remedies, as many possible herbs will come to mind.

Whole Foods Companion: A Guide For Adventurous Cooks, Curious Shoppers, and lovers of natural foods

Dianne Onstad
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Wheat germ oil, an extract of the heart of the wheat berry, is generally consumed not as a cooking or salad oil but as a dietary supplement. However, wheat germ oil goes rancid rapidly once the bottle is opened (within a week). Not only are all the beneficial vitamins, including the all-important vitamin E, destroyed when wheat germ'oil turns rancid, but the harmful chemicals created by the process of oxidation can cause many serious health disorders on their own, including cancer.

Medical Herbalism: The Science Principles and Practices Of Herbal Medicine

David Hoffman, FNIMH, AHG
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An acknowledgment of the role of an isolated constituent in health maintenance should emphasize the importance of the many herbal and dietary sources of the compound, rather than focus on "natural magic bullets" available only in dietary supplement form. Quercetin affects a whole array of enzyme systems. There appears to be a theme of involvement in inflammatory processes that partially explains the anti-inflammatory action of many quercetin-con-taining plants.

Disease Prevention and Treatment

The Life Extension Editorial Staff
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Concerning the suppression of the dangerous tumor necrosis factor alpha and interleukin-lB cytokines, nettle leaf extract appears to be the most effective dietary supplement (Obertreis et al. 1996; Teucher et al. 1996). Protection Against Fibrinogen-Induced Heart Attacks Agents that inhibit platelet aggregation reduce the risk that fibrinogen will cause an abnormal arterial blood clot. Platelet aggregation inhibitors include aspirin, green tea, ginkgo, garlic, and vitamin E (Bossavy et al. 1998; Kang et al. 1999; Logani et al. 2000; Rahman et al. 2000).

Medical Herbalism: The Science Principles and Practices Of Herbal Medicine

David Hoffman, FNIMH, AHG
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Allium sativum should be added to the diet or used as a dietary supplement: 1 clove of fresh garlic or 200 to 300 mg of standardized extract three times a day. Table 14.5. Actions Supplied by Hypertension Prescription ACTION HERBS Hypotensive Crataegus spp., Tilia platyphyllos, Achillea millefolium, Viburnum opulus, Valeriana officinalis Cardiotonic Crataegus spp., Tilia platyphyllos Diuretic Achillea millefolium, Crataegus spp., Tilia platyphyllos Antispasmodic Tilia platyphyllos, Viburnum opulus, Valeriana officinalis Vascular tonic Crataegus spp.

Herbal Drugs and Phytopharmaceuticals: A Handbook for Practice on a Scientific Basis

Josef A. Brinckmann and Michael P. Lindenmaier
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U.S.: dietary supplement. Food in absence of claims. Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) spice, natural seasoning and flavoring (§182.10). The essential oil and natural extractives are also GRAS for use in foods (§182.20). Authentication: Macroscopic (see: Description). Microscopic, besides the typical, lamiaceous glandular trichomes, a few peltate trichomes and 2—3 stout-celled covering trichomes with clavi-form basal cell are present as well as characteristic, relatively large (mostly > 50 urn) and nearly lenticular pollen grains with a reticulate exine (Fig. 3).

The Healing Miracle of Coconut Oil

Bruce Fife and Jon J. Kabara
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Currently several clinics in the United States are testing the efficiency of a dietary supplement composed of monolaurin—a derivative of coconut oil. Doctors have reported remarkable results with patients. One female patient, for example, who suffered with ovarian cysts for 20 years began taking the supplement and within one month the cysts began to shrink and disappear.36 Researchers have discovered that coconut oil may be useful in the treatment of kidney and bladder problems.
DAILY DOSE The simplest way to take coconut oil on a daily basis is by the tablespoonful like a dietary supplement. The recommended daily dosage for adults is 372 tablespoons. Keep in mind that people have achieved good results from eating less oil per day. So if you only eat 1 or 2 tablespoons daily you will still benefit. Oil, any oil, straight from the spoon is difficult for most people to take. Some people can handle it without problem but for most, the oily taste and texture are hard to stomach (figuratively speaking).

Gary Null's Power Aging

Gary Null
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PS is sold as a dietary supplement in the United States, but is approved as a drug to treat senility in Europe. In his e-Alert newsletter in March 2003, Dr. William Campbell Douglass broke the news that PS manufacturers are now allowed to make certain claims for PS.33 They can say that phosphatidylserine may reduce the risk of cognitive dysfunction and dementia in the elderly. Dr. Douglass says that nutritionist Dr. Kyi Smith petitioned the FDA to allow the health claims.

Defeating Diabetes

Brenda Davis and Tom Barnard
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At the present time, stevia is permitted for use only as a dietary supplement in both the U.S. and Canada. nonnutritive sweeteners are safe when used in moderate amounts. However, not all experts echo that sentiment, some claiming that these products are downright dangerous. NONNUTRITIVE SWEETENERS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE? he safety of nonnutritive sweeteners is a topic of tremendous ongoing controversy. The national diabetes and dietetic associations, as well as U.S.

Water: For Health, for Healing, for Life: You're Not Sick, You're Thirsty!

F. Batmanghelidj
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Note: Do not take too much potassium as a dietary supplement. It could cause trouble. Salt forces some water to keep it company outside the cells (osmotic retention of water by salt). It balances the amount of water that is held outside the cells. Basically, there are two oceans of water in the body: One is held inside the cells of the body, and the other is held outside. Good health depends on a most delicate balance between the volumes of these two oceans.
After many years of salt being badmouthed by ignorant health professionals and their media parrots, the importance of salt as a dietary supplement is once again being acknowledged and recognized. I was one of the early voices bringing about this change. Water, salt, and potassium together regulate the water content of the body. Water regulates the water content of the interior of the cell by working its way into all the cells it reaches. It has to get there to cleanse and extract the toxic waste of cell metabolism.

Our Toxic World: A Wake Up Call

Doris J. Rapp, M.D.
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In the group treated with a dietary supplement of edible diatomaceous earth and garlic, the flies and mosquitos did not bother the horses. This was not true for the control group and in addition, that group had more infections. In this one farm, some of the horses who did not receive these supplements developed the West Nile Disease.5b'7la Is it not of interest that these preparations helped and did not hurt? We need studies to determine if these food supplements would help protect humans who lived in areas where they was grave concern.

Herbal Drugs and Phytopharmaceuticals: A Handbook for Practice on a Scientific Basis

Josef A. Brinckmann and Michael P. Lindenmaier
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U.S.: dietary supplement. Authentication: According to Ph. Eur., besides the macroscopic features, the most important microscopic characteristics are the long, unicellular and pardy tortuous, thick-walled bristles found on both leaf surfaces. There are occasional calcium oxalate clusters in the meso-phyll. 6.1 Therapeutic category Botanical remedy for the gastrointestinal tract. 6.2 Indications for use Mild, nonspecific diarrhea. 6.3 Contraindications None known. Treatment of diarrhea in infants and small children should be undertaken only under the advice of a physician. 6.
U.S.: dietary supplement if claims are made. Food in absence of claims. Authentication: Macroscopic (see: Description) and microscopic, according to Ph. Eur. or USNF. Characteristic are the swollen parenchyma cells with scattered, spiral and annular vessels. For a biosensoric determination of alliin and other sulfoxides, see [24, 25]. TLC Identification: (see also Ph. Eur. and USNF) Stationary phase: 5 x 10 cm silica gel 60 F254 (plates or foil). Test solution: To 1.0 g of the powdered drug, add 5 ml of methanol, shake for 1 min and filter. Apply 20 pi of the filtrate as a band.

Colloidal Minerals and Trace Elements: How to Restore the Body's Natural Vitality

Marie-France Muller, M.D., N.D., Ph.D.
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They must be identified on the label as a dietary supplement." A good working definition of a nutraceutical is a dietary supplement to which pharmaceutical-grade clinical research is applied. In the United States and around the globe, nutraceuticals are usually acquired by patients independent of their physicians. These patients opt to "self-medicate" without necessarily having adequate product efficacy and safety data or even general information about the specifics of the compounds.

The Healing Miracle of Coconut Oil

Bruce Fife and Jon J. Kabara
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I told her about coconut oil and she began taking it like a dietary supplement? tablespoons a day. The very first day she reported that her arrhythmia decreased by about 50 percent. She reported that it was the calmest her heart had been in years. Nothing she had ever tried before had worked this well. She continues to take coconut oil and her heart is functioning more normally now. It appears that her heart likes coconut oil. While I was overjoyed to hear of Maria's success, it really wasn't a surprise. People who are familiar with coconut have learned that it helps the heart.

Complete Guide to Prescription and Nonprescription Drugs 2005

H. Winter Griffith, M.D.
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DHEA, as a product, is marketed as a dietary supplement and is not reviewed by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) for effectiveness and safety. The best dosage amounts are unknown. Use with caution. When to take: At the same times each day according to label directions. If you forget a dose: Follow label instructions for your particular brand of DHEA. Usually you can take a medication as soon as you remember up to 2 hours late. If more than 2 hours, wait for the next scheduled dose (don't double this dose).

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This unique compilation of research is copyright (c) 2008 by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center.

ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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