Tom Bohager See book keywords and concepts | Hydrilla is nature's most potent source of calcium, and one of the richest plant sources of many trace minerals and amino acids. | Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN See book keywords and concepts | Aloe Vera Juice (Organic)
The structural composition of an Aloe Vera plant includes the very building blocks of life: essential vitamins and minerals, proteins, polysaccharides, enzymes, and amino acids.
Organic Aloe Vera Juice
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There Must Be a Better Way! | This product is rich in essential and z non-essential amino acids and flavors meals well, o u • When you are dining out, try ordering fresh foods or order x
X homemade foods and specifically request No Salt!
• For extra flavor, try using fresh herbs, or lemon or lime juice instead of table salt.
• Cleanse your colon regularly to prevent constipation caused by table salt's dehydrating effects.
See the Resources section at the end of this book for additional product and purchasing information.
How Does Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) Cause a Toxic Colon? | On their own, legumes are incomplete proteins and contain only certain amino acids.
If you want a little extra seasoning for your meal, Celtic or Himalayan sea salt is an excellent substitute for regular table salt and Braggs™75 Liquid Aminos blend can perk up any dish!
Make sure you don't overdo eating at dinnertime. Let your appetite be your guide and (I'll say it again) chew your food thoroughly! n > jr. | These particles add fiber to the ACV and ensure you receive the most beneficial components of the original apples—essential vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and amino acids. Nearly a hundred different health-promoting substances have been identified in organic Apple Cider Vinegar.
Caution: Most non-organic brands of ACV undergo pasteurization (boiled at high heat to remove bacteria), and filtration, leaving you with a form so refined that it's nutritionally worthless.
Bragg™ Organic ACV
ACV is arguably one of the best all-around detoxifiers for your body's intestinal tract and organs. | The structural composition of an Aloe Vera plant includes the very building blocks of life: essential vitamins and minerals, proteins, polysaccharides, enzymes, and amino acids. Therefore, the Aloe plant's internal makeup closely relates to human biochemistry and its juice provides many positive health benefits.
Aloe Vera possesses multiple natural qualities for healing and detoxifying the body. When taken internally, Aloe aids the bowel in flushing out accumulated waste and toxic debris. | Donna Jackson Nakazawa See book keywords and concepts | They are able to recognize these proteins as dangerous because they recognize the unique code of amino acids on the surface of the virus.
Once these immune fighter cells recognize the flu virus based on its similar "identification bar code," they send out a posse of antibodies that begin to bind with the intruders, often engulfing and destroying them. | This particular string of eight amino acids, taken by researchers from what is known as the "Sm B amino acid sequence" was bound by the autoantibodies of lupus patients. It existed as a kind of smoking-gun evidence after a crime. Harley suggested James look at the sequence more closely. | Jack Challem See book keywords and concepts | Biotin regulates genes involved in the metabolism of glucose, amino acids, and fatty acids. Some supplements combine biotin with either chromium or R-lipoic acid. Although the official recommended amount is only 30 meg daily, much larger (and safe) dosages have been found helpful in diabetes. Try 500 to 1,000 meg two or three times daily with meals. Pycnogenol. This antioxidant can lead to impressive reductions in fasting blood sugar and postmeal increases in blood sugar. | Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., C.N.S. See book keywords and concepts | It contains enzymes and vitamins that do not normally appear in plants, like all eight essential amino acids and one of the essential fatty acids, linoleic acid. The caps contain more nutrients than the stems.
This superstar mushroom contains a particular chemical component especially worth noting: lenti-nan, which is approved as an injectable drug in Japan and usually used to prolong survival of patients in cancer therapy. It doesn't actually work directly against cancer, but it is believed to help prevent some of the damage that results from anticancer drugs. | Paula Begoun and Bryan Barron See book keywords and concepts | That's a fancy, scientific-sounding way to say that this product prevents the breakdown of collagen and other elements of skin's support structure, such as elastin and fibronectin; however, the minuscule amounts of amino acids, plant extracts, and protein in this fluid aten't up to that task. What is suspect about this product is the third ingredient, alcohol, which is problematic because it can break down skin, not reinforce it. | This intercellular structure is made up of many different components, ranging from ceramides to lecithin, glycerin, polysaccharides, hyaluronic acid, sodium hyaluronate, sodium PCA, collagen, elastin, proteins, amino acids, cholesterol, glucose, sucrose, fructose, glycogen, phospholipids, glycosphingolipids, glycosaminoglycans, and many more. All of these give the skin what it needs to keep its cells intact. Just adding water is meaningless if the intercellular matrix is damaged. | The many amino acids in this cleanser may look nice on the label, but they are rinsed down the drain before they can exert any action on skin—and they do not help boost the absorption of other Sleeping Peel products.
© $$$ Sleeping Peel Resurfacing Gel ($30for 4.2 ounces) just isn't a very exciting formula. It's a water-based gel that contains a good amount of sodium hyaluronate (a beneficial water-binding agent and skin-identical ingredient), but additional state-of-the-art ingredients are either in short supply or are listed after the alcohol and fragrance. | Instead, Brandt included tiny amounts of amino acids and even smaller amounts of ceramides and soybean sterols. They look good on the label, but will have minimal impact on skin in the amounts used. Moreover, the mandarin orange peel oil can cause irritation, and has nothing to do with encouraging skin to replenish itself. Estee Lauder, Clinique, Prescriptives, Olay, Neutrogena, and Paula's Choice all offer less-expensive serums that truly conrain ingredients that mimic skin's support structure.
© $$$ r3p Cream ($125 for 1.7 ounces) makes me sigh heavily, but not because it's a bad product. | Michael Pollan See book keywords and concepts | But meat, which humans have been going to heroic lengths to obtain and have been relishing for a very long time, is nutritious food, supplying all the essential amino acids as well as many vitamins and minerals, and I haven't found a compelling health reason to exclude it from the diet. (That's not to say there aren't good ethical or environmental reasons to do so.* | Not surprising, given that his preparation lacked any vitamins or several essential fats and amino acids.) That Liebig might have overlooked a few little things in food also began to occur to doctors who observed that sailors on long ocean voyages often got sick, even when they had adequate supplies of protein, carbohydrates, and fat. Clearly the chemists were missing something—some essential ingredients present in the fresh plant foods (like oranges and potatoes) that miraculously cured the sailors. | Industry and media soon followed suit, and terms like polyunsaturated, cholesterol, monounsaturated, carbohydrate, fiber, polyphenols, amino acids, flavonols, carotenoids, antioxidants, probiotics, and phyto-chemicals soon colonized much of the cultural space previously occupied by the tangible material formerly known as food. The Age of Nutritionism had arrived. he term isn't mine. | The entire history of baby formula has been the history of one overlooked nutrient after another: Liebig missed the vitamins and amino acids, and his successors missed the omega-3s, and still to this day babies fed on the most "nutritionally complete" formula fail to do as well as babies fed human milk. Even more than margarine, infant formula stands as the ultimate test product of nutritionism and a fair index of its hubris.
This brings us to one of the most troubling features of nutritionism, though it is a feature certainly not troubling to all. | Mary-Ann Shearer See book keywords and concepts | But in recent years it has been found that we have an amino acid pool from which our body draws or into which it deposits amino acids as it needs them. This amino acid pool is in the blood, the liver, and the cells. If you eat too much of one type of amino acid it is deposited in the amino acid pool. Then when there is too little of any of the amino acids in the food you eat, the body withdraws what it needs from the amino acid pool. | Hyla Cass, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | DL-Phenylalanine and L-Tyrosine
These amino acids can help you get a real boost in mood and energy, relieve pain, and control your appetite. DL-phenylalanine (DLPA) converts to tyrosine, which then is converted to dopamine, norepinephrine, and finally, epinephrine.
Cautions: You could get too much stimulation, causing anxiety, high blood pressure, or insomnia. These shouldn't be taken by people with phenylketonuria or melanomas, or by pregnant or nursing women. Use caution with a history of bipolar illness, because they act as antidepressants and can induce mania. | Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., C.N.S. See book keywords and concepts | Wild game (venison, caribou): Wild game is high-quality protein with a complete complement of amino acids, low saturated fat, no trans fat, and a higher content of polyunsaturated and especially omega-3 fats. Wild game also contains natural ACE inhibitors, which reduce blood pressure, and compounds that improve skin, bone, and vascular health.
Thp i en Hoalrhtp<;t FoaHq nn Fsrth
Beans and Legumes
A personal story: I gave a lot of thought to whether beans should be included in a book on the world's healthiest foods. It was not a slam dunk. Why, you ask? | Thomson Healthcare, Inc. See book keywords and concepts | Participation of free amino acids and reducing sugars in the interactions of constituents during preparation of a traditional Chinese herbal medicine, Xiao-Chai-Hu-Tang (Japanese name: Sho-saiko-To). Pharm Pharmacol Lett. 1996:6(1);37-41.
Jin RL, Shi L, Kuang Y, Comparative studies on the roots of wild and cultured Bupleurum chinense. DC Chung Yao Tung Pao, 20:11-3, 61, 1988 Apr.
Ohtsu S, Izumi S, Iwanaga S, Ohno N, Yadomae T, Analysis of mitogenic substances in Bupleurum chinense by ESR spectroscopy. Biol Pharm Bull, 20:97-100, 1997 Jan. | Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., C.N.S. See book keywords and concepts | Licorice Makes Top Six List for Anticancer Activity
The active ingredient in licorice is a member of the saponin family called glycyrrhizin, though according to Louis Vanrenen's excellent book Power Herbs, the plant also contains flavonoids (at least twenty-five of them), terpenoids, amino acids, lignans, and plant sterols. (Vanrenen considers licorice one of his "50 power herbs.") Glycyrrhizin, the most well-known constituent, is both anti-inflammatory and immune stimulating. (It may also raise blood pressure—see "Worth Knowing." | Erich Grotewold See book keywords and concepts | Extensive mutagenesis of a transcriptional activation domain identifies single hydrophobic and acidic amino acids important for activation in vivo, Mol Cell Biol 17: 115-122.
Schellmann, S., Schnittger, A., Kirik, V., Wada, T., Okada, K., Beermann, A., Thumfahrt, J., Jurgens, G., and Hulskamp, M., 2002, TRIPTYCHON and CAPRICE mediate lateral inhibition during trichome and root hair patterning in Arabidopsis, EMBO J 21: 5036-5046. Selinger, D., and Chandler, V., 1999, A mutation in the pale aleurone color I gene identifies a novel regulator of the maize anthocyanin pathway, Plant Cell 11: 5-14. | Moreover, these conserved sites contain a disproportionate number of negatively charged, acidic amino acids. These observations suggest that the known function of transcriptional activation may be the primary function of nonbinding domain. | One thus would expect to see strong conservation at sites where acidic amino acids are present, as well as at sites that maintain the proper orientation of those sites but little constraint on other sites, a pattern that is consistent with what is observed in IpMYBl.
The absence of detectable positive selection in IpMYBl is consistent with results of other investigations of selection on rapidly evolving plant transcription factors. | Extensive mutagenesis of a transcriptional activation domain identifies single hydrophobic and acidic amino acids important for activation in vivo, Mol
Cell Biol 17: 115-122.
Savolainen, V., and Chase, M. W., 2003, A decade of progress in plant molecular phylogenetics, Trends Genet 19: 717- 724.
Scogin, R., and Freeman, C. E., 1987, Floral anthocyanins of the genus Penstemon: Correlations with taxonomy and pollination, Bioch Syst Ecol 15: 355-360. Shirley, B. W., 1996, Flavonoid biosynthesis: "new" functions for an "old" pathway, Trends Plant Sci 1:
Stafford, H. A. | Catechin polyphenols could also decrease the peroxynitrite-induced nitration of tyrosine and protect the apolipoprotein B-100 of LDL from peroxynitrite-induced modification of critical amino acids, which contribute to its surface charge (Pannala et al., 1997). Recently, our laboratory found that oral feeding of green tea leaves to rats resulted in enhanced SOD activity in serum and catalase activity in liver and an increased concentration of glutathione in the liver (Lin et al., 1998). We also established that theaflavins and EGCG inhibit xanthine oxidase (XO). | The important functional feature of transcription activation domains of eukaryotic transcription factors appear to consist of negatively charged amino acids aligned along the same edge or face of alpha helices or other secondary structures, while the composition and three-dimensional structure of the remainder of the domain appears to be largely irrelevant (Ptashne, 1988). | Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., C.N.S. See book keywords and concepts | Shrimp have all nine essential amino acids, plus small to moderate amounts of nine important minerals. They're relatively high in the important trace mineral selenium, with one 3-ounce serving providing 46 percent of the Daily Value for this cancer-fighting nutrient. They also provide more than 30 percent of the Daily Value for vitamin D. I happen to think the Daily Value (400 IUs) for vitamin D is way too low, but 3 ounces of shrimp gives you 129 IUs of this cancer-fighting, bone-building vitamin, whose true value is only now beginning to be appreciated.
Then there's astaxanthin. |
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ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (, a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company ( that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (, a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series ( and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at
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