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Amino acids

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Herbal Drugs and Phytopharmaceuticals: A Handbook for Practice on a Scientific Basis

Josef A. Brinckmann and Michael P. Lindenmaier
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Several Bowman-Birk protease inhibitors with trypsin and chymotrypsin-inhibiting activities are present [2] as well as free amino acids, predominandy the rare 4-hydroxyleucine (30—50%, corresponding to 0.1—0.3% based on the dry weight of the drug) and also, 6— 10% fatty oil in the embryo. A number of steroid saponins, occurring in their native form as 3,26-bisglycosides with Zl5-furostene and 5«-furostane structures, have been detected; they convert to spirostanol glycosides upon elimination of the glucose moiety on C-26, followed by hydrolysis which yields mostly diosgenin and yamogenin (0.

The Inflammation Syndrome: The Complete Nutritional Program to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease, Arthritis, Diabetes, Allergies, and Asthma

Jack Challem
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Breaking up a garlic clove begins a cascade of oxidation reactions (with oxygen), leading to the production of compounds very similar to sulfur-containing amino acids. All forms of garlic—supplements, powders, and fresh—appear to have benefits, though supplements and freshly prepared appear to be the most potent. It makes sense to use ample garlic in your meals. Its adds tremendous flavor, even if it had no health benefits. Garlic supplements concentrate levels of some of the active constituents, but their advertising can be confusing. The major brands are Kwai, Kyolic, Pure-Gar, and Garlicin.

Prevention's New Foods for Healing: Capture the Powerful Cures of More Than 100 Common Foods

Prevention Magazine
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When you eat starches—a bagel, for example—the body releases insulin, which pushes all the amino acids except tryptophan into muscle cells. This leaves tryptophan alone in the bloodstream, so it's first in line to get into the brain. Obviously, you don't want to stuff yourself with turkey before climbing into bed at night. But having a glass of milk or a piece of cheese at bedtime will boost your levels of tryptophan, which will make getting to sleep a little bit easier. A Natural Sleep Aid Until recently, scientists thought that melatonin was only produced in the body.

Empty Harvest

Dr Bernard Jenson and Mark Anderson
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An enzyme is a large protein molecule, containing vitamins, amino acids, and trace minerals such as zinc, selenium, manganese, and copper. All metabolic processes at every level of the cell depend upon the life-sustaining action of enzymes. Without their transforming catalytic action, life processes slow down until, when enzyme activity is too low, life is no longer sustainable in a physical form. This is how many chemical weapons, such as "nerve" gas, can kill.
These nutrients are vitamins, amino acids, minerals, trace elements, and essential fatty acids. When we look at the global ecological travesty that we are in, we see too that the immune system of mankind is ominously jeopardized. We tend to think of the jeopardy in terms of some very special areas, the popularized media "items" such as AIDS. After all, the World Health Organization (WHO) forecasts that 75 million people are going to die from this immune system disease. But doesn't all life-threatening disease involve a collapse of the immune system?
With the enlightened age of unbiased science, the twentieth-century discovery of the vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids, and fatty acids, freed us to realize that disease is not the presence of something evil, but rather the lack of the presence of something essential. SOME SERIOUS NUMBERS When we pause to look at the numbers, it is clear that modern disease is unimpressed with scientific advancement based upon pharmaceutical approaches. Consider cancer, upon which nothing has been spared in "the war" to research pharmacological, radiological, and surgical treatment.

Colloidal Minerals and Trace Elements: How to Restore the Body's Natural Vitality

Marie-France Muller, M.D., N.D., Ph.D.
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The 'dietary ingredients' in dietary supplements may include vitamins, minerals, herbs, colloidal minerals, trace elements and amino acids as well as substances such as enzymes, organ tissues, metabolites, extracts or concentrates. Dietary supplements can be found in many forms such as pills, tablets, capsules, liquids or powders. They must be identified on the label as a dietary supplement." A good working definition of a nutraceutical is a dietary supplement to which pharmaceutical-grade clinical research is applied.

Prevention's New Foods for Healing: Capture the Powerful Cures of More Than 100 Common Foods

Prevention Magazine
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And unlike the protein found in most grains, quinoa's protein is complete, meaning that it contains all nine amino acids that the body must get from food, says Diane Grabowski-Nepa, R.D., a dietitian and nutritional counselor at the Pritikin Longevity Center in Santa Monica, California. This makes quinoa a choice grain for people who are limiting meat in their diets and may have trouble getting enough protein. A half-cup of cooked quinoa delivers 5 grams of protein, 10 percent of the Daily Value (DV). "It's particularly high in the amino acid lysine," adds Grabowski-Nepa.
Better yet, the protein in peanuts is a complete protein, meaning that it contains all the essential amino acids we can't do without. Brazil nuts, cashews, walnuts, and almonds also are good sources of protein, each containing at least 6 grams in Vi cup, 12 percent of the DV. In addition, all nuts are a good source of fiber, with lA cup typically containing 1 to 2 grams—about the amount in a similar amount of Cheerios. Among the most fiber-rich nuts are pistachios (nearly 5 grams per Vi cup, almost 20 percent of the DV), and almonds (just over 6 grams, about 24 percent oftheDV).

Brain Longevity: The Breakthrough Medical Program that Improves Your Mind and Memory

Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D.
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It is also rich in two amino acids, glycine and arginine, that control insulin output and help stabilize blood sugar. Soy products may also be of benefit for females experiencing menopause, because soy products contain compounds called phytoestrogens—natural substances that exert mild estrogenic activities. Studies of women in China and Japan indicate that those who consume high amounts of phytoestrogens from soy products suffer relatively fewer menopausal side effects.

Prevention's New Foods for Healing: Capture the Powerful Cures of More Than 100 Common Foods

Prevention Magazine
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Made from two amino acids, it is 200 times sweeter than sugar, yet delivers almost no calories. Over the years, however, it has come under fire because of persistent speculation that it may contribute to serious problems such as seizures and attention deficit disorder. While research has shown that aspartame doesn't play a role in either of these conditions, it isn't entirely without risk, at least for a small number of people. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta has been tracking problems linked to aspartame.
But because legumes and grains contain some amino acids, eating these foods throughout the day will provide the proper balance. Apart from protein, there is one nutrient that people following a strict vegetarian diet have to be aware of. Vitamin B12, which the body uses to make red blood cells, is found only in animal foods. People who don't get enough vitamin B12 get tired and weak, a condition doctors call pernicious anemia. But you can get plenty of vitamin B12 by eating foods fortified with this nutrient, such as fortified cereals, fortified soy milk, or B12-enriched nutritional yeast.

Doctor, what Should I Eat?: Nutrition Prescriptions for Ailments in Which Diet Can Really Make a Difference

Isadore Rosenfeld, M.D.
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I emphasize animal protein because it provides the essential amino acids lacking in vegetable protein, and the latter will be obtained in the carbohydrate allotment described below. What does this leave you to eat? Carbohydrates, lots and lots of complex carbohydrates prepared without added fat—vegetables, fruits, beans, pasta—the kind of diet that vegans follow. These foods do not require the pancreatic enzymes for digestion, so they must make up the bulk of your diet.
Most of the protein you are permitted should come from animal sources (meat, fish, eggs, and poultry), in order to provide the essential amino acids lacking in plant proteins (see earlier). But you also need some of the latter to enhance the palatability and variety of your diet and to give you enough fiber. Since people with kidney failure retain salt and potassium, you may need to restrict consumption of these minerals to 2 grams of each daily.

Natural Health Secrets From Around the World

Glenn W. Geelhoed, M.D. and Jean Barilla, M.S.
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Others work because they contain amino acids which boost mental and metabolic function. And still others are good because they contain substances to boost the immune system and help eliminate dangerous free radical molecules linked to aging. Vegetables Naturapathic doctors, health specialists and longevity experts all agree that a diet high in veggies can keep you young by supplying vitamins, minerals and fiber in tasty packages. One word of caution, though. Make sure that the vegetables you buy are fresh and that you wash them thoroughly before eating to eliminate any pesticide residue.

Brain Longevity: The Breakthrough Medical Program that Improves Your Mind and Memory

Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D.
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To potentiate the action of these amino acids, folic acid, magnesium, and vitamins C and B12 can be taken. Both phenylalanine and tyrosine can be purchased at health food stores cr—more economically—from manufacturers through the mail. (See the "Resources and Referrals" appendix.) A typical daily dosage of each amino acid—for persons with no frank cognitive pathology—would be in the 500-to-l ,000-mg range. For my patients who show signs of moderate clinical depression, I may recommend dosages of up to 1,500 mg daily of each amino acid.
To enter i:he brain, tyrosine must "compete" with other amino acids, including the amino acid tryptophan. When you eat high-carbohydrite foods, they cause tryptophan to enter the brain instead of tyrosine. If you are not taking tyrosine supplements—and are depending for mental stimulation solely upon tyrosine in foodsthe same "no carbohydrate" rule applies: You must eat high-protein foods first. Then, after about an hour, you can eat carbohydrates. By then the tyrosine will be in your brain, and will help stimulate your mind for several hours.

Prescription for Herbal Healing: An Easy-to-Use A-Z Reference to Hundreds of Common Disorders and Their Herbal Remedies

Phyllis A. Balch, CNC
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Alzheimer's disease for thirty years, states that two amino acids in aspartame—phenylalanine and aspartic acid—can be neurotoxic when consumed in this form. He maintains that these substances can get past the blood-brain barrier and cause deteriorations of the nerve cells in the brain. [J Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) deficiency can cause symptoms similar to those of Alzheimer's disease. The deficiency is correctable if detected early, but if symptoms are allowed to become severe, they can be permanent.

Attaining Medical Self Sufficiency

Duncan Long
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In response to the meal, blood levels of most amino acids fall while one amino acid — tryptophan — rises. Tryptophan stimulates production of the j neurotransmitter serotonin, causing you to feel drowsy or calm. Serotonin in turn stimulates the production of endorphins, your body's natural pain killers. On the flip side, meals high in protein reduce serotonin production, making such a meal less than ideal for those in pain. Relaxation Techniques Another area of alternative medicine has also proven very useful in pain control.

Colloidal Minerals and Trace Elements: How to Restore the Body's Natural Vitality

Marie-France Muller, M.D., N.D., Ph.D.
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Other conclusions include this point to remember concerning nutrition: "We have a daily requirement of almost 103 basic nutrients, which consist of at least 72 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 essential amino acids, and 3 essential fatty acids."5 If these nutrients are not provided to the body each day, we risk incurring a nutritional deficiency and all the adverse consequences that entails for health. As Dr. Wallach's studies indicated to him, the majority of people who seemed to have died of natural causes actually suffered from nutritional deficiencies.

Earl Mindell's Supplement Bible: A Comprehensive Guide to Hundreds of NEW Natural Products that Will Help You Live Longer, Look Better, Stay Heathier, ... and Much More!

Earl Mindell, R.Ph., Ph.D.
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L-Glutamine is synthesized from three other amino acids: argi-nine (see page 3), ornithine, and proline. L-Glutamine is also a component of glutathione, the body's primary antioxidant, which is present in virtually every cell. If you are deficient in L-glutamine, you are likely to be deficient in glutathione. What is fascinating about glutamine is that it is one of a handful of substances that can naturally boost the level of human growth hormone, which is essential for normal growth and development.

Prescription Medicines, Side Effects and Natural Alternatives

American Medical Publishing
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They are available in a variety of forms, including water infusions (teas), powders, tablets, capsules, and elixirs, and may be marketed as single substances or in combination with other materials, such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and non-nutrient ingredients. Although data on the availability, consumer use, and health effects of herbals are very limited, some herbal ingredients have been associated with serious adverse health effects. A.
At least two of the amino acids consumed in dietary supplements have also been associated with serious injuries in healthy adults. A. L-tryptophan L-tryptophan is associated with the most serious recent outbreak of illness and death known to be due to consumption of dietary supplements. In 1989, public health officials realized that an epidemic of eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome (EMS) was associated with the ingestion of L-tryptophan in a dietary supplement.

Doctor, what Should I Eat?: Nutrition Prescriptions for Ailments in Which Diet Can Really Make a Difference

Isadore Rosenfeld, M.D.
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The other amino acids can be "put together" from various dietary proteins. To be sure that as a vegan you are getting the proper mix and full range of these proteins, you may have to combine several in your diet. Examples of such "complementary" proteins are rice and peas; cornmeal and beans; and wheat products and legumes. Fat provides a concentrated source of energy (9 calories per gram as compared with 4 calories per gram from carbohydrate or protein); it also helps your body absorb four key vitamins—A, D, E, and K.
Nature does not play favorites with its amino acids.) So if you are experiencing the "on-off" phenomenon, the trick is to leave the field clear for the levodopa when you're taking it during the day. That means limiting the protein in your diet between breakfast and dinner to a total of about 7 grams. In that interval, you should avoid eating beef, fish, chicken, lamb, shrimp, veal, beans or legumes, and dairy products, especially cheese. What can you eat? The sample menu on page 366 will give you a good idea of how to proceed.
As far as I'm concerned, it's simply an expensive way to get some extra B vitamins and amino acids. Its popularity probably stems from its dramatic effect on the bees themselves. This milky-white material is secreted by glands in the throats of worker bees and fed to all bee larvae (the immature, wingless feeding stage of the insect). But after two days, those destined to become worker bees are fed honey, while queen bees—to-be are given royal jelly.

Earl Mindell's Supplement Bible: A Comprehensive Guide to Hundreds of NEW Natural Products that Will Help You Live Longer, Look Better, Stay Heathier, ... and Much More!

Earl Mindell, R.Ph., Ph.D.
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Facts Lysine is one or the eight essential amino acids that cannot be produced by the body but must be obtained from rood, such as meat, fish, milk, and cheese. For more than a decade, lysine has been prescribed by natural healers and mainstream physicians to treat cold sores and other symptoms caused by the herpes simplex-1 virus, which can lie dormant for years and recur without warning. Recently, however, researchers have uncovered some new and fascinating uses for lysine. Dr.

Principles and Practice of Phytotherapy: Modern Herbal Medicine

Simon Mills and Kerry Bone
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Most alkaloids are synthesized by the plant from amino acids. If they are not, they are called pseudoal-kaloids. Most of the known examples of pseudoalka-loids are isoprenoids and are referred to as terpenoid alkaloids. Aconitine from various species of aconite is an example of a diterpene alkaloid and is one of the most toxic substances known. Steroidal alkaloids are also found in plants. Some are combined as glycosides; for example, solanine from potato shoots.

Foods That Fight Pain: Revolutionary New Strategies for Maximum Pain Relief

Neal Barnard, M.D.
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High-carbohydrate meals cause the body to release insulin, which, among other things, drives competing amino acids from the blood into the cells of the body. With these competitors gone, tryptophan can easily get into the brain, where it is quickly converted into serotonin. causes of pain and fatigue (a long list, including many different kinds of infections). Your doctor should also check your ability to exercise safely. 2. Low-impact aerobic exercise is helpful. This can include riding a bicycle, swimming, walking, or whatever you are most comfortable with.

Principles and Practice of Phytotherapy: Modern Herbal Medicine

Simon Mills and Kerry Bone
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The status of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase activity, uptake of amino acids and lipid peroxidation. Biochemical Pharmacology 1992; 43 (7): 1401-1407. 184. Khajuria A, Zutshi U, Bendi KL. Permeability characteristics of piperine on oral absorption - an active alkaloid from peppers and a bioavailability enhancer. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 1998; 36 (1): 46-50. 185. Pei YQ. A review of pharmacology and clinical use of piperine and its derivatives. Epilepsia 1983; 24 (2): 177-182. 186. Kawada T, Sakabe S, Watanabc T et al.

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This unique compilation of research is copyright (c) 2008 by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center.

ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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...and Hormones and Biochemistry:

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...and Plants and Herbs:

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...and Drugs:

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...and Animals:

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...and Properties:

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...and Aphrodisiac

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...and Supplements:

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...and Flaxseed oil
...and Coenzyme q10
...and Fish oil
...and Glucosamine
...and Lactobacillus

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Amino acid
Vitamin C
Fatty acids
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Empty stomach
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