Gabriel Cousens See book keywords and concepts |
Hemp seed is a source of complete protein, containing all the essential amino acids. It is equal to flax seed as a source of short-chain omega-3 fatty acids.
Unfortunately, most hemp seeds are irradiated upon import; however, the Tree of Life is able to supply truly live, organic hemp seeds (see the Resources directory), which we call hemp nuts. Hemp seed is great with granola, sprinkled on salads, and is especially tasty in tomato-based sauces. Hemp seed is a delicious substitute for other nuts and seeds in most any recipe. |
Clinical analysis shows that this unusual berry is a powerful antioxidant that contains eighteen kinds of amino acids (six times higher than bee pollen), more beta-carotene than carrots, and five hundred times the amount of vitamin C by weight than oranges. It is loaded with vitamins B-l, B-2, B-6, and E. It has been found effective in increasing white blood cells, protecting liver function, lowering cholesterol, relieving hypertension, and helping strengthen the immune system while building muscle tissue and burning body fat. Goji berries are known for enhancing longevity. |
Beanpod Tea contains the amino acids tyrosine, tryptophan, and arginine, plus the B vitamin choline and the enzyme betaine. Patience is the key word in the usage of this tea. Most people will not experience instant relief with the usage of this tea. Diabetics must drink Beanpod Tea on a regular basis for approximately three months in order to help normalize their blood sugar levels.169
According to John Heinerman, kidney bean pods are effective in lowering elevated blood sugar levels. |
They encouraged the mothers to breastfeed, and when weaning their babies, the mothers used a specifically modified baby formula in which the dairy proteins were broken up into individual amino acids. The other families were allowed to use regular cow's milk. The children who were fed the specific formula were much less likely to develop the anti-beta cell antibodies; their risk was cut by 62 percent.78 In 2002, in a study involving families in fifteen countries, researchers found that large proteins can pass through the Peyer's patches in the small intestine and into the system, even in adults. |
Mark Sircus See book keywords and concepts |
Children are most susceptible to brain damage because the blood/brain barrier has not had time to develop enough to filter out poisonous substances like lead and mercury and the other heavy metals, drugs and chemicals that are assaulting their systems.
As amino acids and their associated linkage are highly susceptible to enzymatic degradation, the nature and concentration of specific enzymes at the BBB can greatly impact the efficacy of detoxification and nutrient supply. Magnesium is crucial in preventing enzyme degradation and thus crucial for BBB integrity. |
Magnesium has its important role at the BBB and researchers think that this metal probably protects brain tissue against the effects of cerebral ischemia, brain injury, and stroke through its actions as a calcium antagonist and inhibitor of excitatory amino acids.
Children are most susceptible to brain damage because the blood/brain barrier has not had time to develop enough to filter out poisonous substances like lead and mercury and the other heavy metals, drugs and chemicals that are assaulting their systems. |
The healing nutrients within: Facts, findings and new research on amino acids. New Canaan: Keats Publishing.
11 Barbagallo, M. et al. Effects of glutathione on red blood cell intracellular magnesium: relation to glucose metabolism. Hypertension. 1999 Jul;34(l):76-82. Institute of Internal Medicine and Geriatrics, University of Palermo, Italy.
12 See: (
13 Mak IT; Komarov AM; Wagner TL; Stafford RE; Dickens BF; Weglicki WB Address Department of Medicine, George Washington University Medical Center, Washington, District of Columbia 20037, USA. |
Gabriel Cousens See book keywords and concepts |
Being rich in amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and trace elements is one of the key reasons why kelp is known as a great promoter of glandular health, especially for the pituitary, adrenal, and thyroid glands. Kelp was first used medicinally to treat enlarged thyroid glands. Physicians didn't know why kelp was effective, until it was discovered that it was exceptionally rich in iodine and that enlarged thyroids were caused by iodine deficiency. Because iodine stimulates the thyroid gland, which controls the metabolism, it was noted that those who took iodine lost weight more easily. |
Ann M. Coulston and Carol J. Boushey See book keywords and concepts |
The formulas for the treatment of urea cycle disorders have a high concentration of amino acids to assure ready incorporation into protein. Most children with these disorders also require medications to enhance the excretion of excess nitrogen through secondary pathways other than the urea cycle. For infants and children with urea cycle disorders, catabolism from excess protein, weight loss, illness, or infection is a danger. Hyperammonemia can occur rapidly (in several hours) and be life threatening. |
Elaine Magee See book keywords and concepts |
It's also required for the synthesis and breakdown of amino acids. A deficiency of folic acid can affect the nervous system and brain function.
Vitamin B6. The body needs B6 to produce both red and white blood cells, as well as to convert stores of carbohydrate (glycogen) into glucose. Nerve cells need B6 in order to function properly; this vitamin may also be involved in the metabolism of polyunsaturated fats.
Vitamin B12.1 call B12 the enzyme-assistant vitamin because it is required for several enzymatic reactions. |
Ann N. Martin See book keywords and concepts |
Calcium provides strong bones and teeth, helps regulate blood clotting, and promotes the use of amino acids. Phosphorus also promotes strong bones and teeth. Calcium deficiencies may result in brittle bones, painful joints, poor apperite, soft teeth, and receding gums.
Note: Calcium and phosphorus ratios are about 1.2 to 1.4 parts of calcium to 1 part of phosphorus. Both require adequate amounts of vitamin D to be utilized by the animal's body.
Excess levels of calcium in the diet are a danger, since excess levels can cause accumularions on the bones. |
Provides extensive data on the various vitamins, minerals, and amino acids in foods:
In Canada
Animal Alliance of Canada. This organization is dedicated to the protection of all animals and to promote a harmonious relationship among people, animals, and the environment:
Vancouver Humane Society. Promotes animal protection through education and advocacy:
The Kindness Club. The Kindness Club is a humane and environmental education organization for children: www.smythe.nbcc.nb. |
Tanya Harter Pierce See book keywords and concepts |
He first started analyzing amino acids in wild mushrooms to see if he could turn some of the toxic chains of amino acids that were present in the mushrooms into new antibiotics. Then, he moved on to studying other organic fluids, including blood and urine, that contained peptides. (Peptides are short chains of amino acids.) He began finding peptides in human blood and urine that no one had ever known about before. According to Burzynski, "nobody had bothered to identify them. Nobody cared what they were."2
Dr. |
Michael T. Murray and Michael R. Lyon See book keywords and concepts |
As a result, there are fewer amino acids to compete with tryptophan for transport through the blood-brain barrier. Therefore, as long as Cortisol levels are high, leading to low brain serotonin levels, carbohydrate cravings will be strong.
The amino acid 5-HTP is the intermediate step between tryptophan and the important brain chemical serotonin. Trytophan is converted to 5-HTP, which in turn is converted into serotonin. |
Steven V. Joyal See book keywords and concepts |
Insulin also plays a major role in how the body uses amino acids to build proteins, and it helps stimulate growth and tissue development by preventing the abnormal breakdown of proteins, fats, and the storage form of glucose, called glycogen.
Beta cells can sense the amount of glucose in the blood. When they sense that blood glucose levels are rising, which occurs after eating, they secrete more insulin into the bloodstream so it can signal, for example, muscle cells to "take up" glucose (allow glucose to enter the cell through the cell membrane). |
Ann N. Martin See book keywords and concepts |
This vitamin prevents skin problems, facilitates metabolism of amino acids and carbohydrates, and promotes the health of nerve cells. Biotin deficiencies may result in loss of appetite, anemia, and skin disorders. If the pet is on antibiotic or sulfa drugs, they may also develop a biotin deficiency. Biotin is found in brown rice, butter, tuna, eggs, chicken, cheese, liver, lentils, milk, and oats.
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) Vitamin C is essential for the formation of collagen. |
Meat, fish, eggs (a complete source of protein), and dairy products provide many, if not all, the amino acids that your pet requires. Carbohydrates and fiber come primarily from grains and vegetables and provide energy and stamina and also provide calories to maintain weight. Grains should be cooked, and vegetables can be steamed or fed raw, and should be finely chopped or sliced, or run through a food processor. In this form, animals can more easily eat grains and vegetables.
Sunflower, corn, and safflower oil provide your per with added energy, a lush coat, clear skin, and good muscle tone. |
Elaine Magee See book keywords and concepts |
They're a natural fit with
(continued on page 108)
Soybeans are a unique member of the legume family: They contain a large amount of natural plant estrogens (isoflavones), as well as all the essential amino acids and a number of antioxidant phytochemicals. Genistein, the main isoflavone in soy, has possible antitumor activity, but soy possesses other cancer-fighting components. Researchers suspect that these powerful anticancer components work at different stages of the cancer process. |
Tom Bohager See book keywords and concepts |
Research is indicating that increasing levels of these compounds, which include vitamins C and E, betacarotene, selenium, coenzyme Ql 0, flavonoids, and sulfur-containing amino acids (cystein and methionine), can reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, arthritis, macular degeneration, and other age-related degenerative conditions. |
Steven V. Joyal See book keywords and concepts |
Carnosine and Its Precursors
Carnosine is a molecule (dipeptide) composed of two amino acids, beta-alanine and histidine. Carnosine is valuable because it helps inhibit accelerated aging by interfering with glycation, thus protecting against glycation-induced damage and acting as an antioxidant to fight oxidative stress.
Evidence of carnosine's antiglycation abilities has been seen in several studies. In one recent example involving human cell cultures, carnosine protected against damage to kidney cells from high glucose levels. |
Dr. Jonathan Prousky, BPHE, BSc, ND, FRSH See book keywords and concepts |
This oligopeptide comprises the amino acids glycine, cysteine, glutamic acid, and aspartic acid. It has a multinuclear chromic assembly, in which the chromic centers are bridged by the anionic ligands, oxide, and/or hydroxide.12 This LMWCr compound is part of an insulin amplification system that regulates glucose homeostasis through a complex series of biochemical reactions occurring at the insulin receptor.1^14
In one double-blind crossover experimental design study, 8 female patients were given 200 meg of supplemental chromium (chromic chloride) for 3 months. |
John's wort, adrenal extract, constitutional homeopathic medicine, and amino acids, such a gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), inositol, and L-taurine. None of these natural approaches helped.
Just before he turned 29, the patient's anxiety worsened. Even though he did not notice any reduction in anxiety, he continued to take the following nutrients daily: 6 to 12 g of vitamin C; 800 IU of vitamin E; 50 mg of zinc; a B-complex containing 100 mg of each of the B vitamins; 1000 mg of calcium; and 400 mg of magnesium. |
Jeffrey M. Smith See book keywords and concepts |
The RNA fills the prescription by creating and assembling amino acids. The amino acids form the protein. But in some cases, before RNA fills the prescription for the protein, along come the spliceosomes (we'll call them code scramblers), a group of molecules that cut up the RNA, rearrange it and then reassemble it. Once reassembled (alternately spliced), the RNA now has an entirely new prescription resulting in the creation of an entirely new protein. |
Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., C.N.S. See book keywords and concepts |
DNA and RNA; vitamins A, Bi, B2, B6, and B12; niacin; pantothenic acid; folic acid; vitamins C, D, E, and K; choline; inositol; rutin and other bioflavonoids; calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc; ten types of enzymes; coenzymes; and many other nutritional factors. Bee pollen contains flavonoids that have significant antioxidant properties. According to Dr. Mark Stengler (whose top ten list appears on page 319), bee pollen also contains hard-to-get trace minerals such as silicon, molybdenum, boron, and sulfur. And it's one of the few nonmeat sources of vitamin B12. |
Mary-Ann Shearer See book keywords and concepts |
The pepsin then proceeds with the action of breaking the protein down into amino acids. Further digestion takes place in the small intestine to complete the process. The body can only absorb the protein once it is in this broken-down form.
If you were looking at a line graph representing the pH balance at the time of digestion, you would find that protein digests easier, faster, and more efficiently in a more acidic environment than starch. Protein prefers a pH level from three down, whereas starch prefers a pH level of four or higher. |
Dr. Jonathan Prousky, BPHE, BSc, ND, FRSH See book keywords and concepts |
In terms of nutrient dependencies, though, I will demonstrate that many causes of anxiety are probably the result of nutrient dependencies to vitamins, specifically vitamin B-3 (niacin or niacinamide), B-12 (cobalamin), and other B vitamins, as well as inositol, specific amino acids, minerals (calcium and magnesium), or omega-3 essential fatty acids.
Associated Cerebral Allergies
Foods and other substances have the capability of causing anxiety and other neuropsychiatric signs and symptoms. |
Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD, CCN See book keywords and concepts |
Unfortunately, extra heating damages the structure of the essential amino acids methionine and lysine and in extreme cases damages the total protein so much that it is hard to digest, assimilate and utilize by the body. When alkaline solutions are used—as they are by modern food manufacturers—to speed things up, the essential amino acid lysine is transformed into the toxic lysinoalanine. This contributes further to the already imbalanced amino acid profile of soybeans and adds a toxin into the mix.1920 Consequently, overcooking soybeans is nearly as big a problem as undercooking. |
David Wolfe See book keywords and concepts |
The protein structure consists of amino acids strung together like grapes on a vine.
Protein is important, yet not as important as is being overstated by official ivory-tower-sanctioned sources. Protein, of course, should be of the best plant type. And one should not confuse fat/oil with protein.
Very dense protein-dominant foods (animal muscle), whether raw or cooked, create obstructive residues inside the human body. Plant protein is of a higher and lighter vibration that metabolizes more cleanly. |
One should build up stores of natural amino acids (superfoods), chlorophyll (greens), sugars (fruit), and raw plant fats in the system for at least 6 months before undertaking a fast of two days or longer.
To begin fasting, try the no breakfast plan initially - no break-fasting. Then go one day and continue further.
Preferentially arrange to fast when the seasons change or on the full moon; these times are when the body cleanses the strongest. |