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Amino acids

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Defeating Diabetes

Brenda Davis and Tom Barnard
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These nine amino acids are called essential amino acids. Once in our tissues, the essential amino acids from plant and animal foods are virtually identical. Mono and Polyunsaturated Fat Let's face it; fat gets a lot of bad press. We blame all sorts of health problems on fat—and with good reason. As you know, excessive amounts of saturated fats and trans fatty acids contribute to disease. It is little wonder some people end up becoming fat phobic, shunning not only visible fat like margarine and oil, but products with added fat and foods that are naturally high in fat.
Most people firmly believe that animal protein is necessary for human health and that plant protein is not only inferior, but actually lacking in essential amino acids and therefore inadequate to support growth and tissue repair. Animal foods are thought to be the primary source of all essential amino acids. But in truth, plants are the primary source of all essential amino acids. The reason that they are "essential" is because animals, including humans, can't make them.

Decoding the Human Body-Field: The New Science of Information as Medicine

Peter h. Fraser and Harry Massey
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If you change any of these constants by even a tiny bit, there is no universe as we know it and no amino acids stringing themselves together in useful ways. However, it also is true that most of life persists not because of precision, but because of flexibility. Life is characterized by its amazing ability to adapt and change, to continually interact with its environment. This adaptability means that the range of possible matches that information and enetgy can make for life to gain hold and flourish are quite wide indeed.
In your kidneys, specialized cells are monitoring your salt and water levels, secreting hormones, and removing wastes. amino acids are arranging themselves into strings that are making up the particular proteins that the body needs at specific times and in exact quantities. The proteins then fold themselves into the intricate three-dimensional structures that determine their function. Each configuration gives a protein a different identity, but somehow proteins know which shape to assume.
Everything that happens at a biochemical level in your body?amino acids arranging themselves only into allowable sequences, DNA unzipping itself to be copied, neurotransmitters cascading through your nervous system, electrochemical impulses firing muscle or heart cells?is mediated by information. Your body has to know what to do, when to do it, how much to do, and where the activity should take place, and it has to carry out millions of actions with breathtaking accuracy in milliseconds. So your body and body-field are interdependent, like two sides of a coin.
First of all, the lowest frequency area contains certain elements, and moving up the frequency ranges, they contain compounds, followed by simple things in biology like amino acids, followed by proteins, tissues, organs, and so on. As complexity increases, so does the frequency of the compartment. These things match in space in a certain order. "Higher up in the frequency domain," he continued, "I finally was able to place the emotions.

Alternative Medicine Magazine's Definitive Guide to Sleep Disorders: 7 Smart Ways to Help You Get a Good Night's Rest

Herbert Ross, DC with Keri Brenner, L.Ac.
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The body can utilize amino acids consumed at different meals to make proteins. That said, vegetarians who eat a poor diet or only a limited variety of foods should take an amino acid complex supplement. L-tryptophan is considered the most important amino acid for sleeping problems. L-tryptophan is a precursor to serotonin, which is then converted into melatonin. Adequate levels of melatonin allow the body to drop off into slumber. Tryptophan occurs naturally in certain foods, most notably turkey, and also other meats, milk, cheese, and soybeans and other legumes.
Semi-essential amino acids can be made by the body in amounts that are adequate to maintain basic protein requirements; however, additional dietary sources are required during times of growth or stress. Although often undetected, amino acid deficiencies may be an underlying factor in many sleep disorders. It's commonly thought that vegetarians and vegans (vegetarians who eat no eggs or dairy products) will have difficulty meeting their protein requirements.

Conscious Health: A Complete Guide to Wellness Through Natural Means

Ron Garner
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Our bodies require a full array of naturally formed vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and live enzymes. Synthetic matrices just don't fit. Anything unnatural has wrongly-configured matrices, and therefore cannot nourish and energize cells. Most food is grown in soils that have been depleted of minerals, and treated with chemical pesticides and fertilizers. It is picked before it has ripened and assembled all its nutrients. Next, it is processed and denatured of all its enzymes by being cooked in various ways.

Alternative Medicine Magazine's Definitive Guide to Sleep Disorders: 7 Smart Ways to Help You Get a Good Night's Rest

Herbert Ross, DC with Keri Brenner, L.Ac.
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Tryptophan is more resistant to this action, so it keeps circulating in the blood longer; eventually, it exists in higher concentrations in the blood than other amino acids, facilitating its access to transport across the blood-brain barrier.30 Another strategy is to eat an evening or bedtime snack consisting primarily of carbohydrates, but with a small amount of a food rich in tryptophan. Foods with a relative abundance of tryptophan include turkey, chicken, eggs, dairy products, nuts and seeds, soy products, oatmeal, and bananas.

Dr. Neal Barnard's Program for Reversing Diabetes: The Scientifically Proven System for Reversing Diabetes Without Drugs

Neal D. Barnard and Bryanna Clark Grogan
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As it breaks apart, it does not simply release individual amino acids. It breaks into short strings of amino acids—strings of perhaps four, five, or seven "beads." They are not just the amino acid building blocks for protein; they are also biologically active compounds with a mild narcotic action. Scientists call them casomorphins—casein-derived morphinelike compounds. If scientists were to feed you cheese and then take a sample of your digestive tract contents, they would find an array of casomorphins with mild narcotic actions.

The Dictionary of Cultural Literacy

E. D. Hirsch
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The most familiar algae are the greenish scum that collects in still water, fa Algae supply a considerable part of the world's oxygen. amino acids (uh-MEE-noh) Basic organic molecules that combine to form proteins. amino acids are made up of hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen. Some examples of amino acids are lysine, phenylalanine, and tryptophan. fa amino acids are the basic molecular building blocks of life. amoeba (uh-MEE-buh) An animal composed of only one cell that has no fixed shape. It is the best Amoeba known of the single-celled animals, or protozoa.

Decoding the Human Body-Field: The New Science of Information as Medicine

Peter h. Fraser and Harry Massey
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Research has since shown that amino acids, proteins, and many types of molecules act as coupled oscillators in the body if they are close enough together. Information travels through the network via resonance that is caused by the movements of the body and of the molecules within the body. These motions can even create electromagnetic fields that, because they are networked together like a giant web, send energy and information to every part of the body. Confirmation of this theory has come from many fronts, but a representative study is one that was carried out in 1991 by K.J. Pienta and D. S.

Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods

Jeffrey M. Smith
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In reality, the transgene was truncated during insertion and the final protein combines amino acids coded by the transgene and host DNA (see section 4.2). 2. "The CrylA(b) protein is rapidly degraded and its insecticidal activity lost under conditions that simulate mammalian digestion." In reality, the stability of the protein is comparable to StarLink corn, banned for human use (see lit protein chart, page 228). In addition, the loss of insecticidal activity is not necessarily a guarantee that the protein will not be allergenic, as demonstrated by GM peas (see section 1.18).
These factors make the amino acids particularly harmful. Roberts says the isolated phenylalanine lowers the seizure threshold and triggers psychiatric and behavioral problems, as well as other symptoms and diseases. Neuroscientist John Olney, who founded the field of neuroscience called excitotoxicity, says that aspartic acid is an excitotoxin that stimulates neurons into hyperactivity until they exhaust and die. Psychiatrist Ralph G.
He also identified sequences of 9-12 amino acids shared by CrylAb (Bt corn) and vitellogenin, an egg yolk allergen. Gendel concluded that:'... the similarity between CrylA(b) and vitellogenin might be sufficient to warrant additional evaluation.'204 The EPA knew about this study because it had been discussed by its scientific advisers.205 But the agency re-registered Bt corn for seven years in 2001 without discussing or even citing Gendel's study in its review document, with no corresponding study on file from Syngenta, and only incomplete data from Monsanto.206...
However, six contiguous amino acids is the standard for the research on protein epitopes. If too many false positives are found, it is possible to apply "filters" (as explained in Kleter and Peijnenburg)201 that will distinguish between false and true positives.

Asthma Controlled Naturally: Techniques That Work

Dr Ron Roberts
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Multi-nutrient capsules and tablets which contain most vitamins, proteins, amino acids and minerals from a natural source, such as spiruliten (spirulina), also make adequate dietary supplements that are convenient and easy to take. The following nutrient supplements are particularly suitable for anyone with asthma or respiratory disorders. SP1RUL1NA AND CHLORELLA Rich in chlorophyll, minerals, vitamins and a great source of protein, chlorella and spirulina regulate cholesterol, promote antiviral action and stimulate the immune system.

What Your Doctor Doesn't Know About Nutritional Medicine May Be Killing You

Ray D. Strand
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Damaged proteins become brand-new proteins, made with recycled amino acids. The body repairs altered fats and DNA in a similar matter. It is critical that you understand that the body has an amazing built-in ability to heal itself. As I reflect on the complex nature of this repair system and the functions of the cell, I know beyond doubt this is no random act of nature. During my first year of medical school, I studied the anatomy and function of the eye.

Asthma Controlled Naturally: Techniques That Work

Dr Ron Roberts
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Spirulina is derived from freshwater algae and contains a complex abundance of enzymes, vitamins, minerals, trace elements and amino acids and other biochemicals. It is now grown in aqua farms. EVENING PRIMROSE OIL The secret behind the oil of this unassuming flower is its gammalinoleic acid (GLA) content, a substance that is extremely valuable to the body. Most vegetable oils contain linoleic acid, which the body has to convert into GLA before use,- some people who are atopic may be unable to convert linoleic acid into GLA.

The Green Tea Book

Lester A. Mitscher and Victoria Toews
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The liver performs several important functions for the body, such as storing extra glucose as glycogen, regulating levels of amino acids in the blood, and producing important proteins for blood plasma. The liver is so resilient that it will continue to perform its vital functions even when as much as three-quarters of it has been destroyed or removed. However, the liver's most valuable function in our increasingly polluted world may be clearing the blood of drugs and poisonous substances that would otherwise accumulate in the bloodstream and other areas of the body.

Dr. Neal Barnard's Program for Reversing Diabetes: The Scientifically Proven System for Reversing Diabetes Without Drugs

Neal D. Barnard and Bryanna Clark Grogan
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Proteins are made up of small molecules called amino acids. All the proteins in your skin, muscles, bones, and internal organs are built from various combinations of about 20 different amino acids. A healthy diet of beans, grains, vegetables, and fruits provides all the protein you need. In fact, you are better off getting protein from plant sources. While animal protein can be hard on the delicate tissues of the kidneys, plant proteins appear to be free of this problem. They are also free of the risks of calcium loss and kidney stones associated with animal protein.

The Most Effective Natural Cures on Earth: The Surprising, Unbiased Truth about What Treatments Work and Why

Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., C.N.S.
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It contains no fewer than 75 nutrients plus an astonishing 200 active compounds, including 20 minerals, 90 percent of the necessary amino acids, and twelve vitamins. According to H.R. McDaniel, M.D., a pathologist and researcher at the Dallas-Fort Worth Medical Center, who has spent the better part of two decades researching the therapeutic nature of aloe, its active ingredients are eight sugars that form the eight essential saccharides: glucose, galactose, mannose, fructose, xylose, N-acetylglucosamine, N-acetylgalactosamine, and N-acetylneuraminic acid.

Dr. McDougall's Digestive Tune-Up

John A. McDougall
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This substance is produced in the bowel by the action of bacteria on dietary sources of sulfur—more specifically, sulfur-containing amino acids. Animal products are the main sources of these kinds of amino acids. If you'll recall our earlier discussion on bad breath—beef contains four times more sulfur than pinto beans, cheddar cheese contains five times more than white potatoes, and tuna contains twelve times more than sweet potatoes. Contrary to prevailing medical "wisdom," evidence shows that diet is indeed the key causative factor of severe forms of colitis.

Feel Better, Live Longer with Vitamin B-3

Dr. Abram Hoffer, MD, FRCP (C) and Dr. Harold D. Foster, PhD
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That is why all the natural substances, including vitamins, minerals, hormones, amino acids, and essential fatty acids, are safer and more valuable in health care than are the xenobiotics drugs. This was the genius of Linus Pauling - he recognized this reality. The practice of orthomolecular medicine thus recognizes that most acute and chronic diseases are due to a metabolic fault that is correctable in most patients by good nutrition, including the use of large doses of vitamins and mineral supplements.

Dr. Gundry's Diet Evolution: Turn Off the Genes That Are Killing You - And Your Waistline - And Drop the Weight for Good

Dr. Steven R. Gundry
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Rice protein powder Like whey protein powder, it contains the essential amino acids but is low in taurine, as are most plant-based proteins. Vegans who wish to avoid whey products can use it. Salsa Read the label to make sure that there is no sugar or corn syrup. I prefer the fresh varieties available now in most supermarkets to the canned or bottled types. You can use tomatillo as well as tomato salsa. Shirataki tofu noodleA See page 216 for information on this stand-in for high-carb pasta.
Hemp protein powder Made from hemp seeds (a cousin of marijuana, and no, you will not feel high eating it), this powder contains the essential amino acids and has the benefits of whey protein powder without the downsides. (Many whey powders contain sugar or artificial sweeteners.) The seeds are high in fat, albeit mostly omega-3s. High-fiber pasta See page 216 for information. Mozzarella Use only fresh mozzarella, which comes in baseball-size balls (as well as smaller ones) packed in water.

PDR for Herbal Medicines

Joerg Gruenwald, Ph.D.
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Other Names: Field Pumpkin ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY COMPOUNDS Steroids: Delta5-, Delta7- and Delta8-phytosterols (24- alkyl sterols), including clerosterol, isofucosterol, sitosterol, stig-masterol, cholesterol, isoavenasterol, spinasterol Fatty oil Unusual amino acids: including cucurbitin (vermifuge) Gamma-tocopherol EFFECTS There are no pharmacological studies that substantiate the empirically documented clinical efficacy; the empirical evidence indicates efficacy for prostate hyperplasia; also antiphlogistic and antioxidative.

Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods

Jeffrey M. Smith
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The applicant used a search over eight contiguous amino acids, saying that "the results demonstrated that searches with six or seven amino acid windows led to high rates of false positive matches."200 . . . For allergen identification, we are more concerned with false negatives than false positives. Thus we ask the authority to review the bioinformatics data using the parameters set by FAO/WHO. The applicant has provided three references in defense of this claim, all produced by the applicant and Novartis, another GMO producer.

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This unique compilation of research is copyright (c) 2008 by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center.

ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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...and Hormones and Biochemistry:

...and Insulin
...and Methionine
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...and Neurotransmitter
...and Dopamine
...and Homocysteine
...and Estrogen
...and Cortisol
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...and Medical Terms:

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...and Biological Functions:

...and Digestion
...and Metabolism
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...and Weight loss
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...and Period
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...and Fertility

...and Plants and Herbs:

...and Leaves
...and Root
...and Garlic
...and Alfalfa
...and Roots
...and Kelp
...and Ginseng
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...and Flowers
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...and Chemicals:

...and Free radicals
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...and Caffeine
...and Pesticides
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...and Carcinogens
...and Chlorine
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...and Biological Measures:

...and Blood pressure
...and Body weight
...and Blood sugar levels
...and Triglycerides
...and Blood levels
...and Blood cholesterol
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...and Ingredients:

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...and Aspartame
...and Fructose
...and Preservatives
...and Msg
...and Lactose
...and Food additives

...and Treatment Modalities:

...and Detoxification
...and Fasting
...and Cleanse
...and Relaxation
...and Massage
...and Acupuncture
...and Folk medicine
...and Ayurvedic
...and Aerobic exercise
...and Chinese medicine

...and Drugs:

...and Tablets
...and Antibiotics
...and Antibiotic
...and Diuretic
...and Antidepressants
...and Steroids
...and Laxative
...and Chemotherapy
...and Antidepressant
...and Sedative

...and Animals:

...and Mice
...and Rats
...and Turkey
...and Cats
...and Dogs
...and Cat
...and Worms
...and Insect
...and Insects
...and Cattle

...and Properties:

...and Oxidation
...and Anti-inflammatory
...and Calming
...and Relieves
...and Antiseptic
...and Antifungal
...and Expectorant
...and Relieving
...and Antimicrobial
...and Aphrodisiac

...and Organizations:

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...and Epa
...and Monsanto
...and Hospitals
...and School of medicine
...and Food and drug administration
...and Manufacturers
...and Organization
...and Clinic

...and Supplements:

...and Spirulina
...and Flaxseed oil
...and Coenzyme q10
...and Fish oil
...and Glucosamine
...and Lactobacillus

...and When:

...and Winter
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...and At night
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...and July
...and February

Related Concepts:

Amino acid
Vitamin C
Fatty acids
Vitamin b6
Empty stomach
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