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Amino acids

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Without this B vitamin, your body leaves behind loose amino acids, called homocysteine, when it metabolizes protein. Too much homocysteine built up in your blood damages your arteries and can lead to heart disease and stroke. Okra gives a final knockout blow with its wealth of minerals — mainly potassium and magnesium. For lowering blood pressure, experts say eating potassium-rich foods may be as important as losing weight and cutting back on salt.
But they are called incomplete proteins because they are lacking some essential amino acids. You can get complete protein if you combine them with plant foods from one of these categories — grains, seeds and nuts, and vegetables. Eat any two or more of these plant foods, with or without beans, and you get complete protein. You don't have to eat these foods in the same dish, or even in the same meal. But many cultures have created combinations that work well — like corn and beans in Mexico, or rice and split peas in India. Many Americans enjoy legumes and grains in a peanut butter sandwich.

Empty Harvest

Dr Bernard Jenson and Mark Anderson
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Here again, trace minerals and vitamins combine with amino acids to form a protective shield in the form of enzymes. THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT The ill-famed "Greenhouse Effect" is an enormous issue emphasizing a global immune system. Here is how it works. The sun's radiant energy reaches the surface of our planet in the form of both visible light and invisible rays including UV light. In the spectrum of energy, these are among the shorter wavelengths. The surface of the planet absorbs these energy waves and gradually releases them as much longer wavelengths called infrared waves.

Dr. Cass Ingram's Lifesaving Cures

Dr. Cass Ingram
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We all need more nourishment, and Nutri-Sense provides natural source vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and fatty acids in a form which is readily absorbed. Because it is a food rather than a synthetic, Nutri-Sense has a limited shelf life and should be refrigerated after opening. However, the shelf life after opening may be extended by adding antioxidant herbal oils such as oil of sage, rosemary, oregano, and cumin. Salmon Canned salmon is highly nourishing for all age groups and is one of the most convenient nutrient rich foods available.

Breast Cancer: A Nutritional Approach

Carlton Fredericks, Ph.D.
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Your sulfur supply ordinarily comes from protein foods which contain the types of amino acids which in turn contain sulfur. There are four of these, one which is obtainable only from the diet and three which are made from that one, in the body. The fourth—the one sulfur-containing amino acid which the body can't make for itself—is methionine, supplements of which are used to aid liver function. In fact, when we wish to accelerate the process of liver degradation of estrogen, we may give supplements of methionine to speed the response.

Dr. Cass Ingram's Lifesaving Cures

Dr. Cass Ingram
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Foods that help • anything rich in all eight essential amino acids, that is beef, chicken, fish, eggs, and milk products • fatty fish such as sardines, salmon, albacore tuna, and mackerel • fresh whole milk mixed with honey Things to avoid • chocolate (like the plague) • peanuts and peanut butter • refined vegetable oils and deep fried foods Colds This condition may be caused by viruses. The term ""may" will surprise certain individuals, because the medical profession has taught that colds are always caused by viruses. However, there is another insidious cause: mold.

Breast Cancer: A Nutritional Approach

Carlton Fredericks, Ph.D.
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He therefore has a built-in resistance to the type of treatment used by medical nutritionists, since a prescription for more than one or two vitamins, minerals, or amino acids directly collides with his training, and it doesn't occur to him that a rule which operates well with toxic drugs is not appropriately applied to harmless nutrients, which, rationally, should not be prescribed singly'.

Dr. Cass Ingram's Lifesaving Cures

Dr. Cass Ingram
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It is an excellent source of amino acids, fatty acids, B vitamins, and minerals. In other words, it is a complete food. Salmon may be regarded as sort of the nutritional cadillac of all fish. It is inordinately rich in fish oils, which offer dozens of benefits to human cellular function. Salmon is also exceptionally high in vitamins. It is one of the few fish which contains a rather complete array of B vitamins, and it is exceptionally rich in niacin, pyridoxine, and pantothenic acid.
Sardines possess everything required for the basic needs: amino acids, fatty acids, B vitamins, and minerals. They are also the top source of nuclear nutrients, that is RNA and DNA. Thus, with the exception of vitamin C, two or three cans of sardines provide the daily necessary ration. Buy sardines packed in mustard, tomato sauce, or pure olive oil. Another option is sardines packed in their own fish oils, known as sild sardine oil. The latter is the most nutrient dense of all sardines, and offers a unique aromatic flavor.

Principles and Practice of Phytotherapy: Modern Herbal Medicine

Simon Mills and Kerry Bone
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Non-volatile cyclopentane sesquiterpenes known as valerenic acid and its derivatives;9 amino acids,10 lignans.11 Valeriana edulis (Mexican valerian) contains 3-8% iridoids (and a larger valtrate/isovaltrate content); Valeriana wallichii (Indian valerian) contains 3-6% iridoids.9 Valerenic acid and acetoxyvalerenic acid are unique to V. officinalis.12 Studies in The Netherlands indicate there is seasonal variation in the content of these compounds in valerian roots.

Breast Cancer? Breath Health! The Wise Woman Way

Susun S. Weed
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Anti-cancer compounds such as chlorophyll, folic acid, antioxidants, carotenes, minerals, and essential amino acids peak in grasses just before they begin to joint, about 200 days from seed. If you don't grow your own (but do consider it if you have a garden or yard; it's really quite easy), oatstraw is sold in the herb section (and compressed cereal grass in the supplement section) of your health food store. See also barley, oats, and wheat. CHICKPEAS (Cicer arietinum) Also known as garbanzo beans, chickpeas contain asparagin and are one of the richest known sources of protease inhibitors.

Breast Cancer: A Nutritional Approach

Carlton Fredericks, Ph.D.
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But you don't "eat" Vitamin B Complex or sulfur-containing amino acids: you assemble a diet adequate in these factors and you preserve the enjoyment of eating, for no compromise is necessary between fulfilling the pleasures of the palate and the needs of the organism. Which explains the menu-planning suggestions given in this book. I have included them because I suspect you need help in mastering the art of choosing foods you like which also like you.
I have already pointed out that eggs are among the very few foods rich in sulfur-containing amino acids, which means that those who fall prey to the misguided low cholesterol diet, which usually forbids eggs, may become deficient in sulfur. Beef proteins (meaning steaks, chops, and other muscle meats) supply a little sulfur; onion and garlic supply more. It would appear that for some people, grandmother's sulfur and molasses might make sense, but we have no such supplements on the market, though for a person who doesn't eat eggs, they might be protective.

Fluoride the Aging Factor: How to Recognize and Avoid the Devastating Effects of Fluoride

Dr. John Yiamouyiannis
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Lysine Glutamic Acid Tryptophan •M«M*M'M'M'Mamino acids in a protein give rise to different proteins with differing sizes, differing enzymic activities, and differing susceptibilities to external conditions, such as exposure to fluoride (see the following illustration). This figure illustrates 4 different protein chains. The smallest chain (lower left) consists of about 150 amino acid "links". The largest chain consists of about 1500 amino acid "links".

Dr. Cass Ingram's Lifesaving Cures

Dr. Cass Ingram
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Protein offers dual benefits, because its amino acids can be used as fuel, but they are also needed to rebuild and repair cells, which is why this food is so essential. Carbohydrates also serve an important role. However, with few exceptions they offer a relatively lower density of nutrients and fuel than fats/protein. Certain carbohydrate rich foods play a crucial role as a source of food, particularly for children.

The Origin Diet: How Eating Like Our Stone Age Ancestors Will Maximize Your Health

Elizabeth Somer, M.A., R.D.
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You can get the nine essential amino acids needed to build protein from an elk steak or from mixing black beans and brown rice. You can get the iron your red blood cells need from venison stew or from prunes, spinach, lentils, or a variety of plants. One thing we do know is that vegetarian diets are much healthier than the typical westernized diet. Several studies show that America's 15 million vegetarians have much lower rates of cancer and hypertension, and up to a 50 percent lower risk for heart disease compared to the general public.

The Way of Herbs

Michael Tierra
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Irish moss Chondrus crispus Common Names: Carrageenin Family: Gigartinaceae Parts Used: Seaweed Energy and Flavors: Sweet, salty, cool Systems Affected: Lungs, stomach Biochemical Constituents: Polysaccharides, proteins, mucins, amino acids, iodine, bromine and manganese salts Properties: Demulcent, nutrient, emollient Irish moss is used for lung diseases associated with dryness and/or wasting. It is also used topically or internally for ulcers and sores. It is commonly prepared as a syrup with Iceland moss and blackstrap molasses.

The Way of Chinese Herbs

Michael Tierra, L.Ac, O.M.D.
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Mung beans are unique in that they supply the necessary amino acids, which, with the brown rice, help enrich the overall *See page 92 for how to prepare ghee. protein value. Another important and unique aspect of mung beans is that because they have a cool energy, they are detoxifying and help neutralize acids. Mung beans are even recommended as one of the substances to treat toxicity symptoms of aconite poisoning. Mung beans are therefore a proteinaceous, highly nutritious blood purifier.

The Super Anti-Oxidants: Why They Will Change the Face of Healthcare in the 21st Century

James F. Balch, M.D.
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Second, this good nutrition should include more plant proteins for the amino acids, and more vitamin- and mineral-rich foods such as green foods (sprouts and dark green vegetables), soy, sea vegetables, legumes, whole grains, seeds, and nuts. Stress and nutrition are irrevocably linked. Excess stress generates a poor diet, which generates poor nutrition, which depletes antioxidant levels and weakens the immune system. Perhaps the smartest health decision anyone can make is to fight stress through the use of supplemental antioxidants.
Additionally, Green Magma contains much chlorophyll; nineteen amino acids; beta-carotene; minerals; and the B vitamins, as well as very important live enzymes, including SOD (superoxide dismutase), a powerful antioxidant. Green Magma is grown without pesticides or chemical fertilizers and is naturally processed. It is not a synthetic nutritional supplement, but a whole live food, a barley grass extract. I firmly believe whole live foods are a key to good health and long life.
All of these foods are alive with enzymes, amino acids, fatty acids, and antioxidants. Especially important are: Enzymes. These proteins, especially the proteases, help control inflammation. Enzymes taken for this purpose should be ingested between meals so they will be attracted to the inflamed area and not the digestive tract. Enzyme therapy aids in controlling inflammation by digesting and removing accumulated debris. The enzyme free radical scavenger superoxidant dismutase (SOD) is especially effective in reducing inflammation. Zinc.
Glutathione is composed of three amino acids: cysteine, glutamic acid, and glycine. Also of extreme importance in this liver detoxification process are the minerals zinc and copper, as well as magnesium, and the important antioxidant vitamin C. note: Glutathione taken orally is probably ineffective in raising tissue glutathione levels. However, vitamin C helps the body produce its own glutathione, other compounds such as n-acetylcysteine (nac), glycine, and methionine, along with vitamin c, encourage glutathione synthesis.

Smart Exercise: Burning Fat, Getting Fit

Covert Bailey
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And as this chapter has pointed out, the body cannot use or stockpile extra amino acids anyway. The trick is to eat complex carbohydrates, thus providing a constant trickle of glucose energy and saving protein for growth and repair. How Do Muscles Grow? Let's compare muscle to a carpet factory. The factory has big machines to do the hard work and employees to run those big machines. The machines are impressive, but nothing would happen without the employees. In muscle, the employees are ATP, creatine-P, sugar- and fat-burning enzymes, and Krebs-cycle enzymes.

Smart Medicine for Healthier Living : Practical A-Z Reference to Natural and Conventional Treatments for Adults

Janet Zand, LAc, OMD, Allan N. Spreed, MD, CNC, James B. LaValle, RPh, ND
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Royal jelly is high in hormones and contains vitamins A, C, D, and E; all of the B-complex vitamins; and numerous minerals, enzymes, and amino acids. It is also a natural source of pure acetylcholine, an important neurotransmitter. Take 20 milligrams daily. ¦ Superoxide dismutase (SOD) is an antioxidant enzyme that neutralizes superoxide, one of the most dangerous of all free radicals. As a result, it inhibits the cellular destruction common to the aging process.

The Way of Herbs

Michael Tierra
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In fact, cancer cells are able to grow by making the amino acids of protein available for their growth at the expense of the body as a whole. Meat, especially red meat, being the most readily assimilable protein, becomes a banquet for cancer cells. Plant sources of vegetable protein, such as legumes and beans that contain cancer-fighting compounds, should be a prominent part of an anticancer diet. Legumes and beans supply high-quality protein necessary to rebuild the tissues and maintain a healthy immune system.

The Origin Diet: How Eating Like Our Stone Age Ancestors Will Maximize Your Health

Elizabeth Somer, M.A., R.D.
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A few preliminary studies found a link between a series of amino acids in cow's milk, called ABBOS, and juvenile onset diabetes in children with a genetic predisposition to the disease. The studies suggested that when these children ingest ABBOS, it triggers an immune response that attacks the milk protein and the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. Over time, the cells are destroyed and the child becomes diabetic. However, the evidence linking milk to diabetes is inconclusive.

The One Earth Herbal Sourcebook: Everything You Need to Know About Chinese, Western, and Ayurvedic Herbal Treatments

Alan Keith Tillotson, Ph.D., A.H.G., D.Ay.
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For example, the food that we eat contains: • essential nutrients that we cannot produce in our bodies from smaller building blocks • energy trapped in chemical bonds in the molecules that make up food • building blocks (such as amino acids) that our bodies can use Our digestive systems break down food into component molecules and absorb them. The blood takes these molecules to the cells where they are used as raw materials to produce our own molecules or further broken down to release the energy trapped in the chemical bonds.
Using the full set of amino acids, and under the direction of DNA, the body constructs all its proteins, a dazzling array including such essentials as hormones, enzymes, and antibodies. Because proteins contain a stable amount of nitrogen (about 16%), protein requirements can be determined by a measurement called nitrogen equilibrium. When a healthy adult is in a state of equilibrium, he or she is ingesting and excreting protein in a balanced, desirable way.
The body manufactures all of these neurotransmitters from dietary amino acids. As with the other brain chemicals mentioned, mood-altering drugs either increase the production or inhibit the breakdown of these neurotransmitters, altering nerve cell stimulation. Within the cerebral cortex, gluta-mate acts as the primary stimulatory neurotransmitter, and GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) acts as the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter. Serotonin is also of particular importance, because it is a natural antidepressant and tranquilizer.
Because neurotransmitters and other brain chemicals are formed from amino acids, and digestion declines with age, digestion-strengthening herbs like bromelain or trikatu can be used to ensure proper protein and nutrient assimilation. Attention Deficit Disorder Attention deficit disorder (ADD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are clinical names for symptoms typically related to problems with attention. These conditions appear most frequently in school-age children, although they can affect people at any age.

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ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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