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Amino acids

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Supplement Your Prescription: What Your Doctor Doesn't Know About Nutrition

Hyla Cass, M.D.
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When it comes to herbs and amino acids, more care is required, especially when you are taking medications. Consult with your pharmacist and physician as you work out your total supplement plan. NUTRITION BASICS Whether you take prescription drugs or not, your diet and supplement program provide an essential foundation of your day-to-day health and well-being. No drug can replace a diet with a proper balance of good fats, complex carbohydrates, and high-quality protein. Neither can any nutritional supplement, for that matter—they are "supplements," not food replacements.

The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth: The Surprising, Unbiased Truth About What You Should Eat and Why

Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., C.N.S.
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Three ounces of lobster meat has about 95 calories and delivers almost 19 g of high-quality protein, with all nine essential amino acids. It's even higher in the cancer-fighting trace mineral selenium than shrimp is (3 ounces provides 56 percent of the Daily Value for this valuable nutrient), and in addition provides 32 percent of the Daily Value for zinc, plus small amounts of seven or eight other minerals.

The Liver and Gallbladder Miracle Cleanse: An All-Natural, At-Home Flush to Purify and Rejuvenate Your Body

Andreas Moritz
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When you are tired, your brain no longer receives adequate amounts of water, glucose, oxygen, and amino acids, which make up its main food supply. This situation can lead to innumerable problems in your mind, body, and behavior. Doctors at the University of California-San Diego have found that losing a few hours of sleep not only makes you feel tired the next day, but also can affect the immune system, possibly impairing the body's ability to fight infection.

The Food-Mood Connection: Nutrition-based and Environmental Approaches to Mental Health and Physical Wellbeing

Gary Null and Amy McDonald
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Just three or four amino acids still hooked together (peptides), if they get through the intestinal lining, can stimulate the immune system to make antibodies against them. Since our body is also made up of peptides, hooked together to make proteins, these antibodies can attack us. To an antibody, a peptide is a peptide. It frequently doesn't matter whether the peptide came from outside the body or is a part of the body.
Goldwag notes, significant weight loss is likely to bring about "marked deprivation of the essential nutrients, including the amino acids needed to manufacture the proper proteins, as well as a deficiency in many vitamins and minerals. That in itself can then aggravate the depression." There are many straightforward solutions to at least some of the challenges associated with depression. Dr. Goldwag suggests preparing food in advance. "I recommend preparing a raw salad once a week. Certain fresh vegetables can be stored for quite a period in a refrigerator and will keep quite well.
There are supplement companies which manufacture brain formulas, which are composed of various amino acids, enzymes, vitamins, minerals and herbs," Dr. Hodes says. "Niacin, or vitamin B3, is helpful because it opens up the blood vessels and brings nutrients, blood, oxygen, and other nutrients to the brain. Mineral baths, consisting of sodium, potassium, and magnesium, which seep into our bodies through the pores of the skin, are also helpful." Among Dr.
I don't use other amino acids but I certainly use lithium," he says. "Now we're discovering that some of the other antiseizure medications may work in patients with lithium intolerance. Lithium is a naturally occurring substance so I prefer it over the other antiseizure medications which are, of course, man-made. In fact, lithium is a perfect example of a naturally occurring substance being used by traditional psychiatrists to treat biochemical diseases. Sometimes you use lithium in schizophrenic patients who also have secondary depressions of their moods. You want to be cautious, however.

Adaptogens: Herbs for Strength, Stamina, and Stress Relief

David Winston, RH(AHG), and Steven Maimes
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Constituents: The cordyceps mushroom contains immunostimulating polysaccharides (galactomannins, cordycepic acid), amino acids, fatty acids, polyamines, and ecdysterones. History/Ethnobotany Because of its rarity, cordyceps was reserved for the use of the emperor and royal family in ancient China. It was used like stuffing in a duck, which was roasted. The mushroom-infused duck meat was considered not only a delicacy but also was believed to restore vigor, prevent illness, and promote longevity. Cordyceps is also cooked in tonic soups and with pork, chicken, and seafood.

The Liver and Gallbladder Miracle Cleanse: An All-Natural, At-Home Flush to Purify and Rejuvenate Your Body

Andreas Moritz
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This, in turn, prevents the small intestine from properly absorbing the nutrient components of these foods (such as monosaccharides from carbohydrates, amino acids from protein, and fatty acids and glycerol from fats). This incomplete absorption can lead to malnourishment and food cravings. Since the presence of bile in the intestines is essential for the absorption of life-essential fats, calcium, and vitamin K, gallstones can lead to life-threatening diseases, such as heart disease, osteoporosis, and cancer.
One of the liver's most ingenious feats is to remove the nitrogenous portion of amino acids, since nitrogen is not required for the formation of new protein. It forms urea from this waste product. The urea ends up in the bloodstream and is excreted in the urine. The liver also breaks down the nucleoprotein (nucleus) of worn-out cells of the body. The byproduct of this process is uric acid, which is excreted with the urine as well. The liver filters more than one quart of blood per minute, leaving only the acidic carbon dioxide for elimination through the lungs (see Figure 7).
Second, the liver synthesizes new proteins from amino acids that are not necessarily derived from the foods you eat. In fact, each cell in the body makes proteins. The nucleus of each cell is constantly engaged in protein production. Brain cells produce proteins, known as neuropeptides, in response to every thought or feeling you have. Neuropeptides, also known as neurotransmitters, are the molecular language that allows mind, body, and emotions to communicate. The body makes thousands of different enzymes, all of which consist of proteins.
All proteins are made of various chains of amino acids, which in turn consist of nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen molecules. These molecules are ingested by the body during inhalation of air. The air is saturated with these four molecules. When you inhale air, you are using not only the oxygen molecules but all the other molecules as well. Since all of these enter the blood right away, they are readily available to all cells in the body.

The Sinatra Solution Metabolic Cardiology

Stephen T. Sinatra, M.D.
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So a vegetarian diet that relies upon lots of beans or rice can be quite lacking when it comes to these two essential amino acids. The L-carnitine concentration in vegetables is approximately 90 percent less than it is in meats, and in cereals it's less than 5 percent (of that in meat). When I encounter vegetarians in my practice, I insist that they consider not only vitamin B12 and coenzyme Q10 supplementation, but L-carnitine as well.

Adaptogens: Herbs for Strength, Stamina, and Stress Relief

David Winston, RH(AHG), and Steven Maimes
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This legislation places herbal products in a clearly defined regulatory category of dietary supplements, along with a number of other products including vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. When the DSHEA was passed, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) estimated that there were about four thousand dietary supplements on the market. After this law was passed, the number has increased dramatically to more than thirty thousand, with more than one thousand being added each year.

Safe Trip to Eden: Ten Steps to Save Planet Earth from the Global Warming Meltdown

David Steinman
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When hogs are fed lysine, they metabolize the amino acids in corn significandy better and put on weight faster.) We arrived at 700 NatureWorks. The company certainly wasn't a film studio, but what was happening here was cool enough to be a Hollywood feature. Here, green chemistry was changing the consciousness of America. The plant manager Carey Buckles, a handsome, trim engineering whiz from the Gulf region of Mississippi, met us inside a conference room to give us a PowerPoint presentation.

The Myth of Alzheimer's: What You Aren't Being Told About Today's Most Dreaded Diagnosis

Peter J. Whitehouse and Daniel George
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This differential pattern of cleavage is important because the amyloid cascade hypothesis holds that this BAP fragment, formed by forty-two amino acids, is toxic to the brain. According to this theory, when the BAP fragment is deposited among neurons, it releases reactive molecules that alter neuronal chemistry, compromise the structure and nutrient transport system of neurons, and may precipitate the formation of tau tangles that lead to cell death and the gradual development of dementia.
Researchers, including my friend Professor Shun Shimohama in Kyoto, Japan, have conducted experiments in which nicotine is added to petri dishes containing nerve cells and various toxic substances present in the brain that are thought to kill neurons, such as beta-amyloid protein and excitatory amino acids such as glutamate. Remarkably, nicotine appears to minimize cell damage and provide a protective effect.

The Detox Strategy: Vibrant Health in 5 Easy Steps

Brenda Watson and Leonard Smith
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I just shared with you how high-quality proteins, for example, give you the amino acids you need to build and maintain bodily structures. Throughout this book I've been giving you clues to shifting a few dietary habits in pursuit of a healthier body that is less exposed to toxins and can better process those that do reach our inner sanctums or that have been with us for years. Some of these habits include moving toward organic foods that are fresh, clean, and whole, as well as avoiding processed, prepackaged, and refined foods.

The Sinatra Solution Metabolic Cardiology

Stephen T. Sinatra, M.D.
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Acyl-CoA is a common product in the metabolism of all oxidizable carbon-based substrates, including carbohydrates (pyruvate), fatty acids, and amino acids. Acyl-CoAs (fats, carbohydrates, or other oxidizable carbon compounds + CoA) require the help of L-carnitine to enter the inner mitochondrial membrane and then go into the mitochondrial matrix where the work of energy turnover can be done. The acyl-CoA hands off the acyl group to the carnitine molecule, creating an acyl-carnitine molecule, like in a relay race where the baton is passed from one runner to another.

The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted and the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss and Long-term Health

T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D. and Thomas M. Campbell II
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This is what that word "quality" really means: it is the ability of food proteins to provide the right kinds and amounts of amino acids to make our new proteins. Can you guess what food we might eat to most efficiently provide the building blocks for our replacement proteins? The answer is human flesh. Its protein has just the right amount of the needed amino acids. But while our fellow men and women are not for dinner, we do get the next "best" protein by eating other animals.

The Sinatra Solution Metabolic Cardiology

Stephen T. Sinatra, M.D.
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While proteins, or amino acids, can also be metabolized to energy via these pathways, they are not preferred, and aren't considered here as primary sources of energy metabolism for hearts.) Cellular energy turnover, assisted by L-carnitine and coenzyme Q10, is vital to cellular health. Remember, however, that in addition to energy turnover the total concentration of energy substrates in the cell is equally vital. That is where D-ribose comes into play.
L-carnitine is involved in the formation and utilization of ketone bodies, contributes to the activation of pyruvate dehydrogenase, and is involved in the metabolism of branched-chain amino acids. Ammonia L-carnitine has a marked protective effect against ammonia detoxification poisoning by increasing its conversion into urea, which is subsequently excreted in the urine. Antioxidant L-carnitine and its acyl esters, acetyl-L-carnitine and propionyl- L-carnitine, are free-radical scavengers and iron chelators, and may function as antioxidants.

Adaptogens: Herbs for Strength, Stamina, and Stress Relief

David Winston, RH(AHG), and Steven Maimes
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These amino acids then are used by the liver to synthesize glucose for energy, in a process called gluconeogenesis. This process raises the blood sugar level so the brain will have more glucose for energy. At the same time, the other tissues of the body decrease their use of glucose as fuel. Cortisol secretion also leads to the release of fatty acids for use by the muscles. Taken together, these processes that direct and replenish energy prepare the body to deal with stress and ensure that the brain receives adequate energy sources.

The Sinatra Solution Metabolic Cardiology

Stephen T. Sinatra, M.D.
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Biosynthesis occurs in both humans and other mammals in a series of metabolic reactions involving these amino acids complemented with niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and iron. Although L-carnitine deficiency is rare in a healthy, well-nourished population consuming adequate protein, there are many people who appear to be somewhere on the continuum between mild deficiency and overt disease. Consider, for example, the vegetarian population. Like coenzyme Q10, insufficient sources of L-carnitine can lead to deficient states in people who are pure vegetarians.

The Liver and Gallbladder Miracle Cleanse: An All-Natural, At-Home Flush to Purify and Rejuvenate Your Body

Andreas Moritz
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Aloe vera contains over 200 nutrients, including the vitamins Bl, B2, B3, B6, C, E, and folic acid; iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, copper, barium, and sulphate; 18 amino acids; important enzymes; glycosides; and polysaccharides, among others. Make certain you purchase only pure, undiluted aloe vera, available in health food stores. One of the best brands is produced by the company Lily of the Desert (in Denton, Texas). It is made of 99.7 percent organic aloe vera juice, with no water added. If you experience diarrhea after taking aloe vera juice, try reducing the dosage.

Supplement Your Prescription: What Your Doctor Doesn't Know About Nutrition

Hyla Cass
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Norepinephrine deficiency often results in cravings for stimulation from sugar, coffee, stress, or alcohol. The amino acids tyrosine and phenylalanine, which can be taken as supplements, convert to dopamine, which helps your brain manufacture more norepinephrine—and the cravings stop! With anxiety, there is a deficiency in the calming neurotransmitter, GABA, the brain's "antistimulant." Tryptophan-containing foods activate GABA, especially when taken with some carbs, as just mentioned above.

The Blue Zones: Lessons for Living Longer From the People Who've Lived the Longest

Dan Buettner
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They said even the amino acids in vegetables were not adequate. But we began to find out that much of these were old wives' tales. With the exception of lack of B12 being of some concern, you aren't going to become deficient in protein and all these things. I use soymilk, and as far as eggs are concerned, my wife knows suitable substitutes. "My wife is not a vegetarian, but she is changing. Again, it is no credit to me that I am a vegan—I just love it. There are so many tasty fruits, vegetables, and nuts. This morning we had wonderful strawberries, for example.

The Detox Strategy: Vibrant Health in 5 Easy Steps

Brenda Watson and Leonard Smith
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Supplements Highly Recommended for Everyone multivitamin and mineral formula (source of antioxidants) omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil) calcium and magnesium (for women) magnesium (for men) probiotics fiber (chewable fiber wafers, clear fiber in shaker, bars, and shakes) - Optional Supplements as Needed amino acids digestive enzymes liquid greens whole-food multinutrient The Detox Diet is a collection of tips on healthier, cleaner eating that you would do well to incorporate into your life as much as possible.
Choosing lean proteins that offer you all the amino acids you need to build and maintain numerous structures in the body—including those that are part of detoxification?is key. The result is an infusion of genuine nutrients that will aid in your digestion process rather than take away from or inhibit it. Below are the guidelines for following my Detox Diet. Some of this information may sound familiar, as it will reinforce and reiterate concepts previously outlined.
Many reports show that people who supplement their diets with a combination of essential and nonessential amino acids experience measurable improvements in their detoxification capabilities. Blood tests can help indicate how well your liver is functioning, especially if there is a question about liver disease, but unfortunately these tests cannot show the true extent of your liver's functional capacity.

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This unique compilation of research is copyright (c) 2008 by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center.

ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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...and Hormones and Biochemistry:

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...and Drugs:

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...and Animals:

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...and Properties:

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...and Flaxseed oil
...and Coenzyme q10
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...and Glucosamine
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Fatty acids
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