And when you think of nutritional imbalance, there are two primary problems: congestion—too many of the wrong foods going in and not being processed and eliminated properly—and deficiency, from not getting enough vitamins, minerals, amino acids and essential fatty acids. Both of these problems interfere with the body being able to do the functions it needs to, so we get colds, dry skin and hair loss and feel fatigued."
Perhaps even more significant is the possible danger of many common food additives. |
Ralph Golan, M.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Vitamin B-6 (up to 50 milligrams a day) or pyridoxal-5 phosphate (10 to 25 milligrams a day) is needed for amino acids to work. Alpha ketoglutaric acid (600 milligrams two or three times a day) is a helpful synergist.
• Stress reduction/relaxation techniques can help in the management of seizures. (See Suggested Reading.)
Sinus Infection (Sinusitis)
An acute or chronic recurring infection in the respiratory sinuses of the face, usually causing sinus and nasal congestion. |
Neal Barnard, M.D. See book keywords and concepts |
However, the con-
*For those who enjoy technical details, the common sulfur-containing amino acids are cystine and methionine. Their sulfur is converted to sulfate, which tends to acidify the blood. In neutralizing this acid, bone is dissolved, and bone calcium ends up in the urine. sumption of vegetables decreased, and the use of poultry, fish, and meat increased. The statistics showed a "striking relationship between stone incidence and the consumption of animal protein, particularly that derived from meat, fish, and poultry."9
Salt. |
Nontoxic, Natural and EarthwiseDebra Lynn Dadd See book keywords and concepts |
European food supplement that contains all major vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and enzymes, as well as hundreds of micro-nutrients. Gathered by hand in Spain (not by bees) from pollution-free fields of specially grown plants. Allergy free. Le Tan.
Liquid Trace Minerals/Trace Mineral Tablets (Marine Minerals). Low-sodium, concentrated sea-water minerals from the Great Salt Lake. Marine Minerals.
Maharishi Amrit Kalash (Maharishi Ayurveda Products International). Blend of rare herbs and fruits based on India's ancient Ayurvedic medical tradition. |
Mark Blumenthal See book keywords and concepts |
A; niacin; and minerals (BHP, 1996).
Pharmacological Actions
Crude Preparations
Antiemetic (Grontved and Hentzer, 1986; Grontved etal, 1988; Mowrey and Clayson, 1982; Fischer-Rasmussen et al, 1990; Bone et al, 1990; Phillips et al, 1993; Meyer et al, 1995); antiplatelet aggregation (Bordia et al, 1997; Verma et al, 1993; Srivastava, 1989). |
Andrew Chevallier See book keywords and concepts |
Constituents Irish moss contains large amounts of polysaccharides, proteins (up to 10%), amino acids, iodine, and bromine. The polysaccharides become jellylike and demulcent when the plant is immersed in water.
History & Folklore Irish moss is used extensively in the food and pharmaceutical industries as an emulsifying and binding agent - for example, in toothpastes. Medicinal Actions & Uses A useful demulcent and emollient, Irish moss is mainly taken for coughs and bronchitis. Its expectorant effect encourages the coughing up of phlegm, and it soothes dry and irritated mucous membranes. |
Michael T. Murray, N.D., Joseph E. Pizzorno, N.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Amino Acid Conjugation
Several amino acids (glycine, taurine, gluta-mine, arginine, and ornithine) are used to combine with and neutralize toxins. Of these, glycine is the most commonly utilized in Phase II amino acid detoxification. People who suffer from hepatitis, alcoholic liver disorders, carcinomas, chronic arthritis, hypothyroidism, toxemia of pregnancy, and excessive chemical exposure are commonly found to have a poorly functioning amino acid conjugation system. |
Phyllis A. Balch, CNC See book keywords and concepts |
People with kidney or liver disease should not consume high levels of amino acids without consulting a health-care professional.
Ll Avoid diet soft drinks. These beverages contain phenylalanine, which in laboratory tests increases the ability of melanoma cells to spread to other parts of the body.
Ll Never take tyrosine supplements. Like phenylalanine, tyrosine increases the ability of melanoma cells to spread.
Ll Examine your skin regularly. The Skin Care Foundation recommends performing a full-body self-examination every three months. |
Michael T. Murray, N.D., Joseph E. Pizzorno, N.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Glutathione Conjugation
A primary detoxification route is the conjugation of glutathione (a tripeptide composed of three amino acids: cysteine, glutamic acid, and glycine). Many toxic chemicals, including heavy metals, solvents, and pesticides, are fat-soluble. This makes it very difficult for the body to eliminate them. The primary way the body eliminates fat-soluble compounds is by excreting them in the bile. The problem is that ninety-nine percent of the bile, including the excreted toxins, is reabsorbed. |
The most important antioxidant for neutralizing the free radicals produced as Phase I byproducts is glutathione (a small tripeptide [protein] composed of three amino acids: cysteine, glutamic acid, and glycine). In the process of neutralizing free radicals, however, glutathione (GSH) is oxidized to glutathione disulfide (GSSG). Glutathione is required for one of the key Phase II detoxification processes. When high levels of toxin exposure produce so many free radicals from Phase I detoxification that all the glutathione is used up, Phase II processes dependent upon glutathione stop. |
Dian Dincin Buchman, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Caution: Do not take lysine for more than six months at a time, because it creates a harmful imbalance with other amino acids. Take more vitamin C to help the healing process. At the onset of an attack, holistic physicians recommend 150 to 1,000 mg an hour to boost the immune system and mute the attack. After blisters emerge, take small amounts of vitamin C throughout the day. Pound the thymus area of the ribcage to increase immune function.
Eating acidophilus yogurt or taking acidophilus capsules with each meal can inhibit cold sores. Dr. |
Mark Blumenthal See book keywords and concepts |
Pizzorno and Murray, 1999; He etal, 1997; Haberlein etal, 1997; Singh and Blumenthal, 1997; Leung and Foster, 1996; Mack, 1994). note: There are numerous cultivars of kava containing varying proportions of these compounds. Research by Lebot et al (1992) into the relative proportions of the various lactones in kava has revealed data on the origin of kava and its chemistry which has been modified through native selection of individual plants, where the chemical makeup of the kava, not its morphology, correlated with its ethnobotanical use. |
Cynthia A. Foster, M.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Some of the same substances are used to produce vitamin, mineral, amino acids, and designer protein supplements. Go to the manufacturers and you will see it firsthand. Many of us who wanted to know the truth have done this.
When a supposed "natural" product doesn't work, this only serves to frustrate people, and make them think that natural healing does not work. But how do "natural" chemicals get us well? There is no such thing as a natural chemical it's an oxymoron. Does taking vitamin A made out of toxic, mercury-filled fish liver build new tissue? |
Mark Blumenthal See book keywords and concepts |
The main OSC in whole garlic are the cysteine sulfoxides (1% alliin and 0.1% cycloalliin) and the y-glutamylcysteines (0.6% Y_glutamyl-S-trans-l-propenylcysteine and 0.4% y-glutamyl-S-allylcysteine). When the bulb is bruised, crushed, chewed, or minced, the alliin, in the presence of the enzyme alliinase, is converted to allicin (ESCOP, 1997). One mg of alliin produces 0. |
Ralph Golan, M.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Flavor enhancer
Instant soups, frankfurters, sauce mixes, beef stew
HVP consists of vegetable (usually soybean) protein that has been chemically broken down to the amino acids of which it is composed. HVP is used to bring out the natural flavor of food (and, perhaps, to use less real food).
Candy, soft drinks, many other foods
Invert sugar, a 50-50 mixture of two sugars, dextrose and fructose, is sweeter and more soluble than sucrose (table sugar). Invert sugar forms when sucrose is split in two by an enzyme or acid. |
Gabriel Cousens, M.D. See book keywords and concepts |
The browning that comes from the interaction of carmelizing sugars and amino acids, such as the brown crusts on bread and toast, has also been found to create mutagenic substances.
There is an old saying: "If it's not broken, don't fix it." I believe this applies to the way Mother Nature has presented us with her food, in an "unbroken" way. Nevertheless, humans insist on virtually unrestricted use of cooked foods. The message of Jesus in The Essene Gospel of Peace, Book One (p. |
Supplements Affect Powers of Assimilation
Understanding the dynamics between the body's energies and the external energy of foods gives us a knowledge of how the body might be affected by vitamin and mineral supplements, specifically the chronic use of high-potency, synthetic vitamins, minerals, free amino acids, and other supplements. For example, for vitamin Bs, a high-potency, synthetic nutrient is anything over 5 to 10 milligrams. B vitamins less than these potency levels are usually obtained from natural food sources and are not synthetically made. |
Catabolism of: (a) simple sugars through glycolysis to pyruvate, acetyl-CoA, and ATP (b) fatty acids to acetyl-CoA (c) amino acids to pyruvate and acetyl-CoA.
3. Citric acid cycle through oxidative phosphorylation and the making of ATP.
Sunlight Electrons in Live Foods
Complex Carbohydrates fats
Simple Sugai e.g., glucosf fatty acids and glycerol pyruvate
6 ATP/ glucose mo ecule oxidized
Specific vitamins and minerals are needed for the optimal function of these cycles. |
The input of certain amino acids in a synergistic way can significantly improve neurotransmitter levels and positively affect the healing of this syndrome. Each neurotransmitter has a specific function and is affected by a variety of foods and drugs. I list the main ones below. I use these substances synergistically because I found that in cases of alcoholism, recovery from drug usage, and depression, people are often deficient in most, if not all, of these substances.
§ Endorphins create a feeling of pleasure, decrease cravings, and enhance feelings of love, laid-back joy, and euphoria. |
Grace Ross Lewis See book keywords and concepts |
Made from two amino acids. It is equal to sucrose in calories, but it is 200 times sweeter. Therefore, the amount needed to sweeten food is negligible. Could cause allergic dermatitis. Caused reproductive effects (infertility or sterility or birth defects) in animal studies. Aspartame contains a chemical called phenylanine that is dangerous to people with the disease phenylketonuria (PKU).
Synonyms: CAS: 22839-47-0 ? EQUAL ? CANDEREL ? DIPEPTIDE
Michael T. Murray, N.D., Joseph E. Pizzorno, N.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Although many people advocate vegetarianism, the exchange list below provides high concentrations of certain nutrients that are difficult to get in an entirely vegetarian diet, such as the full range of amino acids, vitamin B12, and iron. It may be best to use these animal foods in small amounts as "condiments," rather than as a mainstay of a diet. Stay away from cured meats such as bacon, pastrami, and some types of sausages; these foods are rich in compounds that can lead to the formation of cancer-causing compounds known as nitrosamines. |
Robert Hass, M.S. See book keywords and concepts |
It is necessary for the synthesis of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), enhances the action of vitamin C and several amino acids, and is required for building the walls of brain cells.
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid): A member of the B complex of vitamins that acts an antioxidant. It is also required for the conversion of choline to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine): A member of the B complex of vitamins that acts as an antioxidant. |
Dr. John Heinerman See book keywords and concepts |
More cats suffer from [it] than dogs because of their bodies' high demand for amino acids.
"In my practice, I usually support animals with the L-camitine and of course taurine (a deficiency in this amino acid has been linked to cardiomyopathy). I also recommend the supplements noted [following]. The co-enzyme Q10 supports energy production at the cellular level and is available in health-food stores. The Myocardial Drops help strengthen the heart muscle and Cardio Complex supports healing and blocks the body from causing further inflammatory degeneration. |
A variety of essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and herbs have also been added to these products. In my diligent hunt throughout North America for prepared pet foods that I could recommend in good conscience, I came across these while attending the Natural Products Expo East convention in Baltimore in September 1997. One of the owners, Lisa Newman, told me, "We wanted pet foods good enough for even the owners to eat if they had to!" Now that's a bold statement to make to underscore the remarkable quality of these products. |
For the uninformed, "endorphins are peptides," the editor wrote, just a mix of different amino acids "which are secreted in the brain" and have a potent "pain-relieving effect" comparable "to that of morphine and other opiates."
Though there was no apparent external signs of physical pain, it may have been that Flek and Branik were feeling some kind of hidden emotional pain, such as loneliness or anxiety, which the capsaicin helped to alleviate through greater endorphin production.
Carrying Capsaicin One Step Further
Ms. |
Formulas containing valerian and hops or nutrients such as essential amino acids and B-complex vitamins regulate hyperactivity, aggression, and mood disorders in cats. (See Product Appendix under Holistic Animal Care.)
Animal Therapy Good for People
A great deal of research has been done with the effects of animal companionship on the elderly. The evidence conclusively proves that single seniors who connect with a cat or dog live longer, enjoy life more, and have far fewer health problems as a rule (assuming they're not allergic) than do those who have no pets.
A number of U.S. |
Organic beef, sheep, or chicken livers top the list because of their rich amino acids, B-complex (especially B-12), and iron contents. This should always be given raw—never cooked. Between the years 1932 and 1942, Dr. Francis M. Pottenger conducted extensive and long-range testing on numerous cats. Those felines who were fed only cooked meat in spite of an otherwise properly balanced diet showed classic symptoms of anemia and damaged immune systems. However, Dr. Pottenger was able to reverse these and other problems simply by returning the cats to a raw-food diet. |
Michael T. Murray, N.D., Joseph E. Pizzorno, N.D. See book keywords and concepts |
An elemental diet is one that contains all essential nutrients, with protein being provided only in the form of predigested or isolated amino acids. However, the improvements seen in patients on an elemental diet are probably not primarily related to nutritional improvement; the elemental diet is probably serving as an allergen-elimination diet. |
Robert Hass, M.S. See book keywords and concepts |
Methionine and other sulfur-containing amino acids can accelerate the loss of calcium from bones. In general, vegetables (with the exception of legumes) and fruits contain less methionine than animal foods. rosis. When researchers fed DHEA to rats that had their ovaries removed, the hormone significantly increased bone density. Scientists suspect that DHEA may be converted to estrogen in bone cells, which could aid in the maintenance of bone mineral density. DHEA aids vitamin D3 in maintaining bone mineral density, especially after menopause. |
Neal Barnard, M.D. See book keywords and concepts |
The two alpha chains have 141 amino acids. The two beta chains have 146. Near one end of the beta chains, the amino acid valine takes the place of another amino acid, called glutamic acid. The substitution of this single amino acid is what causes the cell's tendency to collapse.
Why should such a gene arise, and why would it persist? The reason is that it protects against malaria. |