Vitamins and minerals for rebuilding a system damaged by alcohol include B complex vitamins, essential fatty acids, amino acids, trace minerals, and vitamin C.
Herbs connected with overcoming alcohol dependence are milk thistle, for healing a damaged liver; valerian root, for countering stress; and Siberian ginseng, for remaining alcohol-free after rehabilitation.
Homeopathic treatments can be effective because they are tailored to individual needs.
_Hay Fever_
About 37 million people suffer from this seasonal condition. | Bill Gottlieb See book keywords and concepts | Those mini-meals should supply carbohydrates and protein for maximum energy, since the glucose from the carbohydrates and the amino acids from the protein individually will fuel you for only a few hours, she says. Plus, choose low-fat foods, since high fat translates into low energy. Here's what a day of mini-meals might include.
• For breakfast, oats cooked in fat-free milk or juice, sweetened with apple juice or white grape juice, flavored with pumpkin pie spice and vanilla, and topped with fresh or dried fruit.
• At midmorning, a piece of fresh fruit or 1 to 2 ounces of low-fat cheese. | Margarita Artschwager Kay See book keywords and concepts | Other Arracacia species are reported to contain carotenoids, provitamin A (Bicudo de Almeida and Penteado 1987), pyranocoumarins (Delgado and Gar-duno 1987), and the amino acids methionine, cystine, lysine, and tryptophan (Norberga 1975).
¦ Artemisia (Asteraceae)
Artemisia annua L. sweet wormwood, English
Artemisia dracunculoides Pursh. xal paq, yerba niso, Paipai; estafiate, Tepehuan, Spanish; absinth, English
Artemisia franserioides E. Greene altamisa de la sierra, New Mexico Spanish
Artemisia frigida Willd. | The Editors of Prevention Magazine Health Books See book keywords and concepts | Chromium is sometimes sold as glucose tolerance factor (GTF), a combination of chromium, nicotinic acid (a form of niacin) and amino acids. GTF may vary so much in composition that it is not a reliable source of chromium, Dr. Anderson says.
Estimated Safe and Adequate Daily Dietary Intake: None Qood Food Sources: Dairy and other animal products
V^obalt is at the core of every molecule of vitamin B12, a nutrient that's essential for the body's formation of red blood cells. That function is vital, and it's the only known function of cobalt in humans. | Davis. amino acids are the building blocks of protein, the stuff of which the body is made.
Eating corn as part of a well-balanced diet is not a problem, but a diet that consists almost exclusively of corn and corn products is devastating. In fact, the turn-of-the-century pellagra tragedy led to the fortification of flours and cereals with niacin. As a result, pellagra is now rare.
A few people still get pellagra, however, for reasons that have nothing to do with eating corn. Alcoholics and individuals with severe gastrointestinal problems often have difficulty getting enough niacin. | Bill Gottlieb See book keywords and concepts | MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) helps heal connective tissue, aids in the production of pain-relieving, detoxifying sulfur-containing amino acids, and dramatically decreases inflammation.
Various sulfur-containing supplements can help relieve arthritis pain, "but MSM is the best sulfur donor of all supplements and has the strongest ability to relieve pain," Dr. Braly says. "MSM should be part of
For Postsurgical Pain, Try Glutamine
It's a sad scenario that's familiar to surgeons. | Alan Keith Tillotson, Ph.D., A.H.G., D.Ay. See book keywords and concepts | Plants use energy from the sun to synthesize sugar, which they then combine with nutrients from the soil to make amino acids and, finally, proteins. Plants, therefore, are the original source of all the world's protein. In animals, proteins are concentrated in structural and protective tissues, such as bones, tendons, hair, fingernails, and skin, as well as soft tissues such as organs and especially muscles. Animals cannot synthesize their own proteins and must depend on their dietary intake of plants and other animals.
All protein food sources are not equal. | Gary Null, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts | Aloe vera contains 17 amino acids, as well as the minerals calcium, copper, iron, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc. It supplies live enzymes and essential fatty acids, which are needed for good health. Additionally, it has substances that stimulate phagocytosis, the process by which white blood cells work to destroy invading organisms.
Not all brands of aloe vera are qualitatively equal. Heat-processing destroys vital nutrients. Look for brands that cold-process the whole leaf, for maximum benefit.
•Carnivora (Venus Flytrap)... | Dr. John Yiamouyiannis See book keywords and concepts | However, collagen contains two additional amino acids, hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine, not found in other proteins. Thus when collagen synthesis is interfered with or when collagen breaks down, the hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine levels in the blood and urine increase.
Breakdown of the collagen protein "chain" into its amino acid "links". Unlike noncollagen protein the collagen protein contains hydroxyproline (HP) and hydroxylysine (HL) which are only made after the collagen chain is put together. | Robert W. Hill, Ph.D. and Eduardo Castro, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | In excess, these amino acids cause rapid, uncontrolled firing of brain cells that may lead to cell damage or death. Substances that produce these effects are called excito-toxins, and should be avoided by ADD children.
We had successfully treated Antione for ADD while he was a tenth-grader. He had had no history of head trauma and no medical problems at the time. Later, he returned to our clinic after he had been medically discharged from the Army for a seizure disorder. While stationed at Fort Benning, he had three seizures in a two-month period. | Jean Carper See book keywords and concepts | Consumer note: The formula used by Joey Blackburn is a patented combination of a nutritional supplement composed of vitamins, amino acids, minerals, and trace elements, developed by Dr. Matthias Rath. It is sold under the brand name Cellular Essentials Cardio-Basics, from Florida-based Rexall-Sundown International; and as Vita-cor 20/90 from Health Now, Inc., a California-based research and development firm.
What Are They?
Vitamin C and vitamin E are potent antioxidants; this means they can block the destructive activity of chemicals in the body called oxygen free radicals. | The Editors of Prevention Magazine Health Books See book keywords and concepts | Folate and vitamin B6, for example, need riboflavin to undergo the chemical changes that make them useful. amino acids are transformed by riboflavin into what are called neurotransmitters, chemicals crucial for thinking and memory. A shortage of red blood cells, which causes symptoms such as anemia, has been linked in some cases to a lack of riboflavin. "The key concept to remember here is that riboflavin is one of the essential B vitamins necessary for all sorts of chemical processes inside the body, such as helping to turn food into energy," says Dr. Cooperman. | Michael Castleman See book keywords and concepts | Chelation combines minerals with other substances, often amino acids. Proponents claim that chelation promotes absorption, but ordinary minerals get absorbed just fine.
Also, don't pay extra for vitamins that claim to be sugar- or starch-free. Unless you're seriously allergic, a little sugar or starch won't hurt you.
Timing Is Everything
When and how you take your supplements can definitely influence their effectiveness. A once-a-day insurance formula, or multivitamin, is better than nothing. But Somer recommends choosing a multi that you can take in small doses several times a day. | Kathi Keville See book keywords and concepts | The liver also converts protein into usable amino acids. Nutrients such as fats, carbohydrates and vitamins A, D, E, K and B12 are metabolized by your liver. Several vitamins are stored in your liver. And as if your liver is not busy enough, it also manufactures antibodies for the immune system, produces agents that allow blood to clot when you get cut, and even helps control blood sugar levels.
Liver problems are easy to shrug off at first because the typical symptoms tend to be the last things you would think of being related to your liver. | Ann Blake Tracy, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts | NutraSweet is a combination of two amino acids. It is a serotonergic product, both increasing serotonin and decreasing serotonin metabolism, with almost identical adverse effects to the SSRI antidepressants. I have often made the statement that NutraSweet was the closest thing we have saw to the Prozac family of drugs before Prozac hit the market. There has recently been talk in the
NATURAL SEROTONIN PRODUCTS: Although I have often used alternative treatments over many years, I realize that the line between health industry and the pharmaceutical industry has become extremely thin. | Covert Bailey See book keywords and concepts | Let the energy bars, vitamin supplements, amino acids, and pep pills remain with the hucksters who started promoting them.
How Carbohydrate Loading Works The Carbo-Loading Regimen The Effects of Caffeine The Gut and Gas
How Carbohydrate Loading Works
Trained muscles have the ability to store more glycogen than untrained muscles. They also use less glycogen during exercise. Elite athletes, therefore, have a decided advantage over the rest of us. Since it's lack of glycogen that leads to muscle fatigue, they endure long, hard exercise better than we do. | Ann Blake Tracy, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts | These amino acids are the essential building blocks of hormones and neurotransmitters. Without these building blocks, insulin begins to diminish causing hyperglycemia or diabetes.
Now why, when we are discussing brain function and chemical imbalances, are we discussing the pancreas and blood sugar levels? Because the brain is fueled by blood sugar and without proper blood sugar levels, the brain cannot function properly. With the blood sugar levels depleted, the brain is actually starving to death. Brain cells are dying. | Carlton Fredericks, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts | Our prime interest in sulfur is the role of antioxidant played by the amino acids which supply this nutritional factor.
Repeated references to eggs as a good source of all antioxidants, save Vitamin C, and repeated criticisms of the low-cholesterol diet which forbids or precariously limits the intake of this superb food, demand a parting look at the latest insult from the processed-food industry: egg substitutes. | Ann Blake Tracy, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts | Both of these have powerful stimulant effects and will lead to depression and fatigue. amino acids and HIGH PROTEIN DIETS after use of these medications are also dangerous. I have seen patients go through antidepressant withdrawal, do very well for some time and then try the Atkins High Protein Diet (which I thought had killed enough people in the 70's for us to learn how dangerous this diet is). It was as though they were ripped out of time and placed right back into the worst stages of their withdrawal with many thinking they needed to go back on SSRIs. | J. E. Williams, O.M.D. See book keywords and concepts | Martin's cfMcafresearch (JdS feacf recommendations, and nutritional supplements that support cellular metabolism, such as antiox- him to hypothesize that a new class of idants, amino acids, and essential fatty acids. y[XUS) derivedfrom herpes virus and
In addition, he suggests stress reduction, rr r r¦ r , r r uu ¦ at i i ^ ¦ capable of evadina detection from the behavior modification, and other strategies \»y<»un,vj m.»g ^.w.. w^i including antidepressants and nootrophics immune SyStem, is apOSSihie COUSejor
(brain-enhancing medications) to improve neuro- j- , r r , f /•
. , r . %. | A full complement of amino acids is found in high-quality protein from seeds and nuts, legumes, whole grains, eggs, fish, poultry, and organic meats.
An amino acid is a compound containing an amino group and an acidic function. This acidic function makes proteins from meat more acidic in the body, so it is recommended that the majority of dietary protein come from plant sources. | Add specialized amino acids and other nutrients that facilitate detoxification. Drink plenty of filtered, distilled, or pure spring water.
Do not fast completely on water or juices; instead, use a vegetable-based cleansing diet.
Avoid becoming constipated by eating high-fiber vegetable foods before and during your cleanse, and use herbal laxatives only as a last measure.
Headaches and fatigue are normal during detoxification; however, they should not last any longer than 24-36 hours. If they last longer than that, terminate your cleanse and restart when you feel stronger. | Many of the antioxidants and amino acids discussed in this section increase glutathione levels, including vitamin C, NAC, and gluta-mine. Vitamin C supplementation (as little as 500 mg) in particular appears to significantly raise glutathione levels. Michael Murray, N.D., a naturopathic physician and a leading authority on natural medicine, strongly agrees and recommends that doctors avoid the use of the expensive glutathione supplements, suggesting that patients stay with vitamin C. The amino acid L-methionine and its activated form, S-adenosylmethionine (SAM), also raise glutathione levels. | Supplemental amino acids come in many varieties, and certain forms are much better for immune-enhancing than others. Due to possible gastrointestinal allergic reactions, like cramping or gas for people with chronic disease, I suggest avoiding amino acid products made from soy, milk casein, gluten (or wheat proteins), and eggs. Proteins consumed should also have a high biological value, as measured by the nitrogen retained for growth (expressed as a percentage of absorbed nitrogen), and be lactose free. | Janet Zand, LAc, OMD, Allan N. Spreed, MD, CNC, James B. LaValle, RPh, ND See book keywords and concepts | To strengthen the adrenal glands, take 250 milligrams of supplemental adrenal extract three times daily, in morning and afternoon (but before 2:00 pm).
¦ amino acids supply the protein required to nourish and strengthen a body stressed by drug abuse. Take a free-form amino-acid complex supplement as directed on the product label.
¦ Calcium and magnesium are essential to the central nervous system. Three times daily, take 500 milligrams of calcium and 400 milligrams of magnesium. | the Editors of FC&A Medical Publishing See book keywords and concepts | But these high-protein foods also contain a lot of other amino acids. And the tryptophan has to compete with them for access to the brain. Germano compares it to a lot of people trying to get on an elevator at the same time, and "Mr. Tryptophan" is at the end of the line.
Fortunately, there's help for the tryptophan as it struggles to get inside the brain. By combining these proteins in moderate amounts with carbohydrates, like vegetables, fruits, and grains, you help it move to the head of the line. A combination dish — like cheese and pasta — can help push it through the door. | Dr. Cass Ingram See book keywords and concepts | This is because it is rich in all eight amino acids, which are required as nourishment by every cell in the body. However, one of the main reasons meat is so essential for survival is that it provides a unique category of nutrients in a complete form: the electrolytes. These critical nutrients are required for the most essential functions of the human body. The most basic body processes, including heart nerve activity, brain/spinal nerve firing, nerve conduction, hormone production, temperature regulation, blood flow, and blood pressure are dependent upon them. | Leonard G. Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H. See book keywords and concepts | The amino acids are delivered by tRNA t< the ribosomal 'assembly station.') In this report, Gallo questic* acute lymphocytic leukemia was associated with a specify tyrosyl-tRNA, and whether lymphosarcoma was related t change in seryl-tRNA."Similar to the results with RNA virus-1 cells, the tumor derived from the polyoma (mouse parotid showed higher tRNA methylase activity.
Gallo RC. Reverse Transcriptase, the DNA Polymerase of Oncogenic RNA Viruses. A^A//e1971;39;1:194-198.
Article reviews and updates knowledge regarding the im reverse transcriptase enzyme in cancer causing F viruses. | the Editors of FC&A Medical Publishing See book keywords and concepts | Many think soy's isoflavones interfere with enzymes and amino acids in the brain. One of soy's main isoflavones, genistein, limits the enzyme tyrosine kinase in the hippocampus — the brain's memory center. By interfering with the activity of this enzyme, genistein blocks a process called "long-term potentiation" that is central to learning and memory.
Dr. Larrian Gillespie, author of The Menopause Diet, says eating too much soy could result in other problems as well. | Pronounced "keen-wah," it was fact, it is considered a complete protein because it provides all eight essential amino acids. And it's packed with minerals, B vitamins, and fiber.
When you also consider its versatility and interesting texture, which is both creamy and crunchy, it's no wonder this healthy grain is gaining in popularity. Quinoa is also cropping up in new places. Once limited to South and Central American countries like Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador, quinoa is now being grown in Colorado, New Mexico, California, and Canada. |
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ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (, a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company ( that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (, a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series ( and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at
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...and Who:...and Human ...and Children ...and Patients ...and Animals ...and Vegetarians ...and Women ...and Men ...and Physician ...and Athletes ...and Adults
...and Hormones and Biochemistry:...and Insulin ...and Methionine ...and Hormones ...and Lipids ...and Neurotransmitter ...and Dopamine ...and Homocysteine ...and Estrogen ...and Cortisol ...and Steroid
...and Medical Terms:...and Doses ...and Dose ...and Results ...and Properties ...and Gene ...and Dosage ...and Syndrome ...and Antibodies ...and Dosages ...and Serum
...and Medical Adjectives:...and Digestive ...and Intestinal ...and Cellular ...and Mental ...and Biological ...and Genetic ...and Bacterial ...and Living ...and Adrenal ...and Oral
...and Biological Functions:...and Digestion ...and Metabolism ...and Concentration ...and Memory ...and Weight loss ...and Strength ...and Period ...and Attention ...and Vision ...and Fertility
...and Plants and Herbs:...and Leaves ...and Root ...and Garlic ...and Alfalfa ...and Roots ...and Kelp ...and Ginseng ...and Leaf ...and Flowers ...and Fungus
...and Chemicals:...and Free radicals ...and Mercury ...and Caffeine ...and Pesticides ...and Fluoride ...and Additives ...and Carcinogens ...and Chlorine ...and Aluminum ...and Poisons
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...and Where:...and United states ...and Chinese ...and China ...and Japan ...and America ...and California ...and India ...and Europe ...and Brazil ...and Mexico
...and Ingredients:...and Sodium ...and Aspartame ...and Fructose ...and Preservatives ...and Msg ...and Lactose ...and Food additives
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...and Drugs:...and Tablets ...and Antibiotics ...and Antibiotic ...and Diuretic ...and Antidepressants ...and Steroids ...and Laxative ...and Chemotherapy ...and Antidepressant ...and Sedative
...and Animals:...and Mice ...and Rats ...and Turkey ...and Cats ...and Dogs ...and Cat ...and Worms ...and Insect ...and Insects ...and Cattle
...and Properties:...and Oxidation ...and Anti-inflammatory ...and Calming ...and Relieves ...and Antiseptic ...and Antifungal ...and Expectorant ...and Relieving ...and Antimicrobial ...and Aphrodisiac
...and Organizations:...and Fda ...and Health food stores ...and Epa ...and Monsanto ...and Hospitals ...and School of medicine ...and Food and drug administration ...and Manufacturers ...and Organization ...and Clinic
...and Supplements:...and Spirulina ...and Flaxseed oil ...and Coenzyme q10 ...and Fish oil ...and Glucosamine ...and Lactobacillus
...and When:...and Winter ...and Summer ...and Spring ...and At night ...and August ...and December ...and October ...and September ...and July ...and February
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Protein Acids Body Acid Amino Proteins Essential Vitamin Amino acid Foods Label Food Diet Nutrients Liver Vitamins Brain People Levels Calcium Blood Enzymes Cells Vitamin C Energy Minerals Water Iron Zinc Magnesium Tissue Helps Muscle Absorption Function Eat Supplements Skin Products Complex Growth Health Source Potassium Disease Effects Natural Supplement Complete Antioxidant Beans Cancer Carbohydrates Sources Balance Plant Fiber Seeds Building Dna Glutathione Taking Time Free Increase Meat Enzyme Insulin Sugar Meals New Dietary Lysine Fatty acids Stomach Methionine Animal Human Copper Vitamin b6 Oil Digestion Hormones Empty stomach Tissues Immune Juice Production Process Cysteine Metabolism Grains Manganese Prevent Effect Substances Eggs Vitamin E Heart Needs